stuck in route kanal after flooding room



can't figure out how to make the big jump over the water to the other side of the room. This is the same room that has alota wooden boxes submerged under water at the bottom of the deep water, and I banged them out with the crowbar, and I'm still stuck.

please help, i suck
There's two or three giant cotton reels down there too. Get them free and floating. Jump onto them and onto the other side.
pairadocs said:
can't figure out how to make the big jump over the water to the other side of the room. This is the same room that has alota wooden boxes submerged under water at the bottom of the deep water, and I banged them out with the hammer, and I'm still stuck.

please help, i suck
You just called The Sacred Crowbar, a friggin hammer! Nvr make that mistake again, for fear of a worse death.
Lahire149 said:
You just called The Sacred Crowbar, a friggin hammer! Nvr make that mistake again, for fear of a worse death.

I edited my post - sucha friggin noob, I am.

Thanks for the help, i'm going to mess around with more floating wood.