Strange models from HL2


Oct 4, 2004
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Here are some pictures of the stranger creatures that are in the game. The 'bloke' on stilts is called a Stalker, the man wearing the combine soldiers trousers is on the autopsy table in the video.
The two pics at the bottom are of the crab-synth and the other 2 are of the mortor-synth.

I made this thread so that everyone can see them in greater detail as there aren't many pics of them about yet.

I remember the stalkers from inside the Citadel. Where are the crab/mortar synths seen in the game?
Holy crap, that white guy looks like this dude I know in school. He's in my CI 137 class.
What directory do you find the models in? I can't seem to find them in my PC at all......
AzzMan said:
What directory do you find the models in? I can't seem to find them in my PC at all......
They are in the GCF files. Use GCF Scape, the latest version.
I have the little Prima hint book so it shows a lot of creatures that werent even in the game. I was kinda upset that many creatures were left out.
Here is the picture that resien originally posted. I saved it before his hosting went down...


The most intriguing picture is the one I found of the "Super Soldier"

He looks totally bada$$ and prickly! :D Too bad we didn't encounter him in the game...:(

The armor reminds me of Strider skin. It has the same shine and "hairs".
The model of the combine soldier "innards", where in the game is it? and is that what the combine soldiers look like inside or is it like an experimental subject?
the guy with the combine trousers doesn't look like a stalker at all. i think that's what combines look inside their masks. besides, in the pic where it's showing the cross section of a combine's head, it shows those ear-like things above the ears.
I thought those skinny dudes were citizens that the combine were using as slaves or something. I believe all combine soldiers are robots (if you've ever seen the 'evolution' picture on the walls.)
In the map on the beach road where after clearing a force field by kicking the armored car off the cliff with the grav-gun there is a fairly large holding tank (as in fuel) on the left side of the road, you can pile some tires up where the fence comes to the cliff-side and get in. Behind the tank is a series of drawings of the evolution from ape to human, to combine soldier. I suspect that is the base storyline as it fits quite well with the lengthly speech heard over and over in Insertion at the beginning.
Theyre both modified humans, I just think that the ones who become soldiers are voluntary, while the stalkers seem to be more like a punishment for some reason (who in the hell would want to be one of those things?)
This is the pic of the evolution of man:

SwatZeR when you open up that model of the super soldier it is infact this model in the game:


They seem to have forgotten to change the picture though.
Something that i think everyone should realise is the fact that the combine advisor model has an "atack" animation! i dont know if it was origionally ment to be in the game and they scrapped it or what but why would a model that you see for 1 second in the game have an attack animation.

resien said:
Something that i think everyone should realise is the fact that the combine advisor model has an "atack" animation! i dont know if it was origionally ment to be in the game and they scrapped it or what but why would a model that you see for 1 second in the game have an attack animation.


HL3? ;)
Any chance they could be used for the models in an expansion pack?
scarecrow1 said:
The model of the combine soldier "innards", where in the game is it? and is that what the combine soldiers look like inside or is it like an experimental subject?

*Mild Spoilers*

Are you talking about the combine soldier with his upper torso naked? In Nova Prospekt, at one of the security viewing screens, if you keep changing channels, you ought to see the combine soldier. The initial video is that of a stalker I think. It's hard to miss.

Also, the 'evolution' drawing appears in another part of the game. When you're going through the toxic tunnel full of zombies to open the door for some resistance members (just before the big push towards the Citadel), on the wall, you'll come across one such drawing.