Stuck in Anticitizen One


Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
I'm stuck at the point where you come out of the building and there are two striders mucking about. I've taken down two of them, but another two come. I'm not sure whether I should keep killing them, or make a mad dash to where some combine are shooting. What to do?
DarkSonic said:
I'm stuck at the point where you come out of the building and there are two striders mucking about. I've taken down two of them, but another two come. I'm not sure whether I should keep killing them, or make a mad dash to where some combine are shooting. What to do?
The striders will kill you if you run.

Take them down, and when you get near the combine a new strider come, when that's down take out the combine and progress.
Kill them all, since you have unlimited bazooka ammo, on normal there were only four of them. You can always run at the soldiers but the strider will most likely turn around and shoot the shit out of you.
Whoa, thanks for the quick replies. Yeah, I'm playnig on normal so there are only 4...thanks!
Ok, now I'm stuck in Our Benefactor at the very beginning. I've gotten to the beam thingy that is doing something to these little pod things...No idea where to go.
Woah! Back up. Theres 2 striders? I'm on follow freeman now and I only saw one and i don't think I had to kill it but I killed it anyway.
:cheers: When the pods open up you press your "USE" button on one of them. Make sure you don't choose any that leads to that beam thing.
I didn't kill those striders! I snuck past them MSG style :p Just go to show you the depth of this game and the possibilities.

Oh and darksonic, go in the second pod on the other side, jump into it