Striders, War of the Worlds and a HL movie?


Mar 18, 2005
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spoilers!! beware!

Anyone seen the movie War of the Worlds (Spielberg) yet? A great movie I think, especially since the monsters in the movie look a lot like our beloved striders! They where totally awesome!!

Made me really craving a Half Life movie, with combine and striders and a city 17 :) Does anyone know if that's anything Valve is considering? Would be great! Although maybe in a distant future, since I think every single HL2 fan wants Valve to concentrate on Aftermath and HL3, or am I wrong? ;)
Well, just like the 100 other people who wants a HL movie. It would have it's flaws, allow me to tell a few.

1) Gordon would need a voice

2) The story needs more explanation (Especially if most of the people think "tat teh endeen sux cuz i dunt und0rstaaand it.")

3) There is a chance that the storyline would be altered to an extent that it sucks (*Cough*Doom Movie*Cough*)

4) I don't think VALVe has the money or the time to fund a high budget movie. (Unless they want to use stockings to make headcrabs and put them on coat hangers... Ah, the old days were grand.)

5) You'd have to have a valid Steam Account to view the movie :p

It's a good idea when you think about it, but once you actually start getting into it you see what I mean.
Gordon??!! voice?? you got to be kidding..
If I would had hear gordons voice I would, and belive me: Scream like hell, crabbing my pants and run from my computer like a rocket terror-stricken.. heh
A True Canadian said:
War of the Worlds = 7 hour war

Except humanity wins
actually striders are rip-off from H.G Wells novel war of the worlds ;)
Movies ruin games. Movies should stay movies, games stay games.
FearoftheDomoKun said:
if there EVER were to be a HL2movie i'd say leave Gordon out of it.

Yeah thats actually a good idea, but you could have Gordon in some sort of scene where he doesn't speak, like in OP4 when you see him jump into the teleporter.

I hope they do something like that because gordon with a voice would be some sort of action hero asshole.
They could show the movie through the eyes of someone in the resistance, or from a citizens/scientists point of view as the events from the story unfold. Maybe catching a glimpse of Gordon here and there, and it would be good to catch Glimpses of the G-Man here and there.
A True Canadian said:
War of the Worlds = 7 hour war

Except humanity wins
They didn't really win, did they, i mean they were defeated by the common cold and then the birds ate them
that pretty much means the humans win with the help of common bacterias/viruses...
Anyway, after watching that movie it made me want to play Half Life 2 again! But this time controlling those wicked Striders.
does no one realize that if they amde a half-life 2 based movie now the un-informed (aka non-gamers, aka losers) would see the striders and immedeatly write the movie off as a WotW rip-off?

That movei has ruined everything...
The majority of movies based on video games are utter shit, so I don't think i'd ever want to see a HL movie made, because the chance that it would suck is high.
SMB movie anyone? :x
Danimal said:
1) Gordon would need a voice

2) The story needs more explanation (Especially if most of the people think "tat teh endeen sux cuz i dunt und0rstaaand it.")

3) There is a chance that the storyline would be altered to an extent that it sucks (*Cough*Doom Movie*Cough*)

Doom Movie hasn't changed much besides the fact the satanic idolism are not present, and the creatures come through a wormhole instead the gates of hell. In other words, its probably going to be HL: Opposing Force (Due to the the marines present in film) set on Mars
yehaa, I saw the movie today and the first thing I hand on my mind were also the striders!! I think there was even some1 in the theater who actually screamed "striiiiiideeer", but I'm not sure.
basically the hl2 striders are a rip off the novel, but I think the spielberg movie did take a look at the game, cause they move nearly the same way, like when they get hit by a rocket they move down and towards the direction the rocket came from.
however, cool movie!!
"Gordon would need a voice"

I thought he is always saying "Excuse me" when his squad get under his feet. Sounds OK to me.
I thought he is always saying "Excuse me" when his squad get under his feet. Sounds OK to me.

Are you hearing things? :p

ZOMG! My name irl is Lozza!

Anyway: An HL2 movie would make no sense without an HL1 movie.

And niether would have to involved Gordon. There's a thousand stories within black mesa, and a thousand more within, er, the world (of HL2).
if they made a HL movie, it better not have gordon in it no matter what. that would be horrible. the reason it couldnt have gordon is because then they would have to make him talk, and then it would suck. they could show a shadow of him for one second at the very end but that's it. the best thing to do though would just be NOT making a half life movie. especially if uwe boll wanted to do it. he's the worst director in the history of movie making and loves to turn beautiful videogame's into complete garbage in form of a movie.
by the way, the war of the worlds movie was wonderful. i want to go get the old one and watch it now. then maybe read the book someday.
especially if uwe boll wanted to do it. he's the worst director in the history of movie making

But what about the guy who did Resident Evil! :eek:
the first resident evil movie was probably the best videogame to movie adaptation i have seen. It was directed by Paul Anderson who also did the first Mortal Kombat movie. The second resident evil was directed by someone else (that's probably why it wasn't nearly as good as the first).

movies such as Alone in the Dark, and house of the dead were directed by uwe boll and were complete trash, unworthy of the big screen (or any screen for that matter), and complete disgraces to their videogame origins. uwe boll should not be allowed to direct movies anymore. unfortunatley he planning to ruin the following titles:
Far Cry
Fear Effect
and others

If this man ever planned on directing a half-life movie, there would be no hope for humanity. so hopefully no one ever makes a half-life movie.
Even though the Striders are arguably rip-off's of Wells's alien Tripods, Valve were the first to actually portray such a vehicle/creature in film- it'd be impossible for none of them to have similarities.

On that one scene involving the infamous machine in the recent WotW film I half expected to see a Strider's distortion cannon blast out from somewhere...

As for a HL film, no to Gordon talking. Don't make him the main character- have him viewed through Black Mesa's security system as a mottley group of survivors battle their way out, observing this one man's progress- when they see what he does, you'd understand why the escapees of the BM disaster practically canonised him in the eyes of City 17's general populace... even though, ultimately, he's as tired, confused, and frightened as the rest of him.

Admittedly he's a scientist with a massively technological armoured suit, huge levels of firepower and a MIT, but he's only human. Just a badass human.
I'm all for a Half-Life movie. Half-Life has one of the coolest plots ever, plus the artwork and atmosphere are already badass. :smoking:

And for those of you who say "omg a hl moveh would suxxor teh whol game for meh!!!11!"- what about the resident evil movie? do you cringe every time your play RE thinking how the movie "ruined it for you"? or how about Mario Bros? Can you not play the game anymore because the movie was so bad? Get real here. If they made an HL movie, it wouldn't do didley-squat to anyone's opinion of the HL games. If anything, it would get valve more sales.
And what's so bad about having Gordon talk? Don't say it would "ruin his charactar", 'cause frankly, he doesn't really have one. Valve said so themselves- "you are Gordon Freeman." We know nothing about his personbality, and very little of his past. "Gordon Freeman" is just the name scientists call you when you play the game..... nothing more. :rolleyes:
Yeah someone should make a map of tons of striders and a city and tons of rebels ;). That made me crave such a map.
Teta_Bonita said:
We know nothing about his personbality, and very little of his past. "Gordon Freeman" is just the name scientists call you when you play the game..... nothing more. :rolleyes:

and that's why they can't give him a character all of a sudden. it would ruin your perspective about who he is to you, based on your own experiences in the game.

and youre right, movies like mario brothers dont ruin the game for you. the problem is that if it's such a horrible film, why should it even exist? if it is so agonizing to watch, why would anyone bother making it? it's not good enough if they try and fail, because if the final product isnt worthy of the entire half-life collection, it shouldn't have ever been made.
Movies - game tie ins never work dammit!

I'm going to start some wanted posters for Uwe Boll and Paul Anderson.
i went to see it a day before it came out in the uk:)

is a really cool film :)
All well and good (I really liked that show, but I've never seen a full season) but I meant that, between War of the Worlds and Half-Life, Valve were the first of them to show Striders/Walkers in action (because if I recall correctly the craft in the 50s incarnation of Wells's novel were fliers due to budget limitations- belivable walkers were unachievable, unless I'm greatly mistaken).

But yeah, if HL2 is ever made into a movie the Striders really are going to be overshadowed by their spiritual predecessors- although the other varieties of synth might flesh things out...
It wouldnt be Half-Life if there was no Gordon..
I rather not there be a HL movie because Gordon would need to be in it since he was the one who blew up the Citadel, killed the Tentacles, killed the Nihilianth etc., and there wouldnt be anyone who would be able to kill any one of those things because they all sucked, Barney was helpless in HL, except for some parts, and the scientists were to afraid to even probably shoot a gun. Alyx could probably do it, but she'd have a hard time. And the Resistance wasnt even in HL1. So it'd suck even if Gordon didnt star in the movies.
Fuse Kazuki said:
It wouldnt be Half-Life if there was no Gordon..
I rather not there be a HL movie because Gordon would need to be in it since he was the one who blew up the Citadel, killed the Tentacles, killed the Nihilianth etc., and there wouldnt be anyone who would be able to kill any one of those things because they all sucked, Barney was helpless in HL, except for some parts, and the scientists were to afraid to even probably shoot a gun. Alyx could probably do it, but she'd have a hard time. And the Resistance wasnt even in HL1. So it'd suck even if Gordon didnt star in the movies.
what about dr. cross and dr. green from half life decay? they can fend for themselves.

im not saying that i would want a half life movie to be made, but if someone was going to do it, it would suck with gordon in it.
If there was a movie, Gordon wouldn't talk, and that would be suck.. then again if he did talk it would be awkward and wierd and it would still suck.. there is a problem now.
Danimal said:
Well, just like the 100 other people who wants a HL movie. It would have it's flaws, allow me to tell a few.

1) Gordon would need a voice

Gordon wouldn't have to be a character in a movie about the Black Mesa Incident or The 7 Hour War
LittleB said:
Gordon wouldn't have to be a character in a movie about the Black Mesa Incident or The 7 Hour War
If gordon isn't in it.. it sucks.. period The whole Half-Life series is based around Gordon.. you can't just oust the main character. Btw, Gordon is RESPONSIBLE for the black mesa "incident".. if you were going to do a movie about that it would be extremely pointless. And who the hell would want to see a movie about the 7 hour war.... "oh noes!! there's the combine guys!! Hey I have a great idea!! We give up!".... lamest movie of all time. Besides the bad guy wins in that one, regardless of a struggle from the humans or not. Not a good marketing decision. I doubt we will have to worry about a movie for awhile though... shouldn't they finish the game series before they begin on a movie? Or are they going to be douches like the Witchoski bros?
Gordon would become like a mythical figure that everyone speaks of but no one ever sees.