Stuck in part of the Airboat level



Im stuck on part of the airboat level almost just after you get the guy to attach the gun to the side of it. I managed to blast my way through the early parts of it just after i got my gun, but then I make it into this slightly open area with two missle trucks around the perimiter. I blew them up and then saw the giant open pipe in the wall and what looked like a ramp to be able to launch myself off of (The ramp is part of a bridge that had falled down apparently).

So I managed to get the airboat behind there by launching myself over the rubble on some logs, but then when I gain some speed and launch myself over the ramp to get to the pipe, I hit an invisible wall some 5 or so feet infront of where im supposed to land, and I was clearly not touching anything. I got on foot and climbed some rubble to the pipe, but the pipe was full of radioactive waste. I sprinted through there just to see if there was an end, and yes, it looked like I was supposed to be able to continue through there with my airboat, but couldnt because it would hit some invisible wall before it could land on the other side.

Anyone else have this problem, or maybe could tell me something else im supposed to do? Thanks for any suggestions.
You're supposed to open up the path to the ramp by blowing up the barrels inside the back of the red container. Get out of your boat and head behind the wood beams so that you can go inside the container and take a shot at the explosive barrels.
I dont think i see the red container youre talking about. There are a bunch of red containers around the area, and there is a big red boat next to the rubble, and as far as i know, there arent any flammable barrels inside. The only big red containers were far away from the ramp.
#1 - There is a large metal grate in the pipe. If you don't see it, oh well. That's not the way you need to go anyway.
#2 - The red container mzhang is talking about is on the far wall from where you enter the area. It has a tear in the side of it. Get out of the boat and go into the walkway area to find an opening or just throw a nade in through the tear. Then it'll be obvious what to do.
#3 - Look harder for things. The game pretty much holds your hand.
Theres quite obviously not a metal grate on the pipe, and yes, im pretty sure its the way you have to go. I was able to climb through it on foot, but had I not the high health and armor I had, I wouldnt have been able to run through the radioactive waste. On the other side, it was like the other parts of the airboat level with water and going under concrete bridges, and this area was the only area I could possibly go given the path of the rest of the level.
Nevermind; I found what you were talking about. It led me to the same place that I had found by launching the boat over the logs, but apparently it wouldnt let me proceed unless I had done specifically what you said. Thanks for the help.