Striders: desintegration cannon gone?


Aug 8, 2003
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My brother has finished HL2 today, I'm still a bit behind because of school work and getting my 9800Pro only last friday (just entered Ravenholm), but here's my concern: my brother said he has fought multiple striders, only he has never seen them use the blue cannon as seen in the bink vids. They are only armed with high-speed machine guns, like Combine choppers have, or very similar. I've seen my brother battle manatee's, and it was everything I wished for and more (the sound they make when they're hit by a rocket! *cream*), but I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed by the striders' missing death ray :) Also, he has never seen striders impale other people with their legs, neither as a strider tried to impale my brother. Long story short: what the deelio?
its there, your screen turns blue when it strikes near you, but you rarely see it unless your stupid and stand in the open stairing with drool hanging out of your mouth.
striders do impale people, but it is rarely seen, also they still have the uber cannon, which u experience on the rooftop before u meet barney and dog again. all i noticed of it was my screen going blue and me losing a lot of health though :P i was usually running away
Oh god yes they still have it.

I ran out into the courtyard and just waited until he blasted me with it.

It was insane and I didn't do it again.
The rooftop fight was insane, a good climax for 'Follow Freeman'. Although I think that chapter was the weakets one. First I tried to keep my fellow fredomfighters alive, but in the end I couldn't give a dam when they died.
one of my ladies started to whistle because she said she had a song in her head...... when she died from a combine shotty i emptied 3 clips into her killer. Its amazing what a little bit of personalization with the characters can do to you. And yea the striders still use that giant distortion thing but its sort of rare.
They got in my way ALOT, how come they can push me but i cant push them, huh huh? pushy bastards.
yeah i kept trying to keep all my squadmates alive, up until the rooftop fight where they just kept on respawning and i was too busy trying to save my own ass to care
Yeah I noticed them but very rarely, I think I had more blasts from the overwatch cannon than the striders, which was a cool effect but not as
good as the strider blast.
Is there a way to turn on team kill, valve turned a little carebear didn't they? We didn't get enough gore but I was atleast hoping for some tk fun.
I gave up trying to save my squadmates at that point. I was having a hard enough time keeping MYSELF alive during that rooftop battle . . . LOL.

And yes, the Strider Warp Cannon is still there. They just don't use it very often.
It's still there, but they don't use it very much... I was hoping for more challange from them.
The warping cannon is still there. And the strider will impale you.
Try fighting the Striders on hard. My oh my did they love that cannon...
[Dragoon] said:
It's still there, but they don't use it very much... I was hoping for more challange from them.

More challenge!? It took 10 freaking missiles to kill the shits! And you wanted more?
Moquia said:
The rooftop fight was insane, a good climax for 'Follow Freeman'. Although I think that chapter was the weakets one. First I tried to keep my fellow fredomfighters alive, but in the end I couldn't give a dam when they died.

I think it was my favorite...the striders!!!
Hehe thanks for the abundant replies :) My brother played on easy and was very cautious, always attacking the striders from behind or making sure he didn't get hit at least. I'm playing on normal and it seems that easy is made for people who have never played a fps. Combine soldiers, even the armored ones with the pulse guns die with 3 bullets on easy. I'm having alot mor difficulties killing groups of them :) And I really should master that "grenade catching and using it on the enemy" thing we saw in the binks.
I guess Valve gave the striders the choice out of 2 guns, with a preference for the machine gun, because playtesting showed people had a hard time to win from a strider or something. Perhaps they could tune it up a notch with a patch? :p (Never satisfied, are we?)
Watching the strider do its energy cannon thing and then seeing your entire squad turn red and fade is something I find rather disheartening, but funny anyway. :naughty:
They've shot me with that blue cannon thingie. I flew a ways (don't know if scripted) and was reduced from 100 health and 70 suit to 53 health. Was quite cool, didn't know what had happened right after being blown with that thing.

Different gun, maybe as it didn't disintegrate me?
It only disintergrates you when you die. Otherwise it does a lotta damage.
PatPwnt said:
Is there a way to turn on team kill, valve turned a little carebear didn't they? We didn't get enough gore but I was atleast hoping for some tk fun.

not enough gore?

i thought it was pretty blooddy :) and the blood looked REALLY nice to :cheers:
Is it me or can the strider only fire the blue ray when triggered to do so? On the rooftop scene, there is a piece of the building which gets destroyed every time, they never fire anywhere else... (On normal)

It's a pity.. :(