Stuck in prison, where to set up the 3 turrets



Hi, I have previosuly in the game had some problems with "triggers". NPCs frozing up in front of elevators and stuff.

I ran around in the 2 corridors and not getting the 3 turrets out. Nothing happened. My question is if this massive attack is triggered by you getting the turrets and placing them out? I did not touch turrents and not a soldier came at me. So I was completely stuck. Anyone seen this?
yes, setting up all three turrets triggers the combine attack and gets the soldiers to attack you. i recommend fortifying ur position enough to withstand an attack, and so that u have an easy overview of all three turrets in order to quickly set them up again
yeah, i gathered up as much junk as i could and piled it up in front of doors. then i put a turret at each end of the short hall where all the ammo is so i could reload/fire and run back and forth resetting my turrets (you get more cover this way). with the extra turret at the end of a long hall facing a balcony. hope that helps.
what I did was go and stack up on Health/Shield and ammo.. and then if you are facing the torret containor's, go to your left and there is a room and I set up the torrets infront of the room and just camped inside of there
I was just going to suggesting what soccerdude suggesting - camping in the small room. He imrpoved it by stacking up ammo, power and health units (great idea).
I did this:
Left from the room with the turrets there's a small room/cell.
Take 2 of the turrets to the back corners of that room and take the third there too but keep the third turret in your hand! Go to the left front corner facing the "door" so that you are in the left front corner in the room but holding the turret outside the room (hard to explain :F) The soldiers that come from the left will start kicking the turret you hold. They will keep beating it forever as the turret cant fall because you are holding it (the turrets in the room will shoot the soldiers while they are "busy"). The soldiers that come from the right will get shot buy the turret you are holding (it should be facing in that direction). The turret you hold in the doorway also blocks manhacks from coming in. If a grenade comes in just sprint out and then quickly back in.

edit: typos
i built a fort around ammo containers the first time, and then the second time i just ran around using the turret as a type of aimbot :D
Imagine the layout of the level is one giant letter 'H' (only with 2 horizontals!) What I did was to set up in the top corner of one leg. This allowed my turrets to all fire down the entire length of one corridor.

I protected the turrets with barrels/boxes and when the combine came I made sure to quickly kill all that came close, especially the handful that came from behind my barricade!

Just turn the 3 turrets around so they are facing out of their slots, and get inside the empty one lol. I did it just to test and i did'nt get shot once, the AI just didnt have a clue what to do.
What you need to do is put boxes and whatever else is there in front of the doors so that when the combine attack they only have one entrance they can go through.
Set up your turrets so that there are two covering the one remaining open entrance and have the other covering the other side, then just go between the corridors using the ammo room and keep killing the combine that get stuck behind the boxes you've put infront of the doorways
My problem was that no soldiers came wat so ever. But I suppose they are trigged by getting the 3 turrents out, and placing them.
But I think it should be my choice wheter or not I want to use them. Not that I must.
Yeah i know what you mean, unfortunately there is pretty much zero choice in anything during the game :(
That was literally the toughest part of the game playing it on hard, what I did was baracade myself in one of the small cells. I stayed in the far back, with the three bulletproof oil drums surrounding me as cover, and then the turrets wedged in near the entrance. The turrets were so densely packe that even when the Combine tried to knock them over, they wouldn't fall down.

Towards the end of the sequence a Combine threw a grenade in the room (smart AI!), but the oil drums absorbed most of the impact and only one of the turrets fell down.
This is a tough part in the game, IF you dont place 2 turrets wherever you want, the with the gravity gun, you pile up boxes and then grab the last turret, and carefully JUMP up on the boxes to get into that small corridor above the control center which alyx overrides as she comes to you.. up there, the combines wont hit you, and the turrets willl kill em all.. just place the last turret on the edge of the "balcony" up there.. and you´ll be fine..
Set up all except 1.

The remaining one you can hold with the grav gun and run around using it as a smart gun. Just remember to pick it up from behind, point in the general direction of enemies, and BOOSH - you win. :D
no no no

what you really want to do is this, and no i didnt cheat :)
shoot all 3 turrets onto the balcony above the gate with charger and hp machine behind. stack up some boxes first so when i fire last turret u can jump up there urself. setup all the 3 turrets next to the railing. kick back and enjoy the show :D
9centwhore said:
no no no

what you really want to do is this, and no i didnt cheat :)

yeah i carried the turrets from the last part as well....

actually only one was fun to go through the game and be able to slap down a turret whenever there were enemies...or carry the turret as your weapon
9centwhore said:
no no no

what you really want to do is this, and no i didnt cheat :)
the section ur showing is not even the right one. you are not where we're talking about
It was definately a pain. I didn't hardly any time to setup the turrets so they got knocked over right away. I was stuck in one of the turret lockers just waiting there with my shotgun. I would just shoot them as they ran by and everyonce in a while I would run out and try to setup the turrets and grab ammo + health when I could.
I did this part without loosing one health point. I picked up each turret with the grav gun and just threw each one on the ground so they wouldn't fire. Then I hid in one of the "turret holders" until alyx came. If you face the turret holders there is four of them. I stood in the second one from the left.

All I had to do was wait until Alyx said it was clear. A total of 3 combine managed to find my location and I capped them. Very simple way to get through this part. Haven't tried to reproduce it yet though.
BigWalnutZ said:
the section ur showing is not even the right one. you are not where we're talking about

um yeah it is.

i should have explained that pic better then, its actually the area above where you enter the big H shape, i carried the first two turrets to that area, set them up upstairs. then i stacked boxes near the balcony that has stairs leading up to it then threw two more turrets up there, set them up, jumped down got the third turret and set it up at which point the combine come to get you.

edit: seriously try it out its highly amusing watching them run up the stairs to their doom, i didnt fire a single bullet and i didnt lose any health or energy doing it this way.