Strange or banned commercials


May 20, 2003
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OK people post link to where funny/strange/funny/messed up commercials.

Heres the one i found that so far to me is the most messed up commercial yet.

LOL thats good... "ive finished...." "ILL take care of that m8!!"
men holding each others cocks tbh
commercial ?! thats a comedy program that used to air in the UK. lol, thats the regular humour over here, :E
a very strange advert is the original ps2 advert made by david lynch....the one with the duck....i think it was only shown in europe
This is more of a request.

Do anyone here know where i can find a funny german vid? Goes something like this:

A family (think it is 2 parants and 2 kids) sits in a car. The dad turns on the radio and begins to tap along with the beat. Everyone in the car starts to dig along with the beat and then a guy starts singing "I wanna **** you in the ass! oh, yeah. I wanna **** you in the ass!" and the family smiles and begins to donce and sing along with it.

Its a ad about learning the english language :)
Majestic XII said:
This is more of a request.

Do anyone here know where i can find a funny german vid? Goes something like this:

A family (think it is 2 parants and 2 kids) sits in a car. The dad turns on the radio and begins to tap along with the beat. Everyone in the car starts to dig along with the beat and then a guy starts singing "I wanna **** you in the ass! oh, yeah. I wanna **** you in the ass!" and the family smiles and begins to donce and sing along with it.

Its a ad about learning the english language :)
It's on, somewhere.
Majestic XII said:
This is more of a request.

Do anyone here know where i can find a funny german vid? Goes something like this:

A family (think it is 2 parants and 2 kids) sits in a car. The dad turns on the radio and begins to tap along with the beat. Everyone in the car starts to dig along with the beat and then a guy starts singing "I wanna **** you in the ass! oh, yeah. I wanna **** you in the ass!" and the family smiles and begins to donce and sing along with it.

Its a ad about learning the english language :)

Oddly enough, I was about to post this.. :) You'll need to remove the space
Majestic XII said:
This is more of a request.

Do anyone here know where i can find a funny german vid? Goes something like this:

A family (think it is 2 parants and 2 kids) sits in a car. The dad turns on the radio and begins to tap along with the beat. Everyone in the car starts to dig along with the beat and then a guy starts singing "I wanna **** you in the ass! oh, yeah. I wanna **** you in the ass!" and the family smiles and begins to donce and sing along with it.

Its a ad about learning the english language :)
i thought that was dutch... anyways, you can also find it somewhere


just go through all the pages of videos(they have TONS of stuff from around the world... commercials, home vids etc... it's freakin great) that commercial is in there.
I saw this commercial today which i thought was a bit funny, it was about hair gel. and its just about this guy who puts the gell on his hair and it turns it rock hard for some reason. and at the end it says "your hair will stay hard, even if your not" :P. I think that just my twisted mind though
That 'f*ck you in the ass' commercial is dutch damnit, not german! :P

Here's a site with some Dutch insurance company commercials (in a period of 20 years), I think most of them are understandable. Start with the most recent one there (number 33)
Some of them are really hilarious :D (if the don't go buffering the first time you click them, try again)

There are some more recent ones, I'm trying to find those.

(sometimes the sound fails for some reason)
"Tarrant on TV" shows loads of Strange + Banned commercials, it's well worth watching/downloading... There was an American Special on the other day, too.

Seriously funny stuff :D
Hehe the first one is hilarious. The Evil Kia are good too. And the "Wanna learn English?" is great as well. Good stuff :E
Stupidvideos rock, hehe.. There's also a danish banned commercial about some chicks bathing and a nerd approaches them, they remove their bikini bottoms and laugh at him, then he grabs an underwater camera and takes pictures.. lol

There used to be a UK show with lots of banned and weirdl commercials.
I have some vid caps from some tv shows but I dont know if I can post them here.

(well they are skits not hole tv shows)