
and in related news...

I made it into someone's sig. That just made my day... it was a slow day admitedly, but I'm still all grins :cheers:

As for the striders, if you can hit them hard enough with the crowbar, you get free candy for everyone!
Probably use the grav. gun or few power rockets. Maybe the gause?
Been many posts of this before. A simple shotty kills them.
what about a Banana?
just drop it in the grown, the strider step it and falll
i hope its not as easy as shooting it with rockets ... thats lame
Geno said:
what if they're just... invincible?

They're not. On the threads concerning the PCGamer review (which some people got early) they say that it IS possible to kill a strider.

So I guess you just have to shoot its legs!
I hope it's not as obvious as the weakness of the last boss of Doom 3.
Like someone said earlier, go for it's leg joints, and because I believe it to be an alien/machine hybrid, I think a shot from the incinerary cannon into it wouldn't go to waste.
rumblefish said:
'there is a weight limit', yes i know, but it hasnt been stated how much the limit is, or have i been out of the loop?


Cant pick up things like cars and dead bodies
Wraithen said:
you have to get Alyx to bend over on her knees (careful boys!) behind one of it's legs as you jump out in front screaming BOO!

Unless Star Wars has lied to me, once it's fallen over, two shots from a light gun will blow it up easy.

hey hey hey doesn't he throw in a thermal detonator???

'si teh h0ld0rz teh r thermal d3t0n4torz'
jonnyapps said:
hey hey hey doesn't he throw in a thermal detonator???

'si teh h0ld0rz teh r thermal d3t0n4torz'

for the still upright variety that may be an option, you may have to mod in light sabers, zip lines and unintentional Star Was sexual innuendo. Youcould call that mod, "Hoth Life 2: You came in that thing?"

Failing that, you'd better hope there's a ladder going up one of the legs and the hatch is unlocked.