Strifelife2time its always me


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Oct 21, 2008
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We used to have a Strife Lately thread in which to vent our daily problems, but this has since disappeared and so I am forced to create this.

So I'm looking after a friends house while they're away for a couple days. Before they left yesterday they did a monthly shop and filled their huge freezer with meat and other such food stuffs. Last night after they left I didn't close it properly and now everything has defrosted and there is a good chance itll go off in the heat. that's $$$$$$$$$$$$$ rotting before my eyes that I don't have the money to pay back. **** you freezer door. **** you. I closed it properly about 3 hours ago now and ITS STILL NOT FREEZING seriously this is bullshit there's water spreading all over the floor. Itd be fine if itd just go cold again but it has to be ****ing awkward doesn't it how the **** am i supposed to explain that OH YEAH AND while you were away the freezer ****ed up so you're gonna have to shitcan all that stuff you bought two days ago

This may not or not be a valid excuse for a thread, but I'm stuck in the middle of the African bush with no one to vent to so that's that.

**** you freezer door. **** you freezer for not freezing again. **** you world for constantly ****ing with me. **** you African heat.**** you dog sitting there looking and staring with your dog eyes

Exams and no idea what I want to do with my life when I'm finished them. ****.
Know exactly what to do with my life but worried exam performance is going to stop me. ****.
I WISH the sun would come up earlier. Going to work in the dark sucks.
I wish the sun would **** off already seriously the ice cream is liquid and the meat is pretty much defrosted, I havent touched the door since I posted last I'm going to ****ing cry. It wasnt like this before because the ice cream was frozen how-do-i-fix-this. maybe the powers ****ing out again so the fridge isnt getting enough power to work properly I dont even know.

This is starting to bother me just a little bit
Is there a visible temperature setting you can fiddle with? Or better yet, can you call them and ask what to do? I mean you know, they're gonna find out one way or another and they'd probably prefer that you tell them while they still might be able to help you

I am not even going to think about thinking about fiddling with settings. I know my luck.

And Im trying to find the balls to make said call. I thought of calling earlier but they retracted so far I almost threw up.
It is done. I have lived this afternoon in a time of men, and ACTION. Some would say we were men, of ACTION. Which does not sound good anyway you read it.

Anyways it turned out, after the 2 other fridges shut down, that it wasnt my fault. So I sat back and didnt care anymore. But yeah whatever I dont owe anyone any money, its not my fault, **** it.

Ive never spent an entire day thinking about fridges though. Kinda weird. **** it.
Wait, how is it not your fault? What are these other two fridges you mention? This story is impossible to follow. All I know is that this solidifies my opinion that lizards of any type should not be given any measure of responsibility because they just dont know how to handle it.
Wait, how is it not your fault? What are these other two fridges you mention? This story is impossible to follow. All I know is that this solidifies my opinion that lizards of any type should not be given any measure of responsibility because they just dont know how to handle it.

Hold your phone. They have 3 fridges. 2 are outside. Just after the first stopped working, the other 2 followed suit. Its not my fault because, after strategically not mentioning the fact that I left the fridge door open all night, they came to another conclusion that did not involve me. That sentence seems over complicated.

But yeah its because the electricity here gets turned off and on, off and on all the ****ing time and it ****s everything up. We're always a phase down somewhere. So the fridges weren't getting enough power, and I had to get all the stuff moved to another fridge (so many fridges). So yeah as far as I can see its not my fault its the electricity companys fault.

Also yeah it doesnt make much sense I guess but hey now theres a strife thread. And Lizards can be given responsibility, you just have to make sure they dont involve frozen foodstuffs.
Man, you guys should just invest in some giant iceboxes and just be done with it. That way only the ice companies needs electricity.
Actually you guys would be better off investing in moving somewhere else, where there aren't power outages or Internet speeds from the stone age.
Sweet. A random rant thread.

I luckily found a post-graduate job to do right after finals (this is my final undergraduate semester), so I'm really excited. They already selected me for the position, I filed the paperwork, got the magnetic elevator card, benefit papers, etc. But, as I was walking out the door after being "welcomed to the company" the HR woman says, "By the way, you need two letters of recommendation by your start date."

What? That wasn't part of the job requirements. But, fine. Whatever. I'll hassle some of my supervisors from my internship; they'll surely write two brief letters. I called them and left a message last Thursday, as well as emailed, but I haven't gotten a response yet. I'm starting to get nervous. I need these by this coming Thursday or I could, possibly, lose the job. I would have asked them earlier IF I HAD KNOWN about the requirement. I'm starting to wonder if I'll have to bother a couple of random professors I've been semi-close with over my years at uni. Thing is, I haven't really made any decent, close relationships with any professors - so I don't even know if any of them would do it.

I'll be ****ing pissed if this is the only thing that prevents me from getting the job. Three successful interviews and a bachelor's degree, but ****ing recommendations stop me... ****. I suck at networking.
1. Who has 3 fridges, 2 of which are outside?

2. Who goes for a full shopping trip before they go away for a few days?
Im at a lodge in the African bush, PO box middle of ****ing nowhere. You have to stock up. Its also cheaper to buy in bulk, so alot of people shop monthly.
Oh, I have a rant. I had a customer today call and be a real super bitch at me because she couldn't get into her email. She came in to our shop because she got viruses out the ass because she has no idea how to use a computer. Well long story short, the viruses had corrupted a lot of shit. We were able to get her up and running without having to format and reload the OS so we saved her from having to reinstall all her software and whatnot, and we did it in two days, which is pretty quick considering how busy we were.

Anyways, her outlook account got messed up, so she had to just remake her account. So she calls us up all bitching mad that she has to do this, so I try and walk her through it over the phone, but she's super old and stupid and can barely hear anything and keeps talking while I am, and gets pissed off because "its too complicated". I tell her she can bring it back in and I can do it and she gets upset because she just got home and finally just "figured out where all the wires go". So I tell her she can use to get her email as well, and its a lot easier to do. So I walk her through that, and turns out she doesn't even know what her password is. So now I gotta walk her through the password recovery, but because she has no idea what shes doing she keeps clicking on things without me telling her to do so, and she ends up somehow in a spot where she's resetting the password to her network. WTF.

So ultimately I tell her to call att and have them do it, she gets pissed because she's going to have to be on the phone all day, and says thanks for nothing and hangs up. **** YOU, YOU OLD WRINKLED **** DONT GET VIRUSES AND FORGET YOUR IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION THEN WHORE. I'm 100% positive she's going to want a refund on the work we did.

Man, feels good to have a rant thread again.
The laundry room in this building is broken and the other one has maybe two or three working washers and dryers so we have to share between 300 people and I haven't been able to do proper laundry in a while.

Went to work yesterday, and decided to parallel park on street level, because UH has the most ridiculous ****ing security guards who will stop at nothing to ticket your vehicle.

I seriously step into work for the two hours it takes to finish filing some paper work, and then dig out because i've already made my hours for the week. After walking the arduous 20 minutes it takes to get back to my car, I find I have a parking ticket from HPD for parking in a no parking zone. 50 ****ing dollars for leaving my car for an hour, jesus christ, and I just payed off like 100 dollars in capus parking citations the day before! I would have been better off paying the 16 dollars for a day pass on campus, had I known I was parked illegally.

The real kicker is that the "no parking" sign is literally a couple hundred feet away on an entirely different curb. Even better, the "no parking" notes that it's only illegal to park there from 3:30 to 5:30, so of course I just had to go and park there for the same two hours out of the 24 during the day in which it's illegal to do so.

I guess it's my fault no matter how you look at it, but i'm going to fight this mother****er to the deat!
You must be new to city life. In Boston I once got a ticket after being there for 10 minutes. Where I live now I have to remember to pull my car in every night because its illegal to be out on the street from 2-5am and the cops are hawks about it. They must get paid per ticket.
You must be new to city life. In Boston I once got a ticket after being there for 10 minutes.

Basically this. I live in an area of the city that's mostly residential, tons of apartment buildings filled with college kids, and lots of one way streets. There's no room for parking at all. And if you park on these streets and your residency isn't here, they will tow you. One of my housemates has his residency set to another city in Massachusetts because of the insurance rates, and they've towed him before for parking on the street. For like $100 tickets. And they do street sweeping every week, and tow for you being parked there then, too. They're ****ing relentless.

Of course if you live in Boston and you drive, you're kind of an idiot anyway.
Precisely why I normally ride my moped and bicycle everywhere, and only drive if i've gotta transport either parts or people, or if I know there will be more than adequate parking wherever i'm going. I broke my wrist 2 months ago though, so I can't ride my bikes.

Boston sounds ****ing brutal though. Or, at least for parking.

EDIT: Somewhat related, but when I was paying off my on campus parking tickets, I found out that it costs 5 dollars MORE if you're cited for having an expired permit, than if you have absolutely NO permit. Go figure!
When I was in college I'd get tickets for parking down at the REC center. 100 bucks a ticket. ****in' kiddin' me?
Know exactly what to do with my life but worried exam performance is going to stop me. ****.

This times a million. Trying to get into medicine is incredibly difficult here.

On the subject of parking, I found out the hard way that you get ticketed here if you park ANYWHERE on the street for more than three hours. I had parked there for 3 hours and 15 minutes, missed the ticket guy by about 5 minutes. Of course there are no signs saying there is a three hour limit, the only way to actually know this beforehand is to go on the website and read an incredibly specific clause.
This is why I don't own a car. With reserved parking spaces costing $350-400/month, the risk of parking tickets, and a already decent public transit system, I have no need.
Technically I don't own a car either, I just use the family car when it's convenient.
The laundry room in this building is broken and the other one has maybe two or three working washers and dryers so we have to share between 300 people and I haven't been able to do proper laundry in a while.


It'll get better once you get to the fleet, man. Or wing, or whatever you airheads call it.
****, dudes and dudettes. I'm just having a bitch of a life lately. In my head, I'm going stir crazy because I know I'm not going to ****ing accomplish any shit in my life. I'm not going to be working for some awesome company. I'm not going to be making enough money to live comfortably. I'm ****ing things up at work, and I'm about to quit.

Hm.. I'm messing up my relationship. I'm thinking about saying **** it and just move somewhere else, but wait, no money is stopping me. I know what all y'all negros are going to say, "stop being a bitch and just deal with it and blah blah blah." About 5 months of therapy didn't help me.

Damn it all of you. How the hell do any of you have motivation to do anything in your lives? Seriously.
Damn it all of you. How the hell do any of you have motivation to do anything in your lives? Seriously.
What makes you think anyone here is any different? You just described like 90% of the human population.
What makes you think anyone here is any different? You just described like 90% of the human population.

Yep. I honestly dont know how the hell I pull through day to day. I guess I try not to think about it too much. So theres youre answer: Stop Thinking.

Youre welcome.
Yep. I honestly dont know how the hell I pull through day to day. I guess I try not to think about it too much. So theres youre answer: Stop Thinking.

Youre welcome.
This. I just stop looking forward to things. It's depressing, but makes the week go by so much faster. Being emotionally ambivalent about your activities and just doing them seems to be the best way to alleviate those problems.

For example, this week is literally hell for me. I have 2 finals today (crammed all last night), one tomorrow, and then two more on Wednesday. Then I have a 16 hour (8am-12am) training day on Thursday. An 8 hour (4pm-12am) workday Friday. Then graduation at 8am Saturday.

I'll probably get about 8-10 hours sleep, cumulative, this entire week. But am I going to be thinking about Saturday night the entire time? Nope. **** that. It's too far away to care about.
It'll get better once you get to the fleet, man. Or wing, or whatever you airheads call it.
Squadron. Next I go to the DLI in Monterey for years so I hope it'll be slightly better conditions there.
What makes you think anyone here is any different? You just described like 90% of the human population.

Well actually, reading all your posts made me realise that compared to you guys I don't have any "real" problems in my life right now.
-Living in a nice city
-Nice rental apartment
-Self employed. Work whenever I feel like it. Therefore 100% flexible schedule.
-Can get wherever I need on foot or with public transport. No need for a car.
-And last but not least, good things to look forward to.

The only "problem" right now is myself and my procrastination. Hey I could work on this and that, make more money improve my skills and add to my portfolio, but nah I'll just play some more video games and surf the net 24/7.
Get a gym membership and get out of your apartment.
bla bla bla my life is so ****ing awesome

What do you do for a living?

EDIT: Nvm i'm assuming the links in your sig are your website?

Btw, this just became my new phone background.
What do you do for a living?

Freelance work + zazzle store sales.
On the freelance side right now I'm collaborating with Goldhawk Interactive on the game Xenonauts.
Personally I just have unwavering, borderline irrational faith in the idea that I will succeed in what I want to do. From that point I give absolutely zero ****s when my plans fall apart & keep on trying new approaches until something sticks. It can be exhausting, but what the **** else am I gonna do, you know?
Yes, I know, but the thing is I don't have any faith in me in anything I do. I don't have any faith I could go back to school and actually finish. I don't have faith I can get another decent job or I'd be good at it if I do. I just have absolutely no faith when it comes to me which leads to a complete lack of motivation.

So I went on a 5 loss losing streak on SC2 tonight. I couldnt even redeem myself because the servers were shutting down for maintenance. SO SALTY MY LIFE SUCKS WORST DAY OF MY LIFE T_T

Please advise.