

May 23, 2003
Reaction score
I was watching the video again today when in the last scene with the Strider as it comes under the bridge it steps like RIGHT NEXT to Gordon, so my question is do you think he can step on or impale Gordon like that poor schmuck. I mean in Doom3 in the end when you die that big monster picks your body up and rips the head off and you can see your body fall and then eats it. So maybe they have implemented something with special deaths where you see the leg just go in and then you start to rise and then splat on the ground. What do you think?
Originally posted by Dr.Sbaitso
I mean in Doom3 in the end when you die that big monster picks your body up and rips the head off and you can see your body fall and then eats it.

oh yeah I remember that.....ugh
doom3 eh?
Strider Death

Oh yeah I seen that too. I think maybe if you get impaled you will see the first person view, looking up at the strider as your stuck on his leg and then you'll get dropped to the ground.
Or everytime you die in HL2 they might switch to third person view. I'm not sure exactly how you will die. In the first game they kept you in the first person view, which was realistic although not as cool as being swithched to the third person view.
They will NEVER switch to third person view, never. Gebe said so, this why you didn't see any cut-sences in HL 1.
Ok then it's settled, you will die like you did in the original. right? complete with that medical pulse noise you hear.
i heard you're gonna hear the angels singing...
or did i dream that? ... hmm.
/me kicks greenberetta back to earth!

I think you will have a doom3 kind of deying in situations where you get killed by a creature. and the old HL deying for normal stuff when you get shot.. maby you will have some buds run to yah and try to reanimate you.. that would be AWSOME!
I think the best way to die in first person view would be see that motion effect (like when a zombie knocks you upside your head) as you fall to the ground and then have the screen get blurry and fade to black. And then you wake up and see that not only is heaven real but God is actually Alyson Hannigan naked.
It would be cool if you got blown to bits and pieces and you could see what it would look like to have your head spinning around in the air and then bounce on the ground a few times.
doom3 vid

Originally posted by Dr.Sbaitso
I mean in Doom3 in the end when you die that big monster picks your body up and rips the head off and you can see your body fall and then eats it.

Where can u get the doom3 video that show that part, its not in the fileplanet one.
I think he is talking about Alpha version of Doom III, but I didn't die there once, so I can't really tell you, plus I don't have it anymore.
bump :D

sorry, I had to do it
Gabe has stated on several occasions that the player is physically simulated like others objects in the game.

I believe the Strider could impale Gordon the same as the NPC, though I don't think impaling is apart of the physics engine..rather a special function.

What I wonder, is if you die immediately upon being impaled, or if you flop around on the Striders leg (the camera bopping around) as your health goes down to zero. That would be sweet ;)
why doesn't someone just email gabe or erik about it? its just a quick question...

you should get impaled... that'd be awsome! lol
Get the thread at the top of the forum again.
Or you can just count it at a lame excuse to spam.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
I think he is talking about Alpha version of Doom III, but I didn't die there once, so I can't really tell you, plus I don't have it anymore.

it was at the end of the alpha, and theres no way to not die ;) maybe you didnt play all three levels that were included, it was at the end of the third one.
Did u notice That Striders are the only Aliens That use real Projectile weapons (Machine gun)??
The Striders are not technically Aliens..they are part of the combine.
This may have been said before, but maybe the Strider isn't even an alien, but some really wicked ass cyborg.
Hmm, the striders feet are not that sharp so I'm not sure if it could impale Gordon while he's wearing the hazard suit. Maybe it can try but you will just fly back 20 feet or something.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
It would be cool if you got blown to bits and pieces and you could see what it would look like to have your head spinning around in the air and then bounce on the ground a few times.
That happened in HL1 - sometimes, if you got blown up, you'd see the lovely gibs flying everywhere and sometimes part of those gibs would be part of your head. Nice.

And Urbanleg? The flying Manatee has a big bastard gun and that's of the same ilk as the Strider - bio-mech combine type beasty.