Strange school name?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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So I'm sitting at work, and we work primarily with schools here, and I keep hearing this big school *district maybe?* called kamehameha. So I'm scared to go there, since I'll probably get blasted to eternity.


You should run through the joint with a friend, screaming and punching the shit out of each other.

Pics are needed.
School: Kamehameha.
District: in the NEXT DIMENSIIIIION!
School: Kamehameha.
District: in the NEXT DIMENSIIIIION!

How many attend it?...

Wait for it...

Over... NINE THOUSAND!... probably not really alot for a school but, meh.
He was a king or some crap I think. There apparently is a statue of him in Hawaii somewhere. Just Google it. I can't be arsed.
How many attend it?...

Wait for it...

Over... NINE THOUSAND!... probably not really alot for a school but, meh.

Not .. alot .. for a primary school .. Mine had about 200 kids. Probably less
if you find a kid whit spiked hair and monkey tail RUN!
The roll at my primary school was never over about 150, and we went through to intermediate years. High school was 1500, and at the time that seemed like ALOT.
Our school gets renamed China Boys Penatentiary every year on muck-up day.
So I'm sitting at work, and we work primarily with schools here, and I keep hearing this big school *district maybe?* called kamehameha. So I'm scared to go there, since I'll probably get blasted to eternity.



It's a big chain of private schools down here, named after the line of kings. I believe there's at least one campus on every island.

They only let Hawaiian people in, and require a blood test for admission.

i go to kamehameha schools
it's a school for hawaiians in hawaii
founded by Bernice Pauahi Bishop in 1889
the school has about 5,400 students among 3 campuses, on o'ahu, maui, and the big island
the biggest campus, on o'ahu, has about 3,200 students
all these numbers include elementary, middle, and high school
the school also has preschool and other programs that about 10,000 students attend
and they don't require blood tests, they require birth certificates
i go to kamehameha school
it's a school for hawaiians in hawaii
founded by Bernice Pauahi Bishop in 1889
the school has about 5,400 students among 3 campuses, on o'ahu, maui, and the big island
the biggest campus, on o'ahu, has about 3,200 students
the school also has preschool and other programs that about 10,000 students attend
and they don't require blood tests, they require birth certificates

I hate Kamehameha kids.

Stuck up spoiled brats the great majority of them.

The rest are people who think that being Hawaiian makes them superior.

Although as with all things, there are a few nice people...

how can you say majority of us are spoiled brats, what do you know about the students that go there, it's not the ones that go to the school that think hawaiians are superior, it's majority of the ones that don't go to the school that think hawaiians are superior, up at our school, we have so many different races that being hawaiian is never really thought about, the only reason why race is discussed at our school is only when we hear about the court cases, but otherwise no one talks about hawaiians being superior, or any other race at that
I find it funny that he registered only to defend his university.

It must be that awesome.

it's not a university
i'll defend my school til the end
with all the controversy going on
and i'm a she
OK, OK, I'll leave you to your valiant defence. Sorry for mistaking it for a uni too, I haven't actually read the entire thread. :p
Sounds like a crap university.

Oh wait.
I find it funny that he registered only to defend his university.

It must be that awesome.

Damn. I was just going to make a post pointing that out, although with more sarcasm and mocking.
That's not very nice. Not very nice at all.
I hate Kamehameha kids.

Stuck up spoiled brats the great majority of them.

The rest are people who think that being Hawaiian makes them superior.

Although as with all things, there are a few nice people...

Show em what a mukonsuppo tastes like
Unfortunately for Miss Caks, I trust sinkoman more, since he's been around since December of 2004.
Haha, I find it funny how she signed up for this....

I just found it hilarious since I'm watching DBZ now, and that district kicks in...aahhhahaha.
how can you say majority of us are spoiled brats, what do you know about the students that go there, it's not the ones that go to the school that think hawaiians are superior, it's majority of the ones that don't go to the school that think hawaiians are superior, up at our school, we have so many different races that being hawaiian is never really thought about, the only reason why race is discussed at our school is only when we hear about the court cases, but otherwise no one talks about hawaiians being superior, or any other race at that

Well, I dislike the school mainly because the administration is damn stupid.

Hell, the policy that your entire school is based on is dumb. It's as if you're creating an elitist rich community within the school.

First, you require people be Hawaiian, then you charge OUTRAGEOUS sums of money for entry.

What is the point of that? If your school really is anywhere near as good as it is, then you should open it up to all walks of life, and attempt to further education within the state, rather than restrict it to a group of Hawaiians who are rich.

Believe me, i've met a shit-TONE of kids from Kamehameha who tout the same bullshit "Hawaiian Pride" counter culture. I mean, ffs, it's one thing to embrace your heritage and learn more about it, and then it's another to just buy shirts and stickers that say "homegrown, Hawaiian pride".

But I digress, as I am going off topic.

I'm sure that the topic of race never comes up within the school itself, but the majority of people i've met from Kamehameha are socially inept and irritating ****s who just stand behind their money whenever they can. And when they can't, they bitch and cry.

It's just an observation of personality really.

Really, i'm sure there are some of the nicest people in the world down at Kamehameha (and for all I know, you may be the most friendly and sociable person i've never chanced to meet), but from those I HAVE met, no thanks.


It's just plain ****ing stupid, on BOTH sides. On one side you have retarded ass white people who think that the school needs to let them in, and that the school is racially discriminating. It's a PRIVATE school people, one that, as far as I know, has accepted NO government funding, and therefore can discriminate against WHOEVER THE **** IT WANTS.

On the other side you have the high-and-mighty administration at Kamehameha just pushing all these people out. If it's really such a big issue that the school needs to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on the court case (which it has), an issue that is based on EDUCATION, then why not just LET THE PEOPLE IN? For heavens sake, you're a SCHOOL. Your goal is to TEACH KIDS. All that money spent on the court case could be spent on educating more children.

And in my opinion, to refuse education to somebody on the basis of RACE is just ludicrous. A school should be willing to help the entire community, not just a select sub community within its area.
hey hows is it in hawaii? beaches? sharks? volcanoes? sexy girls whit coconut brasiers?
kamehameha schools BLOW, I took a shit last night and it was a better school than kamehameha!


Honestly this is the first I've ever heard of these schools, they sound pretty lame-o.
First, you require people be Hawaiian, then you charge OUTRAGEOUS sums of money for entry.

...rather than restrict it to a group of Hawaiians who are rich.

Believe me, i've met a shit-TONE of kids from Kamehameha who tout the same bullshit "Hawaiian Pride" counter culture. I mean, ffs, it's one thing to embrace your heritage and learn more about it, and then it's another to just buy shirts and stickers that say "homegrown, Hawaiian pride".

But I digress, as I am going off topic.

I'm sure that the topic of race never comes up within the school itself, but the majority of people i've met from Kamehameha are socially inept and irritating ****s who just stand behind their money whenever they can. And when they can't, they bitch and cry.

It's just an observation of personality really.

Really, i'm sure there are some of the nicest people in the world down at Kamehameha (and for all I know, you may be the most friendly and sociable person i've never chanced to meet), but from those I HAVE met, no thanks.


...It's a PRIVATE school people, one that, as far as I know, has accepted NO government funding, and therefore can discriminate against WHOEVER THE **** IT WANTS...

...All that money spent on the court case could be spent on educating more children...

...And in my opinion, to refuse education to somebody on the basis of RACE is just ludicrous...

First, I'd like to say, yeah, you are right there are idiots at my school, just like any other school, people who think hawaiians are the best, but that's only a few and i'm sorry you only met those ones.

Second, the school does NOT charge outrageous tuition, it's the lowest in the state among private schools and majority of the students are not rich, there are even some who are forced to live on the beach, because there parents work two or three jobs and still can't afford the rent.

Third, I agree that the school could have spent the money on education, but I can't help what the administration did and why can't the school discriminate against someone because of race, scholarship programs do it a lot and do you see law suits against those trusts, NO.
Third, I agree that the school could have spent the money on education, but I can't help what the administration did and why can't the school discriminate against someone because of race, scholarship programs do it a lot and do you see law suits against those trusts, NO.

I hope you realize what you are saying...

I could see if you were doing something exclusive, like discriminating white people from an African Safari club, but when you exclude people from education, for absolutely NO reason?

It'd make sense if the school put the policy in after the overthrow, to give cheap education to those Hawaiians hurt by it, or if the school taught only in Hawaiian, but it doesn't...

I hope you can see the logic here...

the ten thousand are not part of the elementary, middle or high school
only 5200 students are in those. those ten thousand are part of supplementary programs.
the ten thousand are not part of the elementary, middle or high school
only 5200 students are in those. those ten thousand are part of supplementary programs.

It's an internet meme. See:

Aaaand on to the subject at hand.
Kamehameha is a privately funded school, getting their money from funds allocated by the Bishop Estate. Bishop stated in her will that her estate would be left to provide an education to the Hawaiian children, so I believe they have a right to segregate as they feel. It's a private institution, a fairly cheap one, too. I believe my school's tuition is nearly double that of Kamehameha's.
Kamehameha is a privately funded school, getting their money from funds allocated by the Bishop Estate. Bishop stated in her will that her estate would be left to provide an education to the Hawaiian children, so I believe they have a right to segregate as they feel. It's a private institution, a fairly cheap one, too. I believe my school's tuition is nearly double that of Kamehameha's.

I agree completely, but feel that the school has gotten its ideals mixed up.
I agree completely, but feel that the school has gotten its ideals mixed up.


First, you require people be Hawaiian, then you charge OUTRAGEOUS sums of money for entry.

What is the point of that? If your school really is anywhere near as good as it is, then you should open it up to all walks of life, and attempt to further education within the state, rather than restrict it to a group of Hawaiians who are rich.

Well, I agree that so long as they aren't accepting any public funds, they should be free to do whatever the hell they want, but that they need to decide what they're going to do with the admission policy, and not be so "mixed up" about it.

IMO, if they keep it to Hawaiians only, then i'd believe it natural to also make the school either dirt cheap, or free to attend. If you're trying to further the education of the Hawaiian community, then you'd ideally want NO restrictions on the Hawaiians entering.

If they instead are trying to create an exceptional educational institution, then they should just open the school to all. There's really no reason to restrict the school to anybody if that is the case (except I suppose for those who can support the school financially).

It seems to me like they really don't know what they're doing with that damn racial restriction atm.
Well, I agree that so long as they aren't accepting any public funds, they should be free to do whatever the hell they want, but that they need to decide what they're going to do with the admission policy, and not be so "mixed up" about it.

They aren't recieveing public funds. They're a private institution. Their money comes from the Bishop Estate and private donors.

IMO, if they keep it to Hawaiians only, then i'd believe it natural to also make the school either dirt cheap, or free to attend. If you're trying to further the education of the Hawaiian community, then you'd ideally want NO restrictions on the Hawaiians entering.

It seems if you are insinuating the majority of the Hawaiian community is poor. The cost of a child's education is enormous. Tuition only covers a small part of it. The schools pay the difference through donors, and in this case, the Estate. It's irrational to make it free, it wouldn't be able to sustain itself. Cheap, maybe. Keep in mind they also offer financial aid.

It seems to me like they really don't know what they're doing with that damn racial restriction atm.
I'll agree that the racial issue seems a bit sketchy these days, but it's died down. The last I've heard of the racial restrictions was with that blond kid with the mom who was adopted by Hawaiians.
They aren't recieveing public funds. They're a private institution. Their money comes from the Bishop Estate and private donors.

It seems if you are insinuating the majority of the Hawaiian community is poor. The cost of a child's education is enormous. Tuition only covers a small part of it. The schools pay the difference through donors, and in this case, the Estate. It's irrational to make it free, it wouldn't be able to sustain itself. Cheap, maybe. Keep in mind they also offer financial aid.

I'll agree that the racial issue seems a bit sketchy these days, but it's died down. The last I've heard of the racial restrictions was with that blond kid with the mom who was adopted by Hawaiians.

I can see how you can pull the insinuation from my argument, although I don't mean it at all.

By it, I meant that, if you're going to help to keep the Hawaiian people educated and burgeoning, you're going to need to appeal to the lowest leg of the Hawaiian community, which just like any other community (be it the Filipino or the White community), will be the poor.

The way I see it, is that you can't say "we're going to help keep the Hawaiian people educated", and then put a large money restriction right behind your racial restriction. I understand that they have financial support available, but the restriction on money is very imposing, and not all those who are poor are also smart enough to necessarily qualify for financial support.
I still lol'd because someone joined up purely to tell us about t3h school.
Kamehameha's tuition for high school is about $3,000, the lowest in the state, but tuition can get as low as $100 a year if your family qualifies, the school evaluates each student's family income and situation to determine how much the family can pay, so no family is included, sometimes the school gives the family money, so they can buy things that the student needs to attend, like uniforms, and supplies.
Caks, what the hell. Were you googling kamahemamanamanamamama and came across this thread or something? Seriously, get off it. Your school sucks and has a funny name. Jesus H. Christ on a stick, where do you people come from?