Strangers scare me


Jul 21, 2006
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I've noticed that everyone I don't know scares the shit out of me and make me nervous. I've been putting off getting my oil changed in my car for like 1k+ miles and I finally decided to go in and for some reason I was nervous to go in and talk to the guy and I've been there a couple times before so I know what to expect. It then got really weird when I noticed my hair was ****ed up in the back so I took a comb I had in the car and started fixing it. :|

P.S. No I'm not gay.
Raziaar, I think xenophobia is more like fear of foreigners, not of people in general. I think this guy is either gay or has anxiety.
Raziaar, I think xenophobia is more like fear of foreigners, not of people in general. I think this guy is either gay or has anxiety.

Xenophobia fits very well with his fear... fear of strangers. It doesn't just mean fear of foreigners. Foreigners are strangers anyways.
Or a figment of your imagination.
Or a future buttbuddy, you know what I'm talking about, don't you Core.

I want you to do this:

Close your eyes, make sure your sat comfortably, and I just want you to imagine meeting a stranger; it can be from the past, or just an everyday situation. I want you to start perhaps just walking down the street/going to the shop/getting your car fixed. Notice how you feel before you encounter a stranger, you're just driving/walking/whatever along normally, then at what point do you start to feel how you do? I presume you start to feel anxious, maybe aggressive or maybe something else, that's for you to work out. But whats the first trigger that makes you feel this way?

Is it starting to realize that you might encounter someone you don't know? Hearing a stranger say 'Excuse me' in an unrecognizable voice? Perhaps seeing a stranger walking towards you?

What do you start to feel when this is triggered? Where do you feel this, how do your feelings change further on?

Describe the imaginary experience as detailed as possible, and tell me if you've had any disturbing or upsetting experiences with strangers in the past, you don't need to tell me what happened, just if that past experience exists.

Reply either here or via PM, after that I'll explain how to change these triggers and change your reactions and feelings when you see/hear/feel a stranger into something more positive.
Wait ... You have to go to a garage to have your oil changed?

What are you, some sort of woman?
xenophobia... haha I might be a carrier of that too.. but not as much as you though.

Just take a deep breath and go talk to a stranger..but make sure you've got something to talk about, like how much does this milk package cost and how fat will I become drinking two can's a day :D

Keep doing that until you feel comfy.. :D
Kill them all with a sniper rifle.

That'll briefly quench your insatiable fear.
A great way to introduce yourself is with a fake sneeze into your hand and then offering to shake and say your name. You have to do it with a straight face tho.