Strider Busters


Aug 22, 2006
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Right, I was watching the trailers for Ep2, and I noticed the strider busters looked more like combine technology, so I have to ask, did the combine make the? and if so, WHY would the combine need them now, I mean, the rebels have next to no large vehicles which would need an explosive in order to be destroyed?
Could you provide us with a screenshot or a video clip please mate.
Unfourtunately, not right now, later maybe, but this computer is actually a school computer, I was lucky to have found a loophole to this site, the actual URL for it is Unfortunately this computer has blocked :( but at a later date, possibly.
sorry, disregard this post. I accidently clicked 'quote' instead of edit.

There you go.
Yeah, it looks too combine to be human... but why would combine have them? Even if they had been used on planets before Earth, why are we only finding them now?
It looks fairly 'high-tech' but I don't think it's Combine.
I would have thought Valve would have given them a more rebel-made look. Also, those tiny spikes don't really look like enough to stick into and hold onto a strider. Maybe they're magnetic or something.
I don't know, like, the colour scheme and the strength, it seems too combine. I mean, I could see HOW it resembles a salvaged scanner, but I remember in the trailer, you find it near combine in a combine outpost (salvaged house) and they were racked like guns, and I just wonder WHERE they are made if by rebels...
I don't know, like, the colour scheme and the strength, it seems too combine. I mean, I could see HOW it resembles a salvaged scanner, but I remember in the trailer, you find it near combine in a combine outpost (salvaged house) and they were racked like guns, and I just wonder WHERE they are made if by rebels...

That wasn't a Combine oustpost it was simply an old barn.
If it is combine, why did they make it?

It serves no benefit to make a weapon that can easily defeat one of your most powerful offensive weapon systems, just seems a bit odd to me.
yeah, that's why I made this thread, because the weapon DOES look combine, but WHY (If they DID make it) would they need it?
Gotta be a part of another synth, like a dropship or something that they tore apart. Could be a power node that runs off the same power that activates the synths.
Of course it's made from Combine parts. The rebels don't have parts manufactories of their own, you know. You might as well wonder why they all look the same, if they're handmade.
Of course it's made from Combine parts. The rebels don't have parts manufactories of their own, you know. You might as well wonder why they all look the same, if they're handmade.

cause they were all made from the same thing with very little added is what im saying, just a power buffer or something from another synth.
It would make sense, but where'd they get the time to make it? AND what kind of explsive is it? I mean, they COULD have took power or something from a Synth, but how did they get it to trigger and how does it hold onto the strider? Too many questions I guess.
It would make sense, but where'd they get the time to make it? AND what kind of explsive is it? I mean, they COULD have took power or something from a Synth, but how did they get it to trigger and how does it hold onto the strider? Too many questions I guess.

It reacts with the synth's power supply. This keeps it on, and makes it more explosive the longer it stays on, as it absorbs more power.
Who cares. :p

Also bear in mind a Strider isn't a machine, it is part organic.
That's the other thing, do the Rebels have Organic Engineering in order to actually take apart and modify Synth technology? Even if the Scanners aren't combine, they would be rather high tech, so who's making these? Not all the rebels (if any) are from BMRF
Is it so hard for you to see that it's a magnetically charged IED crafted from several pieces of old pre-war tech and Combine power sources converted to draw power from Combine equipment?

It looks Combine precisely because it has to interface with Combine equipment.
Who cares. :p

Also bear in mind a Strider isn't a machine, it is part organic.

exactly it uses an odd chemical power device to power both components so maybe the buster is from something else that uses that same power unit and thus draws from it, reaching an explosive chemical reaction.
Is it so hard for you to see that it's a magnetically charged IED crafted from several pieces of old pre-war tech and Combine power sources converted to draw power from Combine equipment?

It looks Combine precisely because it has to interface with Combine equipment.

I agree, it looks like regular stamped steel with some sort of anti-combine equipment underneath the shell. Basically as you said a bomb made against combine tech.
This could either be salvaged parts from combine technology which the rebels put together to make this "bomb", or it's simply some kind of device that is implemented in some types of synths. Obviously the combine were not aware that it could be used againts the striders. Either way, they seem to attach themselves with some kind of energyfield.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
I agree, it looks like regular stamped steel with some sort of anti-combine equipment underneath the shell. Basically as you said a bomb made against combine tech.

It wouldnt be stamped steel because that would require precise factory processes, they are all identical and very Combine looking, obviously Combine. What pre-war tech? It isnt an explosive it has to be shot. It uses a Strider's power reserve so it must react with bizarre chemical power batteries that would operate such a thing. Being organic it would require something other than a battery as you see around this place, a chemical power battery for organic elements like ATP, or ETP(heh) to run its biological processes. A synth could be taken apart for such a device, all you do then is remove whatever safety devices limit its input of power and it would draw excessively from the Strider, reaching such a state that it causes a reaction and explodes. It is hardly a deadly weapon, shooting it without a gravity gun would be damn difficult, and you have to get very close to use it so not effective not hard to find and hard to use
I think it's plausible to say that Rebels might have occupied a factory somewhere far out. Seeing as it's an East European layout and rebels being far out (The barn) it could be plausible to say that they encountered a few old factories. That and wasn't there a factory looking building somewhere around the buggy ride?
If they did they would have made the Buster more like a rocket or something that could actually reach a Strider's main carapace to explode.

Think about it, it looks Combine which is not necessary, we would have just stuck two hubcaps together to hold it in. It is probably not magnetic, the Strider is organic and the weapons it carries are metal, you can see the contrast. This has to be Combine, it sticks to the power core through other means, not made by us.
I'd say it probably is magnetic, metal objects dont just stick together for a laugh.
Striders arent metal, you can see the contrast between their skin and their weapons, the weapons are metal. They are organic mostly and probably have a lightweight synthetic skin.

The objects can stick together without magnets if they are made by the same technology and designed to do so, like two energy objects, and you can see energy passing between the two as it transfers out, could easily hold them together.
How do you know there isnt a layer of metal below their 'skin,' which itself may containg relative amounts of metal.
How do you know there isnt a layer of metal below their 'skin,' which itself may containg relative amounts of metal.

That would make it very heavy and the legs are kind of spindly, more than likely it is just organic with polymers for protection.

The sparks could be bullet fragments, it is durable and takes rockets to damage.

Cmon you can see the energy holding them together.
the size and shape of its legs is irrelevant, they could easily bear the weight of the body, bearing in mind that the strider has a pretty small body aswell, the metal could be thin, it could be a composite, im afraid it would be wrong to presume metal = dead weight.

Also, polymers are plastic, i couldn't imagine the lego castle in my cupboard would stand up to bullets, let alone rockets.
the size and shape of its legs is irrelevant, they could easily bear the weight of the body, bearing in mind that the strider has a pretty small body aswell, the metal could be thin, it could be a composite, im afraid it would be wrong to presume metal = dead weight.

Also, polymers are plastic, i couldn't imagine the lego castle in my cupboard would stand up to bullets, let alone rockets.

Not really, they can be organic but they are stable and strong, the way the legs are arranged shows how unstable the thing can be

You should buy Combine legos but ill shoot you for trying
Im being quite sincere here, not having a go, but could you give me an example of a bulletproof polymer?