Strange HDD behaviour with new PSU


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
Since that went a bit offtopic in my previous thread about unplugging the PSU cables, I thought it deserves a new thread.

Recently I installed a new PSU. Weird things started happening with the HDD.

Upon boot, I can't see the standard: mobo logo, system info, drives initialized etc. All I see is a black screen with a "_" in the upper-left corner for 20-30 seconds, then the normal WinXP loading screen. During the black screen I can hear single clicking noises coming out of the HDD every 0,5 second (sounds like an electrostatic noise, or the one you get when you light an electric lighter).

When I restart the PC (meaning it starts booting from a running state, not after being turned off) I see the mobo logo etc., but when it gets to the part where it detects the drives it pauses for about 20 seconds, detects them, proceeds to the black screen and 10-20 seconds later Windows starts loading.

I tried a few combinations, connected different cables, unplugged the DVD drive, tried booting with only one HDD at a time(unplugged the slave and booted, then unplugged the master, plugged the slave and tried again). It doesn't look like a HDD error then (or somehow both HDDs suddenly got screwed in the same way).

Can something be wrong with the cables then? After everything is loaded, things are fine. It's just the boot process that takes longer than usual and I'd like to know why.
Intel D845PESV mobo
Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
RADEON 9550 (250/400 OCed to: 425/552)
40GB Maxtor HDD (60E40L0)
160GB Seagate HDD (ST3160023A)
Have you tried running with only the primary IDE controller? There is an option in your BIOS to select only primary (hdds), only secondary (optical drives) or both. Try that.

Also, make sure the HDD is directly connected to the PSU.

I had exactly those symptoms too when my IDE cable broke (I figured that out after I bought new drives), except that it crashed at the windows loading screen.
yeah i think the problem is in BIOS maybe with your boot order, make sure it's going to the harddrive first...

this is going to sound wierd, but i remember once i moved a bunch of HD's and DVD-R drives around in my box and the system could see that each drive was connected, but some setting based on previouse settings made the BIOS go nuts. Try disconnecting EVERYTHING from your Mobo except Keyboard and power and resetting the BIOS.
Ah yes, thanks for mentioning the boot order. I've always had it [removable device->HDD->CD-ROM]. It's a good setting (only need to change to CD-ROM as first while installing winxp) - if there was no diskette in the drive it quickly continued and booted from HDD.

Now I haven't got my FDD connected as the cable is too short. The PC was trying to access the FDD for 20 seconds before it eventually gave up and proceeded. Haven't thought of that before.

Thanks :)