Stuck at 60 FPS...(Half-Life)


Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Hey , Well i changed my drivers around , Im pretty sure I used to get 99fps in HL , and DoD and 300+ in Quake3. I have a 5900FX 256 , so thats not the problem. Im just wondering what could limit my FPS in these games , Quake3 only gets 90fps now. Any help appreciated ( I downloaded the latest drivers off of Nvidias official site)
did you remember to uninstall the old drivers? even after you uninstall them, go to and download a program called NFR, use that to get rid of all the registry entries from the old driver

reboot, and then install the new drivers
Disable Vsync, Vsync synchronizes your frame rate to your monitors refresh rate, its likely vsync is on and the monitors refresh rate at the resolution is 60hz, therefore giving you 60FPS, this can be fixed by Disabling Vsync, but be aware that you might have tearing because your montior won't be able to draw the frames as fast as the engine can, therefore causing tearing when you're moving.
Vsync did it , still get the same 90FPS in quake but im back up to 99 in HL1 , thnx a ton guys.
You gain higher fps at the cost of tearing. I like to play with Vsync off sometimes...
i like vsync better, i dont get as much fps drop. when vsync is on at 60 fps, you dont really see a difference to 80 or 90 fps, so i stick by it
As all the above, turn Vsync of.
If it doesn't work try to type in FPS_MAX 100. But i dont think the HL2 engine can go over 100FPS.
why do you people care about getting 300+ FPS? its stupidity! the human eye cant see much more then 60FPS anyways, if that! Vsync is a very very sweet thing. My monitor has a max refresh of 85hz, so i keep vsync on, and i get awsome display, no tearing. even in i had a 60hz monitor id still keep it on.

However, if your running games in OpenGL, there is a problem with Nvidia drivers and Windows 2k/XP that limits FPS to 60, you can download a refresh rate fix program, but you still wont be able to get more then your monitors refresh rate even with the program
I hear a lot of people talking about how the human eye can only see 60 FPS, but I read somewhere in the TFC forums I go to that you can see up to nearly 100. I might go and find the thread later but its probably hidden somwhere in there because it was posted a long time ago.
I want 300fps because the 90fps means my computer is being limited somewhere , and I want to know why , what I changed. I just want to know that I dont have my computer set so it cant do all it can.
what would you do if your computer blew up? then it couldnt do very much!!!
Did you reinstall Quake? If you you forgot to reset the maximum frame rate. To do so type '/com_maxfps 999' in the console with out the '. If you didn't reinstall Quake I don't what whats going on.
you wasted money on 256 mb card so god doesnt like you now and he is punishing you by limiting your fps.
The problem was already solved crab, about 10 posts back. Quit trolling.
I was making a joke bro........dont be so sensitive about your decision.

Just becuase I see things differantly doesnt mean im trolling.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
what would you do if your computer blew up? then it couldnt do very much!!!

Then id be killed by shrapnel!!!! lol ;)

Originally posted by Pressure
Did you reinstall Quake? If you you forgot to reset the maximum frame rate. To do so type '/com_maxfps 999' in the console with out the '. If you didn't reinstall Quake I don't what whats going on.

Hey that fixed the quake thing thanks. I wanted to check maxfps but I couldnt find the command on the list I found on the web. It was reset to 85 somehow.

Thnx all.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
you wasted money on 256 mb card so god doesnt like you now and he is punishing you by limiting your fps.

Originally posted by |CC|Hudson

Your genious astounds me further. I bought something , I like it you dont have to. Keep your damn mouth shut nextime. I bought it because eventually I WILL use that 256mb. Im sure you buy plenty of things I dont think you need but you dont have me running around telling you about it eh?
well someones PMSing....and the 256MB will not get you signifigantly higher scores, take a look at the benchmarks around the web, by the time 256MB cards are standard, that card will be like a geforce 2 is today. sure, id buy it if i could afford it, anyone would, but your not gettin the bang for your buck