Strider Busters

What are the possibilities that they are using a Roller Mine?

No comments on that?
What are the possibilities that they are using a Roller Mine?

No comments on that?

I doubt any pieces were torn from a scanner, it probably uses a different power device than the synths. the rollermine thing may be a good idea for this
Well, just some random thoughts:

* The Combine would have technology to defeat their own weaponry if the potential for those weapons being used against them was a real possibility. Perhaps the Combine once faced rebellion or civil war? Without more information, such ideas are just pipe dreams.

* The red and white paint job doesn't seem to me to be very Combinesque. Don't they usually go for the matte black? ...However, the Elite soldiers have that white and red color scheme. Perhaps that particular color scheme indicates Extreme Measures of some sort - this might support the idea that the Strider Busters are to be used in the event of insurrection or enemy Synths.

* As to how the humans got a hold of these technological countermeasures? ... Well, in the post-HL2 confusion, the humans were able to tap into and take control of the Combine infrastructures for communication and transportation. Is such a leap to think that the humans got their hands on the technology?

At the time, I thought he was just talking about the portal technology - perhaps he was alluding to the fact that a selective response to the terror of the Striders had been discovered.

Still, an empire that creates countermeasures to their own weapons also probably has contingencies for the countermeasures... humanity struck a blow, but are things going to get worse before they get better?

As I said, some random speculation to keep in mind.

The Combine would not put those countermeasures in a device you have to attach they would be under the skin of the Strider and can probably be remote activated or whatever

Color scheme doesnt mean much, consider the Hazard Suit, bright orange, not big on coloring things to make them less noticeable

Wow, some one bumped this up O.o

It would be interesting if it WAS a roller mine (sorry, I juat can't drop it) but it might make sense seeing as:
1. Roller mines are attracted to enemies
2. If you'll remember (SPOILER) EP1, Alyx gives the roller mine a 'jolt' and it attacks a stalker.
Jolting the proper components of a roller mine, making it unstable and blowing up, add in some explosive contents, adny uo have a Strider Buster that (using either hooks or adhesive limbs or something) will latch onto an enemy (strider) and because of being unstable, will explode, thus giving off enough energy to also detonate the extra explosive contents (scanner parts maybe) and in turn, giving off more energy to destroy a Strider... make sense?
Uh... not really. From what we've heard in interviews and the like, Strider Busters drain the Strider's internal power supply, which to me means that they aren't explosive in themselves. If you watch the gameplay videos, the explosion when the player pistols a Strider isn't firy/electric as you'd expect a scanner/rollermine to be; it's organic, gooey, etc. I'm pretty sure the explosion is internal to the Strider itself; the Buster just facilitates it.
Probably the stuff that runs the Strider is the gooey substance it is organic so requires chemical reserves to mobilize it
Wow, some one bumped this up O.o

It would be interesting if it WAS a roller mine (sorry, I juat can't drop it) but it might make sense seeing as:
1. Roller mines are attracted to enemies
2. If you'll remember (SPOILER) EP1, Alyx gives the roller mine a 'jolt' and it attacks a stalker.
Jolting the proper components of a roller mine, making it unstable and blowing up, add in some explosive contents, adny uo have a Strider Buster that (using either hooks or adhesive limbs or something) will latch onto an enemy (strider) and because of being unstable, will explode, thus giving off enough energy to also detonate the extra explosive contents (scanner parts maybe) and in turn, giving off more energy to destroy a Strider... make sense?

Glad this thread is back up,:sniper:

1. This device targets a specific type of enemy

2. How is that a SPOILER?

Makes more sense it is part of another synth that reacts so violently, they are not hard to find around
So my theory about it being a pack of Combine energy balls doesn't hold up if the buster goes after the internal strider energy stuff, whatever it is?

Wonder what would happened if you tried to attach it to something else that Combinish, like hunters, or gunships, or dropships. Would it still be compatible, maybe a different effect?
So my theory about it being a pack of Combine energy balls doesn't hold up if the buster goes after the internal strider energy stuff, whatever it is?

Wonder what would happened if you tried to attach it to something else that Combinish, like hunters, or gunships, or dropships. Would it still be compatible, maybe a different effect?

That was my next theory, because the explosion looks like it was from one of those Combine Energy Balls. And the Strider Buster is about the same size.

And also, that's a good question. But I think that the organic composition is a bit different. Or it looks that way, the dropships and gunships look like fish, the hunters look more like frogs or something, and the Striders look a bit more like bugs, so my guess is that Striders use a different energy source than the hunters or gunships.
Well, only time will tell for sure, of course. Specifically, October time.
That was my next theory, because the explosion looks like it was from one of those Combine Energy Balls. And the Strider Buster is about the same size.

And also, that's a good question. But I think that the organic composition is a bit different. Or it looks that way, the dropships and gunships look like fish, the hunters look more like frogs or something, and the Striders look a bit more like bugs, so my guess is that Striders use a different energy source than the hunters or gunships.

The glowing things act different from the Strider B it is something that hasnt been seen by you yet because it is inside the Strider and it is not the same size

Striders probably require a larger energy battery than other creatures and looking at the Gunships they look like they came from the same goo as the Striders, you can see likenesses from those things