Street Fighter4 Play Responsibly Club (SF4PRC)


Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
I am part of a cool group: SF4 Play Responsibly Club (SF4PRC)

If you own SF4 and want to join please do so. We hold tournaments and first place winners will be awarded prizes. So if you are a good fighter lets see what you can do.
can you use the 360 controller with the PC version of SF4?
PC Version:
Controls are a much bigger deal - Street Fighter series and fighting games in general are designed to be played with a joystick. While it is theoretically possible to play using a keyboard, to really enjoy the game you need to invest in a proper stick. Okay, in theory a standard Xbox 360 gamepad works and it is probably the most common way people end up playing the PC version but if you are serious about playing Street Fighter IV, it is far from optimal. The reason? All those quarter circle, half circle and full circle inputs used in many combat moves that can be pulled off naturally only with a joystick. Keyboard just won't cut it and a thumbstick is just too imprecise.
I've got an arcade stick, so I'm good to go.

Great review article here (95/100)
You can use a 360 controller on the PC, yes. I would suggest a stick or at least a Mad Catz's Fightpad if you want to take the game half way serious.
Yeah, the 360 pad's weakest point is it's thumb pad. Not only that but 2 of your attack buttons will be shoulder buttons.

If that's not bad enough, there are probably moves that require you to press 3 buttons simultaneously, which can be a bitch to do accurately on a gamepad.

A home-made stick:
looks like my mad catz fightpad will work
but i already have the game for 360 :P
I got a Fightpad specially for the PC version. I was a little underwhelmed by it but it does the job, and probably better than any other pad I considered buying. It's nothing on my old Saturn or even Megadrive pads though.

BTW I joined.
Eyyyy, and that's the very pad I first Sodomized my friend with.