Stuck at Route Kanal



There is a particula rpart in thi ssection whereby there ar a load of undergrouns caverns with nowhere to go apart from outside where there is a helicopter cuttign you to bits.

Any ideas

yes inside there you should find a way there, its hard to tell but use the flashlight you cant miss it.
You are probably at the tunnel, right after the level/cement block puzzle.

When you see the helicopter, dash to the left, and you'll see a blue door on the side. Go into the blue door and navigate through the tunnels. There are several dead-ends, but there's only one direct path that takes you out the other side.
I looked at that Seeky, The otehr side of all of this takes me to another door up a few stairs, which is basically a few feet from the blue door.

When you come out of that door, the Helicopter is waiting to cut you down. I have been roudn and round these tunnels. If you come outof that door at the other end where do you go next?
