Strange drips?

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First of all i just wanna say that the tunnels vid is awesome. Finally some evidence of bumpmapping and the the source's shader system. Beautiful! However i did notice something strange. If you look closely up at the pipes that run along the ceiling during the part with the manhacks there are these little white pixels that seem to be falling from the pipes. At first i though that it might be some cool little detail of dripping water from the pipes but they would be falling way to slow for that to be true. then i figued it might just be some sort of aliasing issue but there is really no polygon edge there. so it cant be that. Does anybody have any idea what this is?
well the game aint fully complete yet so it's probably just a small bug...or maybe it's some alien eggs or alien watever...

since i have a radeon 9700 on a crap LCD that only supports 1024 by 780, i'm a gonna get a new monitor to experience the best of this card and this game!!can u imagine the graphics at 1600 by 1200>!>!>?!?!?!?
Why do people call them Manhacks, I thought they where called Buzzsaws ?
where did u here buzzsaws from??well i've never heard it b4...manhacks is the name...
buzzsaw was used before on these forums (before we knew the name was man-hack)

anyway. those little white thingies do not only come from the pipes. if you look at the entry to the hallway where the other 3 man-hacks where coming from you see those white thingies also. I think its snow, or some sort
I actually prefer the name Buzzsaw to ManHack... Buzzsaw is more macho or something, like it's the name of a wrestler :afro:
I think both names suck. I think "pink-panty's" would have sounded better IMO
Originally posted by EVIL
if you look at the entry to the hallway where the other 3 man-hacks where coming from you see those white thingies also.

It was 4.
He's right actually, it was 4. One of them must have gotten caught behind, and the other 3 followed Gordon until he blocked them off with the gate.
The only white things falling I could see was the glass when the man hack flew thru the window.
I kept seeing three. Then I had seen the fourth. If you would like, I will post a little shot. I think I will right now.... (watches video :) )


Now, it looks all fuzzy, other movies sharper. Time to find that Dripping, maybe I can get a picture of that too... (watches video :) )

Bah, did not get it well, time to try again. (watches video :) )
drats. I could not get it. It almost looks like how water drops act on spider webs. And I did hear dripping.
hmm.. mussed have missed the 4th because of all the debree fleying around and sparks