Strange Coincidences


Feb 3, 2005
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'Strange Coincidences'

A story of a mouse, an iguana, a beetle, 3 cats, 2 rabbits, a deer, and some ducks.

A few weeks ago, the power had gone out and my house was very quiet, and very dark. I laid there in my bed, trying to sleep through the boredom of no electricity in the night. I heard something, and continued hearing something.

I came out of my room with my flashlight, to find a mouse looking up at me. I looked at him, he looked at me.

A week later, I got some sticky traps that you bait with food so the mouse gets stuck on when he walks on.

I would be watching TV, and he would sneak under the small crack of my door, sneak around the parameter of my room, even run right past me only inches away, as I sat on my chair watching a movie. I saw him run right across the length of the sticky trap, and it didn't stop him. Maybe it was Jesus mouse, like walking on water.

Which makes all the more sense when you get to the end of the story.

I started to become annoyed with something running around my house.

Tonight I caught him.

I had bought a plastic box with a trap door that only swings one way. Called a Mice Cube, it looks like this:

It seemed the only humane thing for me to do, a guy who doesn't like to kill anything, but sometimes will if they are in my house annoying me, or threatening my safety or happiness.

So, I baited the Mice Cube trap by putting some peanut butter inside on a corner of paper towel.

I put it outside my door a couple days ago, but he wouldn't 'bite'. He didn't mess with it.

Tonight, he was trying all night to crack that thing like a safe.

Paying no attention to me just on the other side of the door sitting in my chair, he tried to get the peanut butter, only stopping to hide if I start to walk to the door.

I became frustrated because he was rather clever. He had somehow pulled the thing off the slight ledge at my doorway, to get the paper towel to slide down and had pulled it out of the trap door. Not quite sure how, but he was eating a piece of the peanut oil soaked paper towel when I opened the door, then he ran for it.

I'm making this story way too long, I'm sorry.

Anyhow, after a few hours, I noticed the annoying plastic safe-cracking sound was non stop for about 15 minutes, so I decided to make sure he hadn't flipped the thing or whatever. I was going to reposition it away from my door because the sound of him messing with it was annoying me.

I reached down to pick it up and he was inside. I was surprised.

I held the trap up to my juvenile iguana cage to see what my lizard thinks of him, and to show him what all that racket was about. My lizard just locked eyes with it for the entire time. The mouse seemed to feel safe after seeing that I had a pet in a large well-lit cage, and the mouse began just eating. The box is hardly bigger than he was, and a human was holding him 6 feet off the ground, and he was only trying to eat.

So, instead of putting the trap in the trash, like many people might do, I got my shoes on, grabbed a flashlight and a few peanuts, and put his trap inside a large plastic container with a lid, in case the trap spilled over in my car.

Two minutes later, I had gathered the stuff I was bringing and was going to head out the door, when I noticed a large beetle sitting there next to the mouse container. I was like, WTF, it actually looked like he was saying goodbye or something. Where did the bug come from so fast? The bug was walking like .0000000000001 miles per year. As slow as a slug, just a couple millimeters from the mouse in the middle of the carpet out of nowhere.

Anyway, I let the bug live, and took the mouse for a ride.

It's 4:20 AM, and it's pitch black outside.

I drove about a mile down the road, and pulled off to let him go. As soon as I pulled over, I noticed there was a Cat sitting just a few feet away. He stared at me like he had been expecting me.

I said, well **** that, mice are Cats favorite food probably, so I turned around and went to the next turn off.

There, I saw a deer by the turn I was going to take, so I went to the very next turn. That's where I saw a bunny rabbit. However, it didn't seem like a good place to let him go, since there were houses right there.

So, I turned around, and drove up the street to what would seem like another possible place to let the mouse go, then right in front of my car where I pulled in, another cat stared at me with it's young kitten sitting there waiting.

I said, OK, this is starting to freak me out.

I drove off again, thinking, if there is a god, he is trying to tell me something. I felt like I was in one of those disney movies, with birds on my shoulder chirping happily, and rodents prancing around my feet. I should have started singing were off to see the wizard or something.

At the next place I tried, there was another rabbit there, and he made a break for it. This time, I was actually just turning around, because I had changed my mind about where I was going to let him go.

So, I drove to a place I had passed the first time, because I was driving too fast to make the turn.

I turned in there, and pretty much expected to see some wildlife again. I did. At the place I pulled over and stopped the car, I got out and I could hear some ducks, making... duck noises.

I'm like OK, ducks are OK.

I let him out of his trap, and dropped a few peanuts there to get him started, and he walked away after looking up at me like - what? That's it? Not going to eat me?

So anyway, does anyone else find it a strange coincidence that I saw animals at every place I attempted to let the mouse go?

You guys have any strange stories like that?

Or stories where there are weird coincidences?

I get them all the time, for example, I'll be talking about something, and then a song or movie comes on that is talking about something I just was talking about. WEIRD.
Some years ago I went to a schooltrip to Poland (to visit the concentration camps among other things). We hired the bus of the local hockey team which just that year had won the championship for the second time ever. So a few days later, we're in Krakow, in a hotel when we hear some screams from the parking lot and look down. Parked next to our bus is another bus of the same make and model, but with the logo of another swedish hockey team, namely that hockey team that our team had beaten in the championship match like a week earlier. In Krakow, at the exact same time, at the exact same hotel. That, I thought was pretty sick.
WEREWOLVES are your only explanation.
Haha, cool!
I think those kind of weird coincidences are a message that there's more to life then meets the eye.
the mouse will come back

in the night


you*wakes up*:hmmmhhmm...wha?
zombified mouse: hi,remenber me?
you:what the...?
zombified mouse: you thought that ducks wouldnt be harmfull isnt? well execpt for the fact that a cougar was stalking the ducks, but prefered a piece of me,and that wasnt good
you: are dead?
zombified mouse:yes, and its your fault,now*pulls out claws*...want to feel sharped claws in you neck!?
you:*creepy scream*
my uncle invites me to go target shooting a scoped rifle at cans and random bits of refuse with some of his friends

later that day at a cousin's house, some people start watching the movie shooter

after that my mother in an attempt to dissaude me from going shooting out in the everglades tries to find a list of any fatal shooting related to that area, instead she accidentally pulls up a document concerning the shooting of JFK

for some strange reason the entire day revolved around rifles or sniping
Because the Beastmaster does not kill. He respects all life.
But they're not 200 DEAD kittens locked up in his basement.
That's better than 200 dead ducklings and 300 living night owls hopped up on pure PCP.