Strip Clubs

i never been to a strip club but my girlfriend will strip for me and i like it a lot because she does it because she likes me, i dont have to pay her for it, and then she sleeps with me the whole night. so i think thats better.
Someone should make a pole
Asking who here actually
Gets laid regularly
Itd prolly only be you
and like one other person :(
Ikerous said:
Someone should make a pole
Asking who here actually
Gets laid regularly
Itd prolly only be you
and like one other person :(

That other person being you?
If its all okay with the strippers, they are getting paid and treated well, then i see nothing wrong with it. Ive never been to a strip club and i probably never will, it has that seedy-sad-old man connotation i dont want to be involved with, but if it works for some people. let them have their fun.
don't be sad ikerous, as far as i am concerned sex is only good when it is with a girl you love, i have only had sex with this particular girl anyway, and i have been with her a year and a half now, and i seriously cannot see anything breaking us up other than her cheating on me.

i hope this "foreshadowing" shit doesnt apply to the real world.

p.s. cuddling with her is just as good as teh sex0r :D makes you feel all warm and content inside
Oxygenetic said:
Live sex shows aren't the same thing as a porno, your actually involved.

:hmph: Tell us more about these live sex shows. How do they work? Also, how are YOU involved? You're the one havin'g sex on the show?!?!
nope... your the one sat down in a red velvet seat with your beer in a cup holder on the seat arm just like in a cinema watching several people strip on stage and then several strip couples have sex. I didnt find it in anyway erotic. If anything it was just really funny watching this one couple going through thier routine from what i was told was thier 5th time that night to the backing track of Madonna - Erotic. (Ironic or what?). At one point the guy had a look of pure concentration on his face to try and get an erection as his female partner gave him a blowjob. To me it looked like he was constipated! :laugh:

The atmosphere of the place wasn't a place where dirty old men to sit down with a large coat over thier lap. You may be suprised to find out that almost half the audience was female....