Strange Shadows



I just bought HL2 and while playing the single player i got to the part where barney takes of his combine mask and says that he ows you a beer. when he takes off the mask his face is covered in strange shadowy lines and its the same when DR. kliner shows up on the screen. before getting to that part everything looks great. my video card is a Radeon 9800 pro so if you have any suggestions i would love some help. thx
I think I've heard about this before, although I can't remember where. It's on this website though, so try a search.
Hmmmm i know that F5 takes the screen shot but where does it save it to? and for some reason its only their faces that are affected by the shadows, BUT on CS the counter terrorists whole bodys have the wierd shadow lines on them but only on the office map? Im thinking that it might have something to do with like non natural lighting in the game maybe? tell me if that sounds rediculous LoL. oh and one more thing i tried going to ATI's homepage to download recent drivers for my video card but the homepage is missing?! any info on any of this stuff would be mnost helpful and appreciated.
Screenshots are stored in:

-> Local Disk
-> Program Files
-> Valve
-> Steam
-> SteamApps
-> 'Your Account Name'
-> half-life 2
-> hl2
-> screenshots

You will then need to upload your image(s) using an image hosting site, like

Then, just copy and and paste one of the URLs it gives you.
ok thanks, im not at home right now but when i get home ill do that.
ok here is the screen nshot of my problem its not the barney part but it still happens on alex's face.


  • d1_trainstation_040000.jpg
    92.4 KB · Views: 139
DivineKnight said:
ok here is the screen nshot of my problem its not the barney part but it still happens on alex's face.

What are your specs?
I downloaded the catalyst drivers for my video card and now the problem is fixed!!!! now i can enjoy the rest of my halflife2 experience in all its glory lol. well thanks to all of you who helped, i owe you guys one lol.