story leak is unimportant

spicoli420 said:
Man I hate A/C in automobiles!! It not only sucks the gas but is really bad for you. Say no to a/c, mmmmmmkay

Actually A/C technically doesnt suck gas, it uses some the engine power to run which means that yor going to have to floor it more to get the speed that you want because the AC is using some and therefore you are using more gas by appliying more gas :)
No, I loved Morrowind -- although I didn't do the main quest. The objectives were boring, and I got stuck somewhere. So for a while, I explored, did side-quests, and leveled up. Still a lot of fun, even though I never became the Nevarine.
Can't believe you, what made Half Lfie revulationarry at that time was the story, no shoot all in site stuff. The story is very important, I want to play HL2 for 2 reasons: The story and the new gameplay, I love Hl universe.
spicoli420 said:
Man I hate A/C in automobiles!! It not only sucks the gas but is really bad for you. Say no to a/c, mmmmmmkay

How is Air Con bad for your health?
Gunplay, people say it's included in the Counter-Strike:Source files. It's a script of dialogue for Half-Life 2.
Look, people have their own opinion of the importance of a story in a game, lets look at it like this say you have a car, with the best engine in the world, when a lot of people look at the car, they look at the outside first, that would be the chassy, like the story and the presentation, then people look at the engine, some people judge the car just on how it looks, others on how it preforms, and some both...

There, may be confusing, but yeah.
iamaelephant said:
How is Air Con bad for your health?

It's been known to cause extreme flaming genital warts that can rapidly spread toward the anus.
I think we're confusing gameplay and story..

Story of HL: Major research facility goes ape shit, aliens invade, gov tries to destroy base, player goes to the alien planet, fights the boss.

That story, frankly, is a piece of sh*t. Anyone can write that. It's really nothing special.

Gameplay of HL: The revolutionary AI, Gov troops attack alien+you, etcv.

Gameplay is what makes the game. DOom 3 had none, and got boring after 2 hrs. HL had plenty.

Stories do not make a great game.
That story, frankly, is a piece of sh*t. Anyone can write that. It's really nothing special.

HAHA! That's hilarious. I agree completely, even if you do find out that headcrabs are actually terrestial or that Alyx is a gay dude in drag, it's still going to be a fun game.
Actually i'm looking forward to the story just as much as the gameplay.
new half-life story

Part of what made the half-life story good was that it wasn't fed to you like in many RPGs. There was quite a bit more to the story in half-life, it just required thinking a bit more, rather than having some evil villian tell you his plot right before (or after) attempting to kill you. The story was delivered in a very realistic and fun fashion, which I loved.

Of course, in a FPS game, story, while important, is the icing (sp?) on the cake. It's good, and I'd want games to have it included, but to me, gameplay is much more important. Story is still important, just not that much.

But let's look at an example. If story does not matter at all to whether or not the game is good or not, then half-life should be equally fun regardless of the setting. So:

Gordon is an actor in a popular tv-show. During one episode of that show, Gordon, and his motley crew of crime fighting friends (scientists and security guards) must fight off the monsters of Wal-mart (because Wal-mart is evil, and has genetically-modified poodles, and other funny animals). While Wal-mart is trying to gain its monopoly by military force, Superstore (its rival) notices how thinly Wal-mart's forces are spread, and sends in its own monsters (animated furniture, as Superstore has been experimenting on giving souls to inanimate objects) to dispatch both Wal-mart's monsters, as well as anyone that witnessess Superstore's forces (because if you went public about Superstore's animated furniture, its stock would fall tremondously). Eventually, one of you're smarter crime-fighting friends (who happens to be a calculator) creates a trampoline, which will let you jump to the Wal-mart headquarters (which has low-gravity, for unexplained reasons). After battaling you're way through the Wal-mart headquarters, you finally get to the center, and fight the Wal-mart CEO's bodyguard: the giant duck-shaped Graham-cracker named Mary-Antoinette. After the fight, you talk to the CEO, and then realize that the CEO is actually a princess who was transformed into a CEO in a freak accident. You tell the CEO this, and he turns into the princess. The show ends here, and then the game ends as well. Now keep in mind that none of this ever actually happened, you were just acting on a tv-show.

Now this game could be done without making any changes to Half-life, except for graphics and script (I think the Anti-mass spectrometer room would be where you start filming, and everything up to then would be Gordon going travelling to the filming set).

However, I'm sure this game would suck ass.

EDIT: I laughed quite a bit while writing this.

EDIT2: Why is it assumed that only books and movies should have stories (or a less extreme, that RPGs are the only games that should have stories)? Videogames can just be another medium in which to deliver stories, but with an interactiveness not possible in books. The fact that many games don't have good stories or express any ideas is one of the things anti-videogame people use as fodder to try to censor games. If they don't express any ideas, you're not really censoring much. A strong story is great, and I love games that can pull it off.
spicoli420 said:
I have to agree with the first post. The story in HL2's case is not even close to being of importance to me. Frankly I think the first one was dull and I assume the second will follow in its footsteps. Who really buys games for the story?

People who buy games for the plot are the same type that would go out and purchase a book. And thats just plain weird.


on topic: Well since, in Half-life 2 you interact ALOT with Half-life 2 characters, and they are the most real character in a game EVER, the story DOES matter..imo that is.
Dragula22 said:
Gameplay is what makes the game. DOom 3 had none, and got boring after 2 hrs.

Arguably though, the same could be said for Doom 3's story as well. :imu:
Adrien C said:
Can't believe you, what made Half Lfie revulationarry at that time was the story, no shoot all in site stuff. The story is very important, I want to play HL2 for 2 reasons: The story and the new gameplay, I love Hl universe.

The story was not new. Some shit happens in some secret science labs and all Hell breaks loose. That is not original at all. The core mechanics of the gameplay also weren't new. You picked up guns, you ran around, you shot enemies, and then you eventually faced a few bosses.

What made Half-Life good was the presentation and great use of scripted sequences that made Black Mesa feel alive and real. It was the fact that you played all the way through it without a single "Next Level" loading screen. It was the fact that the game was always taking place through your eyes. It was the awesome AI that kept you on your toes. It was the creative sidestepping of your standard FPS gameplay, such as the way you had to fight the tentacles). It was the overall polish of the game that made it what it is.

Half-Life wasn't revolutionary because it created a brand-spanking new genre or story. It was revolutionary because it refined and optimized every FPS aspect and packed in an unprecedented amount of detail that had been unseen up until that point.

That's what made Half-Life so damn good.
Is there really anyway a game can be revolutionary anymore?
Sparta said:
Is there really anyway a game can be revolutionary anymore?

I could think of a number of ways, but we simply don't have the current technology implement such ideas. :)

The only kind of revolution we could probably be looking forward to in the next few years is some game, once again, setting the bar unbelievably high in terms of polish and finesse.
Virtual reality my friend. It will be here in the next few years. Mainstream. Talk about a revolution.
Absinthe said:
Graphics do not make a game.

On a similar note, story does not make a game.

If you have the best story ever, I won't give a crap if the the game mechanics themselves suck.

if u love stories so much u should read a book

gameplay is most important
Nono, Half-life 2 will almost be an interactive movie.

You don't want to know what happens in a movie before you watch is also, it's the same with hl2.
But if you know the story to a movie before you see it, it's still good (if it was a good movie). If I knew the lawyer got eaten in Jurassic Park, and I saw the movie after that, I still would have liked the movie.
You people pwn the universe. The HL2 story was leaked in the CS Beta. By the way PatPwnt, you have 666 posts. Coincidence, or are you Satan?
I think the story and charactor interaction are vital and will get more important as games and movies become the one and the same.I quit playing farcry and doomed3 because there was nothing to keep me interested,one gets bored just pressing fire,left,right,all the time and nothing else.An interesting story adds motivation to keep playing untill the end and makes the game experience truly superb imo.
mutt said:
if u love stories so much u should read a book

gameplay is most important
What if you want to play a game with a story? What if you want some interactiveness? What if you don't have the 15 hours to sit down and read? What if you don't want to spend 5 hours just to see if the books any good and worth reading?

God that is a condescending attitude. Gameplay is the most important, but story makes it believable.

People like it when books have good stories, so why can't we like it when games have it too? If story becomes non-important the second interactiveness is introduced, then all those interactive books must kick ass, but they really don't. In fact, they suck ass.
Is starwars less enjoyable once you know vader is lukes father? Yes, but its stilla great movie
Bongfarmer said:
Is starwars less enjoyable once you know vader is lukes father? Yes, but its stilla great movie
Star wars is less enjoyable knowing the prequel trilogies exist.

It's tainted a once great movie series.
Jesus Christ, stop arguing about this.


Stop arguing about opinion. Some people think the story is important, and some don't. Simple as that. Arguing about what makes a game good is just as retarded as arguing about the best color.
Um, dude, most debates are about opinions. (Abortion, death penalty, health care, politics, etc.). This is a discussion board, and people are discussing their opinions, and the reasons for them.
Though I'm extremely interested in HL2's story, I still want to play it just to play it and toy around with Source. Who wouldn't?
story important

maybe story is important maybe not depends on how well valve does their job. maybe for the past five years they have been sponging off the profits from original HL and have not been working on the sequel. Its very possible that would explain all the delays. and seriously what are the incentives for them to make a good company. successful companies dont always make good products. Look at Ford Motor Company. Also, what would make HL2 interesting would be to avoid Single Player completely and concentrate a CO-OP experience. I could imagine where multi-players could join in the game at any time and assist other players in defeating the AI. :afro:
Absinthe said:
HL2's strongest points were it's presentation, it's seamless transitioning, and it's good AI.

Thats some awesome psychic ability you got there.

i dont know what kind of crack the first poster was smoking but the story is important to any game if theres no story to engage me then why the **** am i playing it unless its an MP game?

Prince of Persia Sands of Time. Great Gameplay and Great Story to back it up. If there was no story and all i was doing was running around killing guys and doing flips and dodging traps i wouldnt have played it more than 10 minutes before i uninstalled it and took it to eb to trade it for store credit. Seriously i dont get it. how do you have a fun game if theres no story to drive it?
acme420 said:
i dont know what kind of crack the first poster was smoking but the story is important to any game if theres no story to engage me then why the **** am i playing it unless its an MP game?

Because it's fun? :| A story doesn't make or break a video game. For example, Serious Sam and Doom had minimal, rushed excuses for stories that had no direct relevance with the gameplay. But they were still fun. I doubt many even remembered there was a story in the first place when playing. True, an immersive envrionment and background story can aid the enjoyment, but it isn't the most important factor like you're making it uot to be.
acme420 said:
Seriously i dont get it. how do you have a fun game if theres no story to drive it?

And how can I be drawn into a good story if the gameplay is an irritating suckfest?

Painkiller, Serious Sam, and Doom are all games that had practically no story worth mentioning, yet were still a blast to play. Maybe this is some new kind of phenomenon to you, but games were not always story driven. Sometimes we just like to blow the crap out of a bunch of polygons called "bad guys".

I admit that story helps in some games. KOTOR wouldn't be as fun as it is if the story were asstastic. Max Payne's gritty noir style gave it a lot of appeal. But if I don't have any fun actually playing the game, then why should I bother with it? I want to have fun, don't I?

Story is not what defines a good game. It helps, but it's not absolutely necessary. Same with graphics. And audio. And all that crap. The gameplay itself should be able to stand on its own.