stuck at crane



there's this level with the big magnetic crane thing and you have to bring down the bridge... how do you get up there with your buggy?
I ams tuck there too! I have climbed up into the buildings on the left hand side. I have stacked boxes but can't clear the fence! Anyone else got a clue on this one?
You don't get up there with your buggy. Leave it in the sand and go by foot, eliminating guards and such until you reach the crane. Then use the crane to clobber a couple of bad guys, lower the bridge, and retrieve your buggy from the sand below.
question : did you use the crane to pickup any of those huge bins? i wonder what else is metal with wheels you could pickup with a huge magnet... hmmmmm 8)
I you got stuck on the crane park, you really shouldn't be playing computer games!!!!
omg....i never thought about lifting the buggy with the crane... i dropped a huge crate that had a opening in the end on the sand and then i drove my ride in it and got back up into the crane and then lifted the crate (with buggy inside) up to the top lmao it took me forever too .. geez..
The crane thing should have been pretty obvious when they initially lowered it by crane.
I left my buggy sinking in the water when I did it. I went to the crane to retrieve it, it was too far away! So I had to go back down amongst the antlions to move it, then back up to the crane!
we11er said:
I left my buggy...when I did it. I went to the crane to retrieve it, it was too far away! So I had to go back down amongst the antlions to move it, then back up to the crane!

Same here. It didn't occur to me until after I had opened the garage door that I needed to lift the buggy. I found it easiest to position the crane so that you can see the shadow of the magnet on the ground and then drive your buggy to the shadow for a more exact pick-up.
But when you have lifted the buggy and driven it up to the "hangar" and are about to jump through the window, the window wont break, ive tryed all weapons, should i leave the buggy and continiue by foot?
no... just shoot the supportbeams with the buggy-gun and then go crazy, speed the ramp and smash through the remains of the window... ieeahyy