Stuck in prison...



Hi guys,

Hope that you might be able to give me some tipson how to get past a tricky part of the game.

I'm a fair way through and have infiltrated the old prison complex. Im in the holding area where you have 3 auomatic guns that you can position around the area. I have spend at least 3 hours trying to get past this but alas the solders keep keep killing me...

Does anybody know the best way to get past this area??

Thanks for advice :)
Make a 1-2-3 step thing using the 6 crates in the area up to the small balcony at the side (not the way you came but at the side!) Take 2 turrets and set them up then take the 3rd turret, when you put it down the combine come, so look up as you go up the crates (you can shoot the other turrets up) and put it down with the other turrets. Then sit a bit back from the balcony with the grav gun on and sit and wait (keep the grav gun handy for manhacks / grenades / turrets getting shot over) and eventually, when Alyx says she's close, the combine will stop coming and Alyx will arrive.
My version

I spent a long time on this too. As you will find out, the further you get, the harder it becomes to win the battle scenes. I positioned 3 of the sentry guns basically in a triangle in the left hallway covering both gates and the crossover with the supply crates. You have to be able to set your sentry guns back up in a hurry with the gravity gun and let them do the work. Do not run around using your different aresenal of weapons. Let the sentry guns do the work and you concentrate on setting them back up when knocked down.
When this first happened I didn't know what to do so I got shot to shit while prancing around this locked off area. When I re-did it I finally found what I had to do about 5 seconds before the first wave arrived so I didn't have much time to set up the turrets. So I grabbed one and scampered of into one of the empty cells where I backed against the wall with the gun just to my side. As soon as they came to the door way, bang from my shotgun and a couple of machine gun rounds from the turret for good measure. Couple of grenades thrown outside works too. And when the Manhacks arrive on the scene grav-gun 'em into a wall or send 'em flyin' into the Combine. I stayed crouched, too. So when a Combine would come into the room after my turret got knocked over he'd aim upright and hit the wall above my head leaving me to put several rounds in his knee caps.

Great scene, that. Once I get my game running I'm going to play it again.