Stuck in follow freeman

Follow Freeman

Jump up on the machines and work your way around to the back wall. Think think think, its a puzzle.

Wel ok that didnt exactly work

I jumped on everything
i took out the sentry gus with some grenades i used all my ammo shooting things im just plain stuck
Use some creative jumping techniques to get over the lasers. Jump on top of the machines. At one point, use the steam pipes attached to the wall. You can make it through that room without tripping the turrets.
ah i got ya but im already at the switch any way goes to give it a shot
you cant pass the laser beams. if you go through one of htem then they will activate the guns. then, lights out
Cybjorg and fido139 are correct. This room is a puzzle. You need to find a path by jumping over some things and jumping on others so that you never pass/touch a red laser "tripwire." It is possible to go all the way through without setting anything off and then turn the power off at the far side of the room. You should not need to fire a shot.
Use your brain, its not that hard to work out that you have to get past the laser beams without tripping them, use the environement since theres nothing else to do. Jump over and crawl under things. :angel:
Just to be sure its clear, you need to restart an old save from before you entered that room. Than you need to get to the switch without tripping a laser. You cannot do it if you have already tripped the laser.
Actually i just wanted to add that because of all the extra commands i had to shove into the launch box just to get it to work i couldnt actually see the red lnes but when i loaded it up again i could.

Any way i completed the game and all i have to say is...

OmG wTF bRing on tEh Half Life 3