Strider Video, City 17 Analysis


May 12, 2004
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Long time lurker, first time poster.

Here's a little fat to chew on while we wait for more e3 videos.

Ever since we've been introduced to City 17, I've always wondered what that tower is in the background. You know of what I speak, it's a sleek black building that seem to be under construction.

Then there are those black walls with oddly shaped vertical pylons. At first they seem to be some kind of barrier to keep people out of that tower.

After watching the Strider video, though, I've noticed that the black wall is actually expanding. It acts as some kind of digger, notice how a section raises up and then comes crashing down while expanding outward (adding to its circumference).

You can clearly see rubble at the base of the wall, as well as half collapsed buildings that are in the process of "removal."

Note also in the image below:

It seems to me that this City 17, adminstrated by a Dr. Breen, is claiming land for itself while clearing out the old city, it grows like some kind of cancer, slowly yet terribly effective.
It's the combine fortress, it's been discussed quite a bit already.
Yeah the "Combine Tower" structure is actully gradully expanding, slowly but surley taking the entire city. At least that is what I have gathered so far.
I think it's a great idea and it adds a great dramatic twist to the game. What if, in one level, you're racing through a building trying not to get crunched as the tower wall eats it? Now that would be suhweet. :)
Yeah, I think its a tremendous piece of storyline. The idea that the original city is inch-by-inch being taken over by this colossal 'thing'. It's quite scary really. I hope Gordon finds a way through it and up the tower!
I believe they said a lot of combine technology is based on findings of Xen technology. Perhaps the Fortress is one of these things.
Did anybody notice how when the strider did a charge shot (When you were behind the pillars at the front of the bank) you could see a guy sort of floating beside you?

niddhoggr said:
Did anybody notice how when the strider did a charge shot (When you were behind the pillars at the front of the bank) you could see a guy sort of floating beside you?


Yeah, he looks like he got picked up and then disintigrated.
I think the file downloads are crippling the forums... or else it's just all us crazy posters!
The tower grows as it consumes the city. If you look at it in the videos you can see it moving.