Strange Dream about HL2 (Interesting Read)


Aug 14, 2003
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Well I've debated with myself to post this strange, strange dream that I just had (I went to bed about 2:00 in the morning after watching half of the breakfast club on UPN, and just awoke at 6:30 this morning.)

Part of this wont make any sense unless you're me so I'll leave it out, it has nothing to do with HL2.

The other part was reaaaaally strange... relevance to HL2? Maybe, maybe not...

Okay, now as I have my early morning cigarette, let me try to recollect, as it's all not very clear to me anymore what happened:

I was middle aged, and I was very untrusting of my wife's faith (again you wouldnt understand if you werent me) anyways... I was on that shuttle bus, with the G-Man at the end... however it was different... it was real.

To describe the thought-provoking concept of the real g-man (im talking like... flesh and blood, not a game, you and me) would be impossible. Impossible to convey his stone dead eye's staring right through you, and his voice which made my whole body cringe in fear.

He offered me "the choice" but it was a tad different... there was someone else on that shuttle bus, standing aside the G-Man, however he was all darkened out as I could only see him with the corner of my eye- me focusing on the G-Man of course.

The dream then cut to a tv show where the host was talking about a creative way to kill someone, as this kid did her mother, and it cut to a videoclip of her getting a box in the mail then putting it on the fridge, later going to the fridge with her head right by it and her head exploding... strange I know.

It then cut back to the G-Man with his offer

The Offer

The offer this time was to either accept the job offer, or face a battle of which I could not win... but the battle I could not win, he also mentioned it being in france -- (he said something along the lines of, and yeah I know its pretty messed up, but he described france as being "Half of the head missing of europe" (I then saw a picture something like someone's head but like it took a magnum round to the side, hair in disarray)

Right before saying france, which was his last word that he gave his horridly scary look for and nearly screamed it, that black silhouette attacked me and I woke up (the kind of waking up that makes you think you're still dreaming kind of thing, because it was 6:30.)

So he offered me to take the job or go to france and fight a battle I surely could not win--

I know what you're thinking,

"But Mr. White, I took the time to read that and though it was messed up, what does it have to do with Half-Life 2?"

Well I'll tell you,

Maybe the dream meant that gordon didnt take the offer, and that he went to the battle he could not win but actually escaped, as it was in western europe (im not necesarily saying france) and now has to battle the forces of The Combine in Half-Life 2?

Far fetched, yeah.
Interesting, definatly.

So here's a toast to the "What If's" of Half-Life 2... what do you think about my little dream and my speculation on it?
strange dreams you have :D
But what about the monsters at the end of hl1 when you decline the offer ?
Originally posted by -Yo-
strange dreams you have :D
But what about the monsters at the end of hl1 when you decline the offer ?

I was thinking it could have just been a certain place in western europe or whatever and gordon could have ran away by dodging/hiding from the enemies

Originally posted by .5c0ut-WHoR3.
Haha sweet dream.

I think you insane though.

I think so too :cheese:
I can bearly remember my dreams, unless its one of dreams of you can make what happens. like im walking then ill decide to go swimming. (because i know im dreaming) though, i always wake up 5-20 minutes after i relise im dreaming.
I fell asleep after reading the first paragraph...:o

Sometimes dreams are interesting, and sometimes, as in this case, they are only interesting to the dreamer.

I don't think ur insane. Perhaps just bored out of your mind whilst waiting for HL2, but definately not insane.

Originally posted by zitbug
I fell asleep after reading the first paragraph...:o

Sometimes dreams are interesting, and sometimes, as in this case, they are only interesting to the dreamer.

I don't think ur insane. Perhaps just bored out of your mind whilst waiting for HL2, but definately not insane.


Well if you had read the end then that was my main focus -- the idea that what if gordon DIDNT accept the offer and thats why he's in HL2 (even though I know it isnt, but just a what if kind of thing)
That's an interesting subconscious you got there... Doing over-time on fathoming HL2's plot-line though:)
Don't agree with it though. But then I've never had a dream about HL2 as far as I can recollect.
But I WAS in a VW camper van with Tim de Laughter of the Polyphonic Spree last night...
Originally posted by el Chi
But I WAS in a VW camper van with Tim de Laughter of the Polyphonic Spree last night...

lol... dreams are weird
I never had dream for games, Only girls.

Mrwhite. Nice one. But next time remember to bring your crowbar.

when i realise im dreaming and dont wake up, my dreams get kinky!

I think you should stop thinking about HL, anyhow i had a dream awhile back where i was in a room full of ovens and i went to open one to find a collection of muttilated childs bodies, the dream went on for quite some time and basically got worse...

One day I'm going to have a phycotic episode, i can see it coming now, but em niether your dream or mine has **** all to do with HL2.
I dreamt last week i was in this department store in edinburgh (Jenners, if anyone knows it) and I was trapped and all I had was a manipulator gun. And I can remember thinking the physics looked cool.

I havn't said anything about this because people would say I was a saddo. But i think i'll join MrWhite in the looney bin...
Originally posted by MrWhite
Well I've debated with myself to post this strange, strange dream that I just had (I went to bed about 2:00 in the morning after watching half of the breakfast club on UPN, and just awoke at 6:30 this morning.)

Part of this wont make any sense unless you're me so I'll leave it out, it has nothing to do with HL2.

The other part was reaaaaally strange... relevance to HL2? Maybe, maybe not...

Okay, now as I have my early morning cigarette, let me try to recollect, as it's all not very clear to me anymore what happened:

I was middle aged, and I was very untrusting of my wife's faith (again you wouldnt understand if you werent me) anyways... I was on that shuttle bus, with the G-Man at the end... however it was different... it was real.

To describe the thought-provoking concept of the real g-man (im talking like... flesh and blood, not a game, you and me) would be impossible. Impossible to convey his stone dead eye's staring right through you, and his voice which made my whole body cringe in fear.

He offered me "the choice" but it was a tad different... there was someone else on that shuttle bus, standing aside the G-Man, however he was all darkened out as I could only see him with the corner of my eye- me focusing on the G-Man of course.

The dream then cut to a tv show where the host was talking about a creative way to kill someone, as this kid did her mother, and it cut to a videoclip of her getting a box in the mail then putting it on the fridge, later going to the fridge with her head right by it and her head exploding... strange I know.

It then cut back to the G-Man with his offer

The Offer

The offer this time was to either accept the job offer, or face a battle of which I could not win... but the battle I could not win, he also mentioned it being in france -- (he said something along the lines of, and yeah I know its pretty messed up, but he described france as being "Half of the head missing of europe" (I then saw a picture something like someone's head but like it took a magnum round to the side, hair in disarray)

Right before saying france, which was his last word that he gave his horridly scary look for and nearly screamed it, that black silhouette attacked me and I woke up (the kind of waking up that makes you think you're still dreaming kind of thing, because it was 6:30.)

So he offered me to take the job or go to france and fight a battle I surely could not win--

I know what you're thinking,

"But Mr. White, I took the time to read that and though it was messed up, what does it have to do with Half-Life 2?"

Well I'll tell you,

Maybe the dream meant that gordon didnt take the offer, and that he went to the battle he could not win but actually escaped, as it was in western europe (im not necesarily saying france) and now has to battle the forces of The Combine in Half-Life 2?

Far fetched, yeah.
Interesting, definatly.

So here's a toast to the "What If's" of Half-Life 2... what do you think about my little dream and my speculation on it?


I found those sequence names very interesting.
I had a dream that I was playing HL2. As dreams go I ended up in HL2. I worked my way into a factory complex which was full of rolls of fabric. I then spent ages feeling different fabrics amazed at how good the physic engine was and how real they all felt. Weird dream.
Sweet dreams are....., Travel the World......, Everybody is Looking for HL2 !

Anyone know this song ?
Originally posted by Irs2k3
Sweet dreams are....., Travel the World......, Everybody is Looking for HL2 !

Anyone know this song ?
Thanks a lot, now I got the song stuck in my head :flame:
i do think he has got a point here....what if Gordon didnt accept the offer...

hmm...i mean...hmm
Originally posted by Irs2k3
Sweet dreams are....., Travel the World......, Everybody is Looking for HL2 !

Anyone know this song ?

hmmmmmmm....... :rolling:

pssst.......I think he's gone mad :eek:
Originally posted by MrWhite
Well I've debated with myself to post this strange, strange dream that I just had (I went to bed about 2:00 in the morning after watching half of the breakfast club on UPN, and just awoke at 6:30 this morning.)

Part of this wont make any sense unless you're me so I'll leave it out, it has nothing to do with HL2.

The other part was reaaaaally strange... relevance to HL2? Maybe, maybe not...

Okay, now as I have my early morning cigarette, let me try to recollect, as it's all not very clear to me anymore what happened:

I was middle aged, and I was very untrusting of my wife's faith (again you wouldnt understand if you werent me) anyways... I was on that shuttle bus, with the G-Man at the end... however it was different... it was real.

To describe the thought-provoking concept of the real g-man (im talking like... flesh and blood, not a game, you and me) would be impossible. Impossible to convey his stone dead eye's staring right through you, and his voice which made my whole body cringe in fear.

He offered me "the choice" but it was a tad different... there was someone else on that shuttle bus, standing aside the G-Man, however he was all darkened out as I could only see him with the corner of my eye- me focusing on the G-Man of course.

The dream then cut to a tv show where the host was talking about a creative way to kill someone, as this kid did her mother, and it cut to a videoclip of her getting a box in the mail then putting it on the fridge, later going to the fridge with her head right by it and her head exploding... strange I know.

It then cut back to the G-Man with his offer

The Offer

The offer this time was to either accept the job offer, or face a battle of which I could not win... but the battle I could not win, he also mentioned it being in france -- (he said something along the lines of, and yeah I know its pretty messed up, but he described france as being "Half of the head missing of europe" (I then saw a picture something like someone's head but like it took a magnum round to the side, hair in disarray)

Right before saying france, which was his last word that he gave his horridly scary look for and nearly screamed it, that black silhouette attacked me and I woke up (the kind of waking up that makes you think you're still dreaming kind of thing, because it was 6:30.)

So he offered me to take the job or go to france and fight a battle I surely could not win--

I know what you're thinking,

"But Mr. White, I took the time to read that and though it was messed up, what does it have to do with Half-Life 2?"

Well I'll tell you,

Maybe the dream meant that gordon didnt take the offer, and that he went to the battle he could not win but actually escaped, as it was in western europe (im not necesarily saying france) and now has to battle the forces of The Combine in Half-Life 2?

Far fetched, yeah.
Interesting, definatly.

So here's a toast to the "What If's" of Half-Life 2... what do you think about my little dream and my speculation on it?

lol talk about a bad trip, man

drugs'r bad, kids
I had a dream too, twas HL 2 too, but looked like HL1 :o

I was in satan's lair, and I had to throw a rock into a tube, and when I scored, this hole in the floor opened and I had to steal all sorts of swords and treasure and stuff... weird.
UPN?! well theres your problem, that channel gives lots of people nightmares.
Originally posted by .5c0ut-WHoR3.
Haha sweet dream.

I think you insane though.

ROFL hahaha so true....but you missed out the part where he has GUTS to share it with all of us LMAO
Originally posted by MrWhite
The dream then cut to a tv show where the host was talking about a creative way to kill someone, as this kid did her mother, and it cut to a videoclip of her getting a box in the mail then putting it on the fridge, later going to the fridge with her head right by it and her head exploding... strange I know.
You need to stop watching David Lynch movies..... or start watching them....
Gordon DID accept the offer you tards, its been said already by the dev's...the little section of story we do have... says you accepted his offer, regardless of your fate in Half-life 1. Know your stuff before you talk.
Hehe, I dreamed of Half Life 2 last night too, how obsessed are we?

In mine, I was in this big circular room with a huge cathedral ceiling, and doors surrounding the outside. I think it kept switching from me actually playing the game, to me being inside the game. I'd go into the doors and there were all these different scenarios, some of them were medieval, some were futuristic, etc. Then somebody I work with came into this big room, and I told him we were inside a game, and we were both marvelling at how real the graphics were, heh.

Then it somehow switched to me being in somebody's kitchen, and the band Powderfinger was there, wearing bright blue pyjamas. That was weird.