Strider Dropships?

UndercoverBob said:
i cant tell if he was trying to be sarcastic or trying to be..(checking to see if vegetas online)...ok or if hes just being stupid
What do I have to do with anything?
i just posted this link in another thread, but here it is again, right off the front page

i don't believe i've seen this version of the drop-ship before either - all kinds of cool stuf going on in this pic - notice the 3-person squad folowing gordon as noted at the bottom right...first screen i've seen with that as well...
It looks like some sort of bone or tissue is exposed at the striders joints, and if you were able to break any of these the strider would probably fall because it needs all 3 legs to balance.
Don't look at the strider on the ground. He's Deployed. That's not the one we're talking about. There... is... another... strider... LOL! (folded up and stuffed under the dropship)
Cheta said:
The simple fact that no other mag / site reported it and at the time they were only going on information that was available to everone. Pretty much sums it up.

Not that im adverse to seeing a head crab flapping about (ala the mushrooms from supermario)

Well, I was fairly certain that at that stage they were all being shown different parts of the game. Hence some reviews mentioning
those power armoured dudes
, and others making no mention of them at all.

vegeta897 said:
I agree, a flying headcrab does seem a bit out of place.

And plus, the headcrab would be used to the low gravity Xen, and not be able to fly in a different environment, Earth.

Well, things can adapt their muscles in ten years. And how do we know it doesn't fly around antigravitically like those controllers or those floaty things that never got used did?

Or, if the new breeds of crab were engineered by the Combine, how do you know they weren't designed for Earth's gravity?

It may be in there, or it may not, I just don't think we can say for sure yet.
Here's hoping
the combine guards are still in (heavy armour) they looked ace carrying the striders gun. Also i hope the cremator stays oh oh and the zombie assassin :E