Strange, Isn't it

May 15, 2003
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I'm sure some of you don't care, but this is my thread about changing attitudes... a couple of years ago, so called 'geeks' would be shunned by the 'cool kids' and never even talk to girls etc. I hated this stereotype...

It still previals in some areas, but it's totally wrong. My friends all know I want to be a programmer, and that I run a mod, my female friends know too, and they think it's cool as well. Some of my friends are the more popular people, and yet, there is no stereotyping... even girlfriends of mine have thought it's cool to play and make games, and mess around with computers, if thats what I want to do, thats fine :)

I mean really, how could a guy who actually says '0wned' in everyday conversation do these kind of things if attitudes hadn't changed...

Geeks have truly begun to take over the world. Where I come from if you don't know how to use a computer or if you don't use the internet then you are going to be looked at funny by just about everyone including most of the hot girls around.

I love the age we are living in, and it will probably get even better. :cheers:
Your ok mrbadger but its when you get to saying l33t in everyday conversation is when you need to take a break. :)

Where Im from being a geek is a l33t status. :) Geeks get to be the cool guys :)
yeah i think lots of kids have now grown up with parents who are "geeks"

or at least they have friends whose parents are a bit geeky. that helps a lot on the way to making kids more tolerant of others.

i think my little brother's friends who aren't too geeky are totally supportive and/or don't care about what he does when he's not with them. i think it's great. i was a bit "shunned" i guess...but that had more to do with not drinking or smoking weed than being a bit geeky. that and not being good at sports :\

i'm athletic now, and i'm 6'4" 240...but i wasn't in high school so i didn't play football or anything...combine that with some geekiness and you're "shunned"

i didn't have trouble making friends...and i wasn't popular..

but who gives a shit about popularity? once you get to college or graduate high school you'll realize how little high school matters to your life.
Well...Do you say it with the 0? or a regular o? :p

I think attitudes are changing. Gaming is becominga lot more mainstream, grossing as much money as films. Not so long down the road, and it will be like Korea (i think its there any way) where gamers are practically worshiped.

Anyway, i suppose people might put me into the geek stereotype, but i wouldnt say i was proud of that. I just like doing the things i like and if someone wants to slap a label on me, fair enough, but (taking the metaphore further) it will just peal off when i move around and then they will see im not just a one dimensional character. Besides, its thier label and i couldnt care less what someone calls me because ultimately its just a relection on thier character. We always see our problems in others.

We are in the computer age now, i know people my age were born into the start of it, but now computers are part of everything. So many people at collage use them, with only a few die hards saying its geeky.
I have Aspergers syndrome, the biggest overbite this side of the Black Stump, snaggly teeth, uncontrollable hair, a crooked nose, spectacles and no dress sense... and yet I haven't been bullied since 1999. Weird.
Originally posted by thenerdguy
Your ok mrbadger but its when you get to saying l33t in everyday conversation is when you need to take a break. :)

Where Im from being a geek is a l33t status. :) Geeks get to be the cool guys :)

I'd worry more about someone who says "Ell-Oh-Ell" in everyday conversation instead of laughing.

And I find myself wanting to.
I remember when a firend of mine said lol...not ell oh ell, but just lol. There was a long pause while i stared at him, then i just burst out lauhing.
Thats nothing. When I was into Starsiege clan gaming I went by the name of terf herder. It got so bad that I would refer to myself in third person, and if anyone asked for my name i would tell then that it was terf herder and then I would think about it for a wile and then tell them my real name but most of the time would forget. :)
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
I remember when a firend of mine said lol...not ell oh ell, but just lol. There was a long pause while i stared at him, then i just burst out lauhing.

Yah, that's when you cross the line from being a geek to being a total asshole. You should have given him a slap.
i think bill gates said "be nice to the geeks in school because one day you'll end up working for one". very true i think.

probably part of the reason why being geeky isn't so bad is television. there are soooo many episodes of US kids tv programs where all the popular kids get the geeky kids to do their homework and the geeky kids never get the girl and so many other stereotypes (Saved By The Bell anyone?). so thank god so many of those programs are over and done with, but then of course there's this 'new age shit' that'll feck up the mind of today's youth...

EDIT: also, computers are becoming more and more important in education these days, so most kids have grown up working with computers, so it just seems natural that someone is proficient with a computer and likes working with them.

i'd agree with (FLS-EDIT:You spelt my name wrong :() Farrow about not having any labels. i do my geeky thing when playing games, i do my geeky thing when i'm designing, i do my geeky thing when i'm surfing the net...but i'm not geeky when i'm out getting drunk, i'm not geeky when in the gym, i'm not geeky when trying to pull a bird (although i do act like a twat on those occasions). geek is not a way of life it's one aspect of it.
Being into computers isn't geeky in our school, since just about everyone plays Runescape (Ugh) and uses MSN etc. You're a geek at my school if:

You're clever
You don't go to sports clubs

But no one really gets bullied about it. Bullying's never been a problem here
Originally posted by Dedalus

i'd agree with (FLS-EDIT:You spelt my name wrong :() Farrow about not having any labels. i do my geeky thing when playing games, i do my geeky thing when i'm designing, i do my geeky thing when i'm surfing the net...but i'm not geeky when i'm out getting drunk, i'm not geeky when in the gym, i'm not geeky when trying to pull a bird (although i do act like a twat on those occasions). geek is not a way of life it's one aspect of it.

Yeah, thats what I mean :P