Strider Fire.

RacingGun said:
Sorry, that's just wrong... you can create matter from energy, this is what particle accelerators and "atom smashing" is all about. There is no conservation of mass, only conservation of energy... Einstein anyone?

Take 2 particles... make them go REALLY fast (ie, something relatively close to the speed of light), smashy them together, and you can get a 3rd particle that is heavier than the original 2 combined.

Well spotted that man! I love it when someone is shown to be wrong. Excellent!
RacingGun said:
You aren't getting it... mass and energy are no longer 2 separate entities with 2 separate conservation laws. E=mc^2 anyone? Basically for ANY object, you can calculate the equivalent energy that it would create if you could somehow convert all the mass into pure energy. So really, you now have you combine conservation of mass and conservation of energy into one conversation law because you can turn mass into energy and visa versa.

Go take a class on special relativity if you don't believe me.

i believe you!.... well actually i already know what you're saying....
cadaveca said:
That's not creating matter..that is modifying the existing matter.

Incorrect. Having a greater mass after the event shows that the matter has been created. The lines between energy and matter are very blurred, and from what I gather they are just different models for the same thing in different states. Energy can be converted to matter, and vice-versa, and under certain circumstance can act as if it has mass itself.

cadaveca said:
by the loss of molecular bonds, and if it is wavelength based, possibly by lower atomic weight after the weapon blast...wavelength disintergration woul be slithgtly slow, as the molecules harmonate, and the reverberate, amplify, and explode.

Okay, understood. You are saying sensible sorts of things, so we will nod politely and let the conversation move on. So as this is all happening, how does is cause the mass to seemingly defy gravity?

cadaveca said:
That the blackhole idea cannot work...infinitisimals are generalizations, like my quote says; they are merely placeholders.

Agreed. However, the use of the word in the context of black holes is purely to indicate that the volume it so small that we could not measure it, and it's so small that you can assume a value for density so large you can assume it to be infinite for purposes of calculations.

cadaveca said:
And infinitisemal is a number greater than zero, but less that a positive number...and hence an unending's how scientist explain something that they cannot complete, IMHO.

I don't think you understand it, but let's not let that get in the way of a great discussion. Let's move on.

The point that was being made, from what I remember, is that the gun/cannon creates a singularity. Singularities do exist, and have been predicted and seen a number of times. So I am left being unsure what you are arguing against.

That fact that a singularity being created anywhere close to... anything... would cause that anything to get 'sucked into' the singularity would be more of a problem to the theory than say, the wrong usage of the word infinitesimal.

cadaveca said:
i said earlier that the type of energy was unknown, becasue i know that it would not be heat, or than would kinda be an incendiary gun, i guess, and light would reflect, however, radiation in the form of microwave, with short bursts should do it.

If I didn't know better, I'd say you knew what you talking about. Do you know the frequency of electrons in their different orbits? A microwave isn't anywhere close... either that of my jacket potatoes in the microwave oven are very tough (just like me).
Gorgon said:
Nah, I just forgot now, its a sci-fi movie.

The guy fired the weapon and all the surrounding space around the gun start to be pulled in a similar way to the strider gun effect.

I remember they called it anti-matter weapon in that movie. :thumbs:

I dont exactly know what movie you are refering to but in MINORITY REPORT a cop has weapon that do a similar effect (but not fire anything) is like an impulse.
cadaveca said:
the matter is still there, but in particles that cannot be currently measured, or maybe they can. quarks, maybe? you can't make something from nothing, just like you cannot turn lead to gold.
this is where the infinitisemals come into play...we know that the matter still exists...but it's form is, well, to me, unknown. positon and electrons are opposite could simply say taht the lost particles were emitted, like radiation. It's your point here, that has lead to the "discovery" of smaller particles other than neutron, protons, and electrons.

The bolded sections above show you do not know what you are talking about. I don't understand why you think you can make an argument on this subject when you obviously have fundamental gaps in your knowledge.

In his example he is saying the resulting mass is greater than, not less that, the sum of the two previous masses. The reason there is greater mass is because energy has been 'turned into' mass. This seems a strange concept, but is true. Energy and mass are in fact just two effects of the same entity. In some circumstance energy behaves like energy, and sometimes it behaves like mass. You obviously missed this lesson. Maybe it's you that needs to go back to school.

Maybe this link will put an end to the confusion for you
Hectic Glenn said:
Perhaps theres no science behind all this. My basic GCSE physics seems to be no match for you guys. Perhaps valve just created a kind of energy gun that just vapourises its victims. In my life i havent come across a weapon that does this in real life, so i have to assume its purely fictional therefore there is no scientific solution. You can debate your physics knowledge between you fair doo's, i can't see a solution though!

The most sensible post so far. Let fiction be fiction, I have peace!
when things are constantly moving, we cannot really say what they are doing at any given second....we can predict what has happened by taking two pictures, and interpolating...
anyway, i did not mean microwaves, as in a microwave oven. You know what I mean. Multiple bursts might make it...Ella Fitzgerald breaking glass?

anyway, i'ma psychology major, not physics..everything here is just guesses on what I have read, and my own correlations....probably why there are holes in my is just a theory, after all. I still don't see how energy can be turned into matter...actually, no, i do understand, but am being stubborn. If it was truly possible, we'd have teleporters.

I appreciate your input on my theory, but you're getting close to flaming....but remember that it's only an idea of what a weapon on in a game might be...not based on i said, everything in Valve games have some sort of tie to science...just trying to give it one. The whole "I'm smarter than you" thing is a little childish.
Yogibbear said:
Um... yeah it is "said" by some people but those people are very old and stupid......

the theory of relativity does hold and doesn't break down at extremely small levels... it's just that people in the past can't undertsand the theory of relativity that it didn't work... and anyway the theory of relativity was made to try to make a link between the really big and the really small.....(in terms of space/light etc...)

Go ahead flame me..... maybe they'll reveal something in one of those hl2 makings of books so we can all stop arguing.......


[edit:] i like hectic glen

If when you say 'flame', you in fact mean praise you for being correct, then consider this flame.

I am pleased to see that knowledge of this level of physics is not as uncommon as it was looking.
cadaveca said:
anyway, i did not mean microwaves, as in a microwave oven. You know what I mean.

LMAO what kind of microwaves did you mean then? The microwaves which aren't microwaves?

cadaveca said:
Multiple bursts might make it...Ella Fitzgerald breaking glass?

Resonance... yes. When you say microwave, I think you might mean an electromagnetic wave.

cadaveca said:
anyway, i'ma psychology major, not physics..everything here is just guesses on what I have read, and my own correlations....probably why there are holes in my is just a theory, after all.

Then why are you arguing as if you know, when you don't.

cadaveca said:
I still don't see how energy can be turned into matter...actually, no, i do understand, but am being stubborn. If it was truly possible, we'd have teleporters.

We wouldn't have teleporters... because we don't. Simple as that. Although energy and mass are considered one and the same thing (ish), this doesn't mean it's possible to convert between them at will.

cadaveca said:
I appreciate your input on my theory, but you're getting close to flaming....but remember that it's only an idea of what a weapon on in a game might be...not based on i said, everything in Valve games have some sort of tie to science...just trying to give it one.

We were talking about a theory for a computer game?! I thought this was a physics forum.

I'm not flaming you... I just can't resist correcting someone who is speaking as if they know what they are talking about. If you'd started... "I'm know little of physics... but what do you think of this", then you would probably not have heard from me,
JBrown03 said:
LMAO what kind of microwaves did you mean then? The microwaves which aren't microwaves?

Yes, you answered your question. i am thinking in terms of Hz...
Resonance... yes. When you say microwave, I think you might mean an electromagnetic wave.

We wouldn't have teleporters... because we don't. Simple as that. Although energy and mass are considered one and the same thing (ish), this doesn't mean it's possible to convert between them at will.
so now you agree with me. funny,

Originally Posted by cadaveca
no not a has specific forms...go back to school bud.

How ironic!

I'm not flaming you... I just can't resist correcting someone who is speaking as if they know what they are talking about. If you'd started... "I'm know little of physics... but what do you think of this", then you would probably not have heard from me,

anyway, a long time ago, i bolded "i think", so, your last bit does not make sense..i already stated it as have enough brains to read between the lines. More adolescent "i know more than you". Tsk Tsk.
cadaveca said:
so now you agree with me. funny,

If you think that, you have misunderstood something.

cadaveca said:
anyway, a long time ago, i bolded "i think", so, your last bit does not make sense..i already stated it as have enough brains to read between the lines.

You have made many statements which you give as fact rather than theory. One 'I think' in one post does not cover them all.

cadaveca said:
More adolescent "i know more than you". Tsk Tsk.

A cheap shot, I'd thought better of you. :p I have no desire to prove I know more than you. Just to show the 'facts' that you are giving are, in fact, false. Just because someone corrects you, doesn't mean they are trying to show they know more than you.
All of you physics nerds are whining at each other as if you're the smartest guy on the forum, yet none of you can even use correct spelling an punctuation. It's clearly obvious that JBrown03 knows a shit load more about this than cadaveca, but I still think you're both morons. It's a game. It doesn't need to be based on fact.
dunno. its awsome though

ive been calling it the dimensiony gun
just cause it kind is like a dimension warp thing
Not read all posts but what possible reason besides crashing the game could be valid to remove such a nice/cool effect?
You might have to play in high settings to see it but I see no reason what they would cut something like that right now.
JBrown, i simply said , in the beginning, that it could not be a singularity cannon, as there is not one in existence. Telsa developed a "ray gun", that was rumoured to have disintergrated people. Becasue of alot of his work involved tapping into the earth's magnetic field to draw the energy, you would think it possible that the effects of the ray would make people "float off", as they do in the E3 demo...the BINK trailer shows YOU getting blasted, and "floating", but just before that, in the E3 demo, they show other people doing the same thing...turning into bright light, and "floating away"....

You already said, a few posts back, that IT MUST be a singularity cannon, but i disagree. You tout your physics knowledge, but in the end, end up saying that it is not something we can do at will. Based on what I have read of Tesla, we CAN make a "ray gun"....and i think that my idea has a little more grounding then yours.

What really gets me, is that all this stuff is just off the top of my head. Like i said, i am not into all...trying to prove me why? Does it make you feel bigger? It must, because you keep doing it.

I'm just doing what i always do, argue a side. Like you have said, I can back some of it up with facts. But it's my own theory. Not someone else's "scientific theory of quantum physics". I'm making shit up...I said at the beginning "i think"...i don't need to put that it every post...I never proclaimed to be right...just further explaining my theory. I'm not to sure what makes you think you have to prove my theory wrong, except adolescent "I'm smarter than you" fact, it seems you just can't help yourself...
Look, cadaveca the only reason why jbrown03 keeps pulling what you're saying apart is that it has nothing to do with what we are talking about... yes yes yes i can talk about tesla and blah about this and that and use big words like interpolate two points and quarks and teleporters and so fourth, and then say that you are wrong... but that doesn't really make any all those things have very little to do with the weapon we are talking about...(in terms of how it works)--(and yes i know you'll say "but they do".....)

I know you were trying to help.....but all you've really done is made a whole lot of tangents to other parts of physics.....

I think one part that everyone else seems to be agreeing on is that the weapon has something to do with a really large mass creating a really large gravitational field...... and then from there whether you take a black hole sort of look at it...or you take the whole energy/mass argument.. or a combination of the two.... well that's were the question really lies....
You all seem to be forgetting this is a game and the Strider weapons Don't have to make any sense in rational theory.

Valve probably did use something feasible for the idea of the strider gun. However the effect applied to the gun could be anything.
cadaveca said:
JBrown, i simply said , in the beginning, that it could not be a singularity cannon, as there is not one in existence.

There are also no Striders in existence numb nuts. Your theory sucks.
Guys, please stop or take it to PMs.. You're breaking out a giant dispute which is slowly stepping into flames over a single effect. Why do we need to know what's that? It's just an effect, period.
iamaelephant said:
All of you physics nerds are whining at each other as if you're the smartest guy on the forum, yet none of you can even use correct spelling an punctuation. It's clearly obvious that JBrown03 knows a shit load more about this than cadaveca, but I still think you're both morons. It's a game. It doesn't need to be based on fact.

Well said. Probably one of the more intelligent posts in this thread to far.

Although this could be read as sarcasm, I don't mean it to be.
cadaveca said:
You already said, a few posts back, that IT MUST be a singularity cannon, but i disagree. You tout your physics knowledge, but in the end, end up saying that it is not something we can do at will. Based on what I have read of Tesla, we CAN make a "ray gun"....and i think that my idea has a little more grounding then yours.

I have never said it must be anything. In fact, I have not said what I think it is at all.

cadaveca said:
What really gets me, is that all this stuff is just off the top of my head. Like i said, i am not into all...trying to prove me why? Does it make you feel bigger? It must, because you keep doing it.

A number of people have posted commenting on your theories. And I believe there are two reasons why.

1) This is a conversation, and that's what happens in conversations.
2) You are saying what you think as if it were fact. People are just correcting that.

I have no desire to feel bigger. I'm just arguing a side, as you say you are below. I am sorry if you feel harassed, that was not my intension. However, if someone says something which I think or know to be wrong, and I am bothered enough, I will comment.

cadaveca said:
I'm just doing what i always do, argue a side. Like you have said, I can back some of it up with facts. But it's my own theory. Not someone else's "scientific theory of quantum physics". I'm making shit up...I said at the beginning "i think"...i don't need to put that it every post...I never proclaimed to be right...just further explaining my theory. I'm not to sure what makes you think you have to prove my theory wrong, except adolescent "I'm smarter than you" fact, it seems you just can't help yourself...

You have said a number of times that certain things are the case, when I believe they are not. Which is why I have been replying to you. Which is why a number if people have replied to you.

I think I shall make this my last post on this topic, as I feel that several AWPs are aimed at the back of my head, and I may soon lose the use of my body.

No hard feeling cadaveca, just a friendly conversation intended.
Yogibbear said:
Look, cadaveca the only reason why jbrown03 keeps pulling what you're saying apart is that it has nothing to do with what we are talking about... yes yes yes i can talk about tesla and blah about this and that and use big words like interpolate two points and quarks and teleporters and so fourth, and then say that you are wrong... but that doesn't really make any all those things have very little to do with the weapon we are talking about...(in terms of how it works)--(and yes i know you'll say "but they do".....)

I know you were trying to help.....but all you've really done is made a whole lot of tangents to other parts of physics.....

I think one part that everyone else seems to be agreeing on is that the weapon has something to do with a really large mass creating a really large gravitational field...... and then from there whether you take a black hole sort of look at it...or you take the whole energy/mass argument.. or a combination of the two.... well that's were the question really lies....

For the record here's my theory.

I think the cannon mixes up, very quickly, a load of clear, unflavored, jelly mix. Once the jelly is set (presumably they use an alcohol or similar to mix it so it sets quickly) it is fired from the cannon using... air pressure. Once hit by the flying jelly the target becomes incased, hence the floating effect, and is slowing corroded by it.

Seems perfectly obvious to me. :sniper:
Woah. I enjoy a bit of speculation about a game world in terms of reality as much as the next "nerd" (thank you, elephant), but I reckon this went a leeeetle too far.

I like JBrown03's final theory. Now, if we could just arm them with strawberry flavoured...
Brian Damage said:
Now, if we could just arm them with strawberry flavoured...

Now that's just not realistic... where would you get the strawberrys from?
What are we discussing here?

If it's puppies, I'm sooooo in!
JBrown03 said:
Now that's just not realistic... where would you get the strawberrys from?

Well, I can tell you right now that I have never, ever eaten strawberry jelly that had any real strawberries involved in its creation...
JBrown03 said:
No hard feeling cadaveca, just a friendly conversation intended.
Not a conversation...a debate dammit!

seriously tho, i'm a little peverse, and like to argue....and ya taught me a little comments are mearly to get you to post it seems it works. :cool: :afro:
ok listen just remember one thing dont get caught in the line of fire when the strider does what ever it does
cadaveca said:
Not a conversation...a debate dammit!

seriously tho, i'm a little peverse, and like to argue....and ya taught me a little comments are mearly to get you to post it seems it works. :cool: :afro:

As you are learned in psychology, you probably know a name for people like you. What is it?
silverstealth89 said:
ok listen just remember one thing dont get caught in the line of fire when the strider does what ever it does

Roger! So it's a bad idea to ask it to resolve the 'debate' of how its gun works?!
Hey, maybe if they included a manual with the game it could explain what type of gun the strider uses. If only they included a manual at all. :rolleyes:
iamaelephant said:
Hey, maybe if they included a manual with the game it could explain what type of gun the strider uses. If only they included a manual at all. :rolleyes:

Were you born bitter or something? Get over it, it's a bloody manual.
JBrown03 said:
Roger! So it's a bad idea to ask it to resolve the 'debate' of how its gun works?!

lol....I bet it would tell you.

JBrown03 said:
As you are learned in psychology, you probably know a name for people like you. What is it?

there's few more than one..... :dozey: Psychosis is a good start...