Strike at Karkand


Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Who's had the pleasure of playing this map? I've just been playing it for the last two hours, and was lucky enough to get in a really good squad.

Out of all the maps I've played so far, this has got to be the best. It just shows how far the infantry combat has gone - you get some amazing firefights. I thought it would be a bit shitty considering there's only one tank and one apc per side, and no air support - but boy was I proved wrong :p

If you haven't played this map yet, make it your duty to play it!! ;)
I think my favourite map at the moment is Dalian Plant - nice open areas where you can totally jet around in a jeep, and well spaced flags. That said, I think I've only played around 6-7 of the 12 maps so far.
I like Dragon Valley, because dragons are extreme.
Strike at Karkand is blissful... then again all the maps are.
the detail in Fushe pass is simply mind-numbing.
yeah i love karkand the most, the urban setting and the short draw distance coz of the sand storm are great, looks fantastic too.
JiMmEh said:
Who's had the pleasure of playing this map? I've just been playing it for the last two hours, and was lucky enough to get in a really good squad.

Out of all the maps I've played so far, this has got to be the best. It just shows how far the infantry combat has gone - you get some amazing firefights. I thought it would be a bit shitty considering there's only one tank and one apc per side, and no air support - but boy was I proved wrong :p

If you haven't played this map yet, make it your duty to play it!! ;)

Post some screenies? I'm not lucky enough to own it yet... :(

Just a map and a general overview of cool areas will do.
JiMmEh said:
Who's had the pleasure of playing this map? I've just been playing it for the last two hours, and was lucky enough to get in a really good squad.

Out of all the maps I've played so far, this has got to be the best. It just shows how far the infantry combat has gone - you get some amazing firefights. I thought it would be a bit shitty considering there's only one tank and one apc per side, and no air support - but boy was I proved wrong :p

If you haven't played this map yet, make it your duty to play it!! ;)

I agree, my favorite map as well.

Medics always get the highest score, I remember getting killed at least 6 times in the same general area and a medic revived me every time :-)
Pesmerga said:
I agree, my favorite map as well.

Medics always get the highest score, I remember getting killed at least 6 times in the same general area and a medic revived me every time :-)

Yeh I'm always a medic now, I wish I was playing on ranked servers, as I keep finishing with amazingly good scores :laugh: Shame nearly all of them are constantly full, I canneh be arsed waiting for a slot to open.

Reginald said:
Post some screenies? I'm not lucky enough to own it yet... :(

Just a map and a general overview of cool areas will do.

Sorry, when you're playing this game, you're enjoying it so much the last thing on your mind is taking screens :p

However these are two boring as hell screenshots. This first one I hit print screen by accident - and it's not even in the city itself so sorry :P
This one was in a botmatch, me poking a support guys face with an M16.
And just to show off :

Sorry I couldn't get better screens :( Maybe later!
I like karkand a lot and I like just about all the chineese maps very much

My least favorite map might be operation clean sweep.
Reginald said:
Post some screenies? I'm not lucky enough to own it yet... :(

Just a map and a general overview of cool areas will do.

Okay, here we go :) Just for you. I didn't realise the server had BFRecorder.

A tank shooting some shit on the edge of the city -
The main road into the city -
One of the American forward spawns, just outside the city -
The square, alot of shooting usually happens around here -
An MEC soldier stumbles across an enemy -
A US soldier has his work cut out for him -
The road from the American main spawn into town -
A US SpecOps soldier at the square -
A couple of US soldier run into trouble near the main MEC spawn -
A brave US specops plants C4 on a T90 :laugh:
Random -
A US APC on it's way to the city -
Just outside of town -

Phew. There you go, I got a bit carried away.
Strike at Karkand is my favorite map, I was right in the middle of the city and it just reminded me of BHD (the movie) was really cool to be gettin shot at and go hide behind a concrete pillar while the bullets are hitting it and your requesting backup as fast as you can.

<3 Realism. BF2 rocks my socks.
Can't recall the name of the dark map with the F-15 where the USMC have to take the island away from the MEC. Thats my favorite, the air to air battles and air to ground are massive amounts of fun.
nice shots of Karkand, but imo the coolest looking map (or one of them I should say) is Fushe Pass.... it's so serene and beautiful.

this game really has top notch graphics... I mean wow in motion.
(ignore the fact that my name is Chickenfingers... it's my SP account :P)


I know that the trees rustle when you fly low enough to them, and the water ripples and dust and grass kicks up when you are low enough but...

smoke (world smoke, or smoke from wreckage) will blow around when your chopper passes through it, hovers over it... pretty cool I didn't know this until I did it on Oilfield. awesome stuff.

sorry about the pics being all me on Lan, but I was toying with my graphic settings, I have everything on high except Textures, which is set to medium (it's not lighting that kills the comp, it's Textures..... I have lighting on high, normal maps enabled and looks great.... but when I put Textures on HIGH, it looks phenomenal but it sticks like crazy, it's like it renders the whole map for some reason.... what I mean by that is when you look backwards off the end of the map just jungle etc no geometry like buildings, I get great fps, but when I turn to face the map it's like stuttery as crap... like when HL2 renders a whole scene without culling unseen stuff)

also have 2xAA and 2xAF on. runs great on 64 player maps on LAN, think I might give it a go online. looks absolutely incredible these low rez jpegs do not do it justice.
fushe pass was beautifull, but I get some strange lagg, everything is really laggy exept yourself, so its really hard to shoot your enemy bogies in your jet, but I can fly everywhere in that map, its a real air stunt map, flying low under bridges, or from the NOC side, its low over the damn and under the bridge wich is fun, and the usa side its low under the bridge right after the airfield.
Thanks for the screenshots everyone. You have reignited my obsession with getting it delivered. :D

I told them not to deliver it until the end of the school year so that I have no excuse for lack of homework :p
Woohoo! I just got back from a wonderful week-long road trip that involved 3 National Parks and Las Vegas, and our kind volunteer house-keeper left my shipped BF2 CD next to my PC!

Life has a way of being awesome.
TheSomeone said:
Woohoo! I just got back from a wonderful week-long road trip that involved 3 National Parks and Las Vegas, and our kind volunteer house-keeper left my shipped BF2 CD next to my PC!

Life has a way of being awesome.

Life was awesome for Doom Marine...until all Earth went to Hell!
Strike at Karkand is a great map. I like the 32 people version best. That map has real flow to it. Esp. fighting for the main square can be a hoot.
It's a very fun map, but whenever I'm on USMC I lose.
(my total record for USMC is 3-15...)
I don't know the exact name but it begins with an M ( and ends in City ) is one of my favourites, if you play it with 64 players it's unbelievably intense! ( since it's quite a small map you get loads of fighting in the center of the town ).
^ Mashtuur City. One of my favorite maps, but Karkand and Daqing are at the top of the list. I like the 16-person version of Karkand the best; even though there's only sixteen people, the reduced size of the map makes all the close-up fighting that much more intense.
mortiz said:
I don't know the exact name but it begins with an M ( and ends in City ) is one of my favourites, if you play it with 64 players it's unbelievably intense! ( since it's quite a small map you get loads of fighting in the center of the town ).
yeah I love Mushtuur city, seems as though it's one of the rarer maps in rotation on servers too (no idea why)

on a related note I just got out of a game on said map, my whole team were lone-wolfing against a commander and squads on the other team.
I created a squad, invited a couple people and wow, we turned the tides on em and beat the ever loving squishyness out of them :D
I might get some nice scores to post if I could go for 10 mins without my connec dropping, and that problem wouldn't piss me off as much if I was getting network lag prior to being dropped.

Oh well, my favorite map is Mushtuur City btw, me and Foxtrot were owning on that map yesterday
Favorite map hands down. The sheer amount of squad tactics implemented through the natural instincts of your teammates is amazing. Actually, I was leading the infamous, Team 1337 squad on this map not tonight, and this is what came of it:


My best score ever, and it landed me my fourth gold medal in only two days of playing. This game is quite possibly the best multiplayer experience I've ever had the pleasure of enduring.
yeah played karkand last night, 50 players on the 32 player map, it was brilliant, so much fun, definately my fav, no choppers or planes to annoy you, hehe.
Am I the only one that seems to have one hell of a time trying to win on USMC?
When I play on Karkand we win about 75% of the time (according to my BFHQ stats)... and I haven't played on the other side, yet.

It's a bit tough to take the first spot because reinforcements have to walk farther for the USMC... but after that it becomes a bit easier.
I always get stuck playing Kubra Dam and i absolutly hate that map. I always look for a 31/32 for ranked servers click without looking and its kubra dam or it will be another that ends is 3 minutes and the next map is kubra dam. Its probably always is open because the map is horrible. Its so confusing and you spend more time trying to find your way to the next flag then actually fighting.
I like Daqing Oil Fields, Kubra Dam (depends what i'm doing), Fushe Pass, and Strike at Karkand the best.

I LOVE Daqing Oil Fields. It's like, a gigantic wasteland, and you and your squad are thrust into it, and forced to take controll of scattered villages and gas stations. And the Medic action at the middle of the map is amazing! The forest fights make you feel like you're all alone, and it's you mano a mano with this guy.
G-Man56789 said:
I always get stuck playing Kubra Dam and i absolutly hate that map. I always look for a 31/32 for ranked servers click without looking and its kubra dam or it will be another that ends is 3 minutes and the next map is kubra dam. Its probably always is open because the map is horrible. Its so confusing and you spend more time trying to find your way to the next flag then actually fighting.
I hate the map, because I don't think it's that aesthetically pleasing. as for it being confusing, the first couple times I was on it I thought that... but it's pretty straight forward after a couple games.... still that map and Sharqi peninsula are my least favorite maps.
Karkand and Gulf of Omen are probably my favs. Mainly because theyre more infantry based maps :)
Idonotbelonghere said:
Karkand and Gulf of Omen are probably my favs. Mainly because theyre more infantry based maps :)
Mushtuur is excellent too... it's my fave out of the Urban combat maps. I love the design.
Mr. Redundant said:
Mushtuur is excellent too... it's my fave out of the Urban combat maps. I love the design.

I only like Mustuur if you're on a 16 man server. The 32's and onward make it feel less like Urban Warfare, and more like a fullscale attack.

On a related side note somebody desperately needs to make a Mogadishu map. That would rock so much! It would be the Urban Warfare map to end all Urban Warfare maps.

For those of you who don't know, Mogadishu was the city where the Battle of Black Sea, more commonly known as the Blackhawk Down Incident was fought. Read the book, and you'll see why this would be the PERFECT place for a BF2 war. It makes excellent use of APC's, Tanks (toward the end of the fight), extensive use of Humvees, awesome use of Blackhawks, and good use of Littlebirds (I was extremely dissapointed to see the BF2 didn't have these. I mean, c'mon, the crapfest the was Joint Ops even had them!).
sinkoman said:
For those of you who don't know, Mogadishu was the city where the Battle of Black Sea, more commonly known as the Blackhawk Down Incident was fought. Read the book, and you'll see why this would be the PERFECT place for a BF2 war.

or just watch the excellent "Black Hawk Down" movie :P... in fact I watched it so many times while waiting for BF2 I can't even count them.

I agree a Mogadishu map would be great, but ya need to add in those Technicals for the MEC :)

(technicals - "Well armed and mounted militants ('technicals') that rove about
and prey on those not as well armed..."
And loaches- those little two man helicopters that guys can hang off, with two mini guns- fast and very nimble (there was one in Operation Cedar Falls: BFV)
I was actually quite disappointed that these weren't in the original game- the variation in vehicles is the only thing disappointing me so far :-)