strider vs strider

Wicked Spider

Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
movie or HL2 striders
what strider did you like most?

in the movie they seem to be made of hybrid organic and metal material valve's seemed only organic
the sound they made in the movie was awsome
i liked valve's strider shape more
i liked the way valve's striders moved around and their feet's shape more than in the movie

most ppl will agree that the movie wasn't that good (with striders or without them) when i watched it i tryed to find any resemblence to valve striders
valve strider wins no doubt i'd only change the sound but thats it
Are you talking about War Of The Worlds perchance?

I'm assuming you are. I think HL2's striders were cooler looking. But in terms of a straight-on fight, Wells' tripods would win.

And I thought the movie was good.
Absinthe said:
Are you talking about War Of The Worlds perchance?

I'm assuming you are. I think HL2's striders were cooler looking. But in terms of a fight, Well's tripods would win.

And I thought the movie was good.

No, he's talking about the movie
oh the movie that changes everything
Hmmmm, tough decision. I think I have to go with Strider.

Edit - Changing my mind, I'm going with Strider.
I would say the HL2 strider...but with the tripod's noise that would be the best kick assin', ear drum percin', three legged machine
Harryz said:
Hmmmm, tough decision. I think I have to go with Strider.

Edit - Changing my mind, I'm going with Strider.
Stop going offtopic and start talking about the right striders!

All jokes aside, no strider can beat the HL2 one. It's just great.
Blehhhhhh my mistake.....

i actually meant the new war of the worlds movie sorry for the confusion
The striders in hl2 are controlled by the combine (Didn't we already confirm that)
Well, they are given orders by the Combine... But when they are engaged in battle it relies on the AI of the Strider. (Not game AI, talking about the AI of the brain inside the strider, assuming it's a machine)

Hmm but what does that have to do with the argument anyway?
vegeta897 said:
Well, they are given orders by the Combine... But when they are engaged in battle it relies on the AI of the Strider. (Not game AI, talking about the AI of the brain inside the strider, assuming it's a machine)

Hmm but what does that have to do with the argument anyway?
The Pilotable Strider mod proves Striders are piloted by Combine soldiers. ;) (sarcasm)
WOTH tripods sucked. The made this stupid screaching noise and had heat rays that could only take out 1 person at a time. They should have had rigid legs, heat rays with a blast radius and made "Ooohlah" noises.

HL2 Strider wins by default.
Wicked Spider said:
most ppl will agree that the movie wasn't that good

Wha? Most people would agree that the movie was great.
Aye, the film was pretty good but we all know that the HL2 strider would own the WoW tripod, it'd just run away for a couple of days and wait for the tripod to catch a cold and then waste it. Also, the WoW strider with a narrow beam heat ray was kinda dumb, because if you wana waste tons of people and you can stand there going "hahahaha, ive got a sheild and you can't hurt me" you can afford to spend a little extra time with a less focused beam taking out the tanks.
The new War of the Worlds has strider-like war machines that are ten times at least as tall and much more massive than HL2 Striders, plus they have shields. I do like the War of the Worlds Striders better as they can knock down tall buildings, make people evaporate (except for their clothes for some unexplained reason) and pick people up with snake-like arms. The deep bass sounds they make are cool too. Overall in appearance though they are very close to the machines in HL2.
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
WotW was such a disappointment.

I have to reluctantly agree. The movie was good on several levels, but over all a let-down. I had high hopes, was familiar with the original and liked Speilbergs version up until the ending. Then I felt it ended too fast with too little explanation.

Anyway, closer to topic... I was intrigued by WoW's tripod similarities to HL2's Strider. Both were biomechanical, both could vaporize people and both were, well... tripods! I thought they were both creative in their own ways but I must say I would prefer the Strider in the end. :cheers: