Strider Fire.


Oct 23, 2004
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heh you know in the bink strider video? where the strider blows out that bridge/catwalk/tunnel with some sort of whatever the
F-ck?? what is the name of that move called? it sort of "bends" the area around him when he charges up. its wierd
It's cool. Don't know the name of the weapon though.
yes the effect if very cool.........sort of a "dimensional warp" as it charges up.......i want it :)
The Thing said:
It's cool. Don't know the name of the weapon though.

maybe its like an energy weapon? it draws in all the energy from the atoms in the air around him, and then shoots them out in a concentrated(spellcheck) beam?
seems to have the same effect as the I-Rifle, i think
i like the effect..
but why didn't they apply the "bend" effect on fire..
(fire = warm = bends air)
short recoil said:
the bink is called "striders" i think................yes the effect if very cool.........sort of a "dimensional warp" as it charges up.......i want it :)

I do remember in the "emails from gabe" thread that gabe or one of the other employees responded to someone who asked about vehicles, and he had said that they made the strider a vehicle for their own amusment. not gonna be that way in the final version for sure but maybe someone could mod it.
I remember reading somewhere how they made that effect... pretty cool

It's kind of similar to the "demon" effect in painkiller
aeroripper said:
I remember reading somewhere how they made that effect... pretty cool

It's kind of similar to the "demon" effect in painkiller

If u watch closely in the bink video right at the end, gordon gets shot with it, and i do believe it takes his health ALL the way down, if not.. then really low.
Are you thinking of a heat plume like off the back of a jet engine...?

If so, it's not the same thing. The strider effect appears to be drawing in the air / energy around the weapon like a vortex kind of thing, then the weapon fires.
:-( it looks like the effect was reduced/removed...

watch the 2004 bink, its barely noticable... (in 2003, it bent a LOT, in 2004, it doesnt bend at all/not enough to notice)
Spugmaster said:
If so, it's not the same thing. The strider effect appears to be drawing in the air / energy around the weapon like a vortex kind of thing, then the weapon fires.

scroll up to my post buddy, i said that.
She said:
i like the effect..
but why didn't they apply the "bend" effect on fire..
(fire = warm = bends air)

because she ... it doesnt add to the gameplay ...
I've heard it called the 'Zero Point Cannon' because of the way it used to warp the space arround the cannon barrel. That warpy effect was badass, I'm going to be slightly irritated if they deminished it. Someone will mod it right back in though, the effect is too badass not too.

Somewhere online you can find a java aplet that should you what soemthing would look like if you put it near a black hole, and it looks almost exactly like the old cannon firing animation.

Fire causes 'heat shimmer' a distortion of the air, it doesn't bend it like Obscene Gravitationa Forces would.
Ryjalon5k said:
scroll up to my post buddy, i said that.

yeah, but that just smacks of effort...

EDIT: Where is my helper-monkey when I need him...Mojo?
because she ... it doesnt add to the gameplay ...
so what? eh?
if they apply it to the strider.. then why not fire..
(not the same effect ofcourse, but bending)

HL2 is pumped with DX8-9 effects (water,glass ext ext exte etxtettetete)
it doesn't add to the gameplay.. but it looks nice.. and thats why valve added it in thefirst place yada ydada.. whatever.. :|
She said:
i like the effect..
but why didn't they apply the "bend" effect on fire..
(fire = warm = bends air)

I think you'll find that is in the final game (unless someone has confirmed otherwise?). I only say this because all of the next gen games have this effect, and I'm fairly sure it's not a whole lot harder to do that that extremely cool Strider "warp" effect.

Platinum, don't be a dolt. "It didn't add to the gameplay," what a cop out. How do high res textures add to the gameplay? How does light refraction/reflection add to gameplay? They don't, but it doesn't mean they shouldn't be there. This is meant to be a next generation, revolutionary game, and it should have these relatively rudimentary features.
Spugmaster said:
yeah, but that just smacks of effort...

EDIT: Where is my helper-monkey when I need him...Mojo?

haha im lmfao, good 1.

:cheers: cheers to you buddy
If the effect was caused by extreme gravitational pull (enough to pull light in) then the weapon would destroy itself, the strider and a massive area around......thats being realistic of course. but we all know wasp firing guns and teleporters do not exist in real life.
short recoil said:
If the effect was caused by extreme gravitational pull (enough to pull light in) then the weapon would destroy itself, the strider and a massive area around......thats being realistic of course. but we all know wasp firing guns and teleporters do not exist in real life.

maybe it was just an air/spud cannon and he didnt have any potatoes left??????

btw Blue shift SUCKS ASS, it was So hard.
I think it's more like a contained gravitational weapon. Possibly with an outer shell of gravitons.
The Thing said:
I think it's more like a contained gravitational weapon. Possibly with an outer shell of gravitons.

naw i think its a potatoe gun
The Thing said:'s more like a shirt gun. Those things can kill. :O

lmao. hear about that girl that got hit in the eye with a pepper ball gun? its actually a paintball gun, but with paintballs filled with pepper spray, poor girl got killed when it hit her in the eye.

(this was in boston a few days/weeks ago.)
I've seen this before outside of my wife's brown eye
Sickmind said:
I've seen this before outside of my wife's brown eye

omg its sickmind .. he hasnt posted in forever ... sup man
Remember you have no evidence of what it is, but I have a powerful theory, and it is VERY logical, it is:

A very concentrated sneeze. ;)
Nikola Tesla powers a car by battery in 1931 for 6 months.

Theory is that he somehow tapped into the earth's gravitaional field. It is said that all he did was go and buy some resistors/capacitors, and vacuum tubes....yet somehow he powered the car with a box. Also mentioned is 2 poles. They are believed to be antenna's...and possibly how he got the power. It is believed that the earth's magnetic filed is in specific wavelengths, and that somehow , with his circuit, he "tuned" into the frequncy to power the car.


There are rumor's that tesla invented a "ray gun"...and during WWII, apparantly there were one or two in existence(gun disrupted the molecualr bond or something)

Tesla also built a giant "tower of power"...


given the scientific references in all of the HL games, you can take this as you will.
I liked the way that the Red Alert games had all those Tesla references in them. That guy was a head of his time. Most people tinkering with his technologies today still don't properly understand them.

The ray gun was quite possibly a coupling of an electromagnetic fresnal lense and one of his tesla coils, capable of producing a directed beam of electricity, without the interference of the Earth's magnetic field.

Heh, I even heard a theory once that he was responsible for the Tunguska event (his raygun blew up hundreds of miles of Siberian forest). Wasn't Tunguska way before Tesla got really serious, though?
I'm not too sure...but i have heard the reference as well.

he was forced out of new your by ridicule by the media...but that's up to speculation as well.

funny ...tesla was DC...edision was AC....what do computers run on?

And wasn't Tesla AC and Edison DC? Isn't that the way his generators and stuff worked? Extremely high-frequency AC?
Ryjalon5k said:
heh you know in the bink strider video? where the strider blows out that bridge/catwalk/tunnel with some sort of whatever the
F-ck?? what is the name of that move called? it sort of "bends" the area around him when he charges up. its wierd

Several names that you can choose from

Dimensional Cannon
Warp Cannon
Rift Cannon
Space-Time disintergrator
Gauss Gun MK150,000 :O
Brian Damage said:

And wasn't Tesla AC and Edison DC? Isn't that the way his generators and stuff worked? Extremely high-frequency AC?

lo yeah you are right...typos...
... and make people go crazy, disintegrate, or sometimes just fade out of existence...
stuff like magnetism, light, gravity and heat is 'apparently' caused because of Quarks [little 2D things that make up everything], so, using this theory and extending it from what has allready been theorised, then the strider ray gun thing, COULD be a mass flow of quarks into a small area, caused by some kind of energy source, then polarising[is that when something switches to the opposite?] and forcing the quarks into a focussed [typo] beam and disrupting the other quarks in their path causing a nock on effect de-stabilising the matter in its path?

I have seen it in a movie called StarGate ? nah it was called (I forgot);(

anyway, it was an Anti-matter weapon
Tesla pretty much created AC power. He designed the generators that were used at Niagra Falls among many other things. Such as radio. Yes, that's right, Marconi was not first. Read about the man. Amazing stuff.
Gorgon said:
I have seen it in a movie called StarGate ? nah it was called (I forgot);(

anyway, it was an Anti-matter weapon

You're not thinking of Independance Day, are you? That was a "Plasma Bomb", apparently...