Strange school name?

What the hell did I do?

*lights up cigarette* continue.
Abolish private schooling and replace it with privateer schooling.
First, you require people be Hawaiian, then you charge OUTRAGEOUS sums of money for entry.

What is the point of that? If your school really is anywhere near as good as it is, then you should open it up to all walks of life

On one side you have retarded ass white people who think that the school needs to let them in



It's a Hawaiians only school atm...

What I meant by that is that yes, in my opinion the school should let them in on a morale point of view, but technically they don't have to let anybody in that they don't want to, and the white people that want to get in are retarded for assuming that keeping them out is against the law.
Caks, what the hell. Were you googling kamahemamanamanamamama and came across this thread or something? Seriously, get off it. Your school sucks and has a funny name. Jesus H. Christ on a stick, where do you people come from?

Was that really necessary?
there's a school by my house called: The Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church and School, or The SFXCCAS for short.

I just like the acronym.
there's a school by my house called: The Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church and School, or The SFXCCAS for short.

I just like the acronym.

That doesn't sound like any Kamehameha hate to me!