Stuck on Airboat Level-Help!



Could use some help please on the airboat level

I am stuck where you come to the part where you can go left or right. Left is a large close gate and to the right is two big boats that have run into each other. there are a number of large black poles next to the boats also. cant figure out what to do.....
There should be a control panel somewhere close to the gate, there are ways to get there, just look around.

Might be a spoiler, depends on how far you've come on the airboat levels.
Before or after getting the gun mounted?
havent mounted the gun just yet

I will chekc it but I didnt saee anyhting to start...the water is only knee deep and it is the part where you there is only left to the gate or right to the two boats smashed into each other
Just checked everywhere. there is no control panel for gate..I think I am past that point actually and this "feels' like its toward the end of the airboat lvl...its a small area where you can go left=closed gate or right=two boats rammed into each other. damn Im stuck;(
I got passed that part, but I can't figure out what part you exactly mean; could you post a pic or something?
I know this is gonna sound stupid but how do you post a pic....

Ive got a bad feeling I may have missed a bunch of stuff for a while there (when the tanks were firing etc..) I just raced past it all...was I supposed to stop ?
I just raced past a lot of that too. I'm not sure where you are either. All those levels sound similiar. I assume you tried checking everywhere for a tunnel out along the sides. Have you tried getting over or around the boats?

You might have missed a control panel so you might try going back a bit.
Anytime you get in a deadend on the airboat level, just look for places where you can step out and get off. That will lead you to a room where a gate can be opened.
well, Iv e looked everywhere in that area and there is no place to walk to or levers to pull. this is getting so bad it may necessitate a trip to EB just to get the guide (or at least take a peek)...its the part right after you have to pull a tony hawk and hydroplane up the wall and onto the other side. then you come to a place where you can only go left or right...take alook at pics to see..


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I think what you have to do is raise the water level so the boats can float and crash into the gate, opening it. This could be done by opening the gate behind the boats (mostly out of view). But I'm only guessing because I'M STUCK!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!! HELP US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're where I think you are, there is an opening on the side of the canal that you can go through. You don't have to raise the water level. Perhaps another screen shot would help?
there you go.
Nr. 080002 : going into the T-section
Nr. 080003 : looking right in the T
Nr. 080004 : looking left in the T


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I can't find any openings. Are you sure you don't mean the opening underneat the bridge which only has some supplies in it? Could you please explain in more detail where this opening is?
I am with you guys there as well. No openings to be seen, heicopter harrassing the hell out of you, boats to the right, closed gate to the left. HELP!!!!

I just went through that level last night..and I dont recall running into a "roadblock" like that? Can you go back the way you came?
Yeah you can, but it just takes you back into a pipe and then previous area ('Loading...'). And there's nothing of interest along the way, just big bland walls.

Surely if people are boasting about completing the game they know how to do this?
Jey im also stuck on this exact same spot!! what the hell do you do here? I've been lookin around gettin my ass kick for ages! (only got 40 HP)
I'm also stuck in the same spot- seeing that no one has been able to solve this is it possible that a door or panel just isn't showing up in some games?
I have now concluded that that is the case. The mass decryption necessary to unlock Half Life from its anti-piracy, pre-November-16th obscurity has destroyed a door or something.

There is literally no way through. It's so confusing.
I have a feeling that you are spawning at the wrong end of the map. As far as I can tell, that T-junction should be the end of the map. What was the last thing you were doing before getting to this area?
I just went back to that level and played through where I thought you were, but it isn't the same. Am I to assume that you don't have the gun mounted on your boat? You may be earlier in the level than I anticipated.
The T junction is kind of at the end of the level (although I haven't been past it, obviously). You start in a pipe. When you come out of it, the helicopter is waiting for you. You turn right, do a Tony Hawk's hairpin to the left as a previous poster put it, then turn right again. You are now on the vertical bit of the T, the left bit being the gate and the right bit being the boats. And there is nowhere to go after this. Gate is closed, boats are in the way.

I'm sure it's something obvious that we're all missing but any ideas?

Edit: No gun mounted yet.
Here are some more screen shots, as you can see im gettin whooped right now. Been driving around this level for ages now and am giving up hope :(


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Oh, that bit? After you do the second hairspin, I remember going through another pipe, not down a T-junction. You best go back and make sure you went the right way or something.
heh, I have a feeling I'm thinking of the wrong place yet again. :) When you go past that second turn, there should be a passage to the right that leads to a large pipe...
brisk1, on your first screenshot (080000), notice the sloping wall in the background (just below the smoke stacks)? Did you try to ride up the one side, over the wall, and down the other?
yep that is the slopes just before you get to the big gate and the crashed boats
we came from the other side - we went over the side and arrived where the screenshot was taken. If you move further, you come to the (in)famous site of our massive frustrations.
yeah thats right, just went back AGAIN backtrack right back but there is a point where you cant go any further back and I cant see any other exits!! :(
Sounds like Valve screwed up somewhere. People are describing different things to what us unlucky ones are seeing...
Apparently not (file size too large). Maybe I should decrease my resolution. Anyway, my level is just like the level show in the previous screenshots. I'm pretty certin we all have the same problem.
Ok, I don't know how you guys got to where you are, but you seem to have come through part of the level backwards. I will post a series of screenshots detailing the path I took through this part of the level.

I came to an open part of the level where the helicopter was chasing me. The lock doors were closed (or were closing?), so I swung right and parked at the following dock.

I broke the lock on the door and wandered through the building until I found the control tower. It was there that I was able to open the lock doors (you can see the boats in the background) using this control panel.

I then drove into the canal towards the boats and hung a right, all the while dodging the helicopter bullets.

This quickly leads to an apparent dead-end, which is actually a ramp that you can drive up and over. Then it's just a quick romp through the ditch, swerving around land mines, until you come to the sections of concrete pipe.

Hope this helps.
oh man this is really beginning to ruining the game for me now!! :(
Cybjorg, you are a saint. It's strange that a few of us took the section backwards. Thank you very much for taking the time to explain everything.

I did go to 'the following dock' but I obviously didn't open the door, so that's where I went wrong. I'm assuming it's the same for everybody else.

Then again, seeing as we're inside already without opening the door, can't we just go back into the pipe and continue...?
I already came through that concrete pipe... should I just go back and go back up it?

Thanks a lot cybjorg for posting all those shots!
lardless, I assume that since you are already on the right side of the door, it shouldn't much matter. You should still be able to continue on through the level.

Captal, once you drive through the broken concrete piping, you should be able to ramp to a tricky area where the helicopter stops pursuing you, but you have to ride the boat - full steam- and balance along the top of the pipes until you ramp through an opening into another section.