Stuck on Airboat Level-Help!

I did all that already(pipe balancing)and I ended up at that T section dead end- did I somehow get warped back or what???

I'll take a look when I get home and try going back through everything again.
I remember the bit Cybjorg is describing, almost killed myself getting through those crates with the chopper shooting at me. But I can't remember anything like those screenshots of the area you're stuck in. I did go through a lot of that section very fast though.
I've done it! Basically if you go back as far as you can (there is a canal with sloped walls and a truck on the side. From there turn around and there is a huge ramp/jump on which you jump onto and small warehouse in which is a lift which you lower yourself down to another section which then takes you onto the next section
Phew- at least someone figured it out- weird stuff. So you followed Cybjorg's directions and then went on top of the pipe again and jumped onto the warehouse?
Narcissist_me said:
there you go.
Nr. 080002 : going into the T-section
Nr. 080003 : looking right in the T
Nr. 080004 : looking left in the T

You cant get past the boats, and the gate you shown youve just gone through (you had to clear a combine base to open it and got attacked by a Helicopter while in a yard full of storage containers).

So you head the only way you can, eventually you should come to an concrete embankment, you have to hit this at full speed and sorta turn at the top and come down the other way - there you go you're out.

There is nowhere to get off or anything, just hit the conrete emabnkment at full speed and you'll get up it.

If people are still stuck Ill try & post some screenies
Can't make the jump!

I've gotten past that part where most of you are stuck to an area where you fly out of a pipe and make a right, then turn left into an area that has two rocket launching trucks up above you, a pipe on the right, two boats, and a jump ramp on the left. I killed the trucks, managed to get my aircar underneath the dock, and hit the ramp at full speed, only to not quite make it. I did this about a hundred times now. I'd just leave the boat, but then the helicopter at the next part kicks my ass. Why isn't everybody else stuck here? It's been hours now.
Ditto - i did wonder if i had the room to get enough speed up but cleared it first time.
Oh, great, then something must have gone wrong with the install or something. Even using the entire long part of the under-dock area to gain as much speed as possible doesn't help at all. The gauge on the boat even indicates top speed. Should i just start the game over and see if it'll work, or reinstall everything?
im stuck at this section

it seems so simple, am i missing something?

nothing will open these dang gates
amsgwp said:
im stuck at this section

it seems so simple, am i missing something?

nothing will open these dang gates

goto where you were in the second screenshot and look right. there is a big beam that you need to crash into the gates.
I just replayed the entire level so that maybe it would load better or something and the jump would be possible, but it isn't! It looks like i'm making it by a good 4 feet up, too. I have no idea why this would only be happening on my system, but it makes me wonder what the hell valve was doing with all of their time. If there's no special trick to it, then i'm definitely getting a bug that's making further progress impossible. If it wasn't for console commands, i'd be demanding my money back right now.
Gordon, I think you may be stuck at the same part that I was for a while, and if that's the case, I know your problem (a screenie would help me be sure though). If you did the same thing that I did, you tried to jump over some rubble to get under the dock, but if you do this, you can't jump the ramp. You have to go over to where one of the red shipping crates is. There's some explosive barrels behind the door. Shoot those and it will blow the door of the crate open. Only once you do that will it allow you to make the jump.

Also, people need to stop presuming that their install messed up or that there is some kind of gameplay bug. Usually, you either did something unintended by the designers that wasn't protected against properly, you got turned around, or you just haven't found the right way out yet.
insig said:
Usually, you either did something unintended by the designers that wasn't protected against properly

Umm, I'd call that a bug if we somehow got to an area we weren't supposed to or somehow got sent back to an area we weren't supposed to be at
I think you're going the wrong way, when you are looking at the T. the gate to your left you should have already come through, go back up, under a bridge round to left then full speed at the wall slide up and over to the rightin a u-turn, then you can access the tunnel to the next stage. Patolucas73
Oops I just posted this under the wrong thread anyway.
I think you're going the wrong way, when you are looking at the T. the gate to your left you should have already come through, go back up, under a bridge round to left then full speed at the wall slide up and over to the rightin a u-turn, then you can access the tunnel to the next stage. Patolucas73
Yeah its a bug that you can get in there, go blow up the drums in the red crate first!
Captal said:
Umm, I'd call that a bug if we somehow got to an area we weren't supposed to or somehow got sent back to an area we weren't supposed to be at

Erm, I meant to say it's not a bug with your particular copy of the game, it is definately a bug. Sorry for not clarifying.
Don't know if this is one of the areas already referred to, but I'm stuck here on the water boat ride.

There's a ladder here with a handwheel at the top to raise the lock gate, but I get blasted by the chopper after the first turn of the wheel. I'm stumped. No chance at all.......


Do I have to just keep trying and hope the chopper "goes away"? In the same area, there's a "sort of" ramp of logs that could get me over a different wall - but I cannot quite manage it - not enough speed. Any help appreciated. Thanx.
amsgwp said:
im stuck at this section

it seems so simple, am i missing something?

nothing will open these dang gates

On your second screen shot if you look to the right there should be some explosive barrels shot them and it will cause the crane to break and the beam will swing in and bust open the gate.
Cargo said:
Don't know if this is one of the areas already referred to, but I'm stuck here on the water boat ride.

There's a ladder here with a handwheel at the top to raise the lock gate, but I get blasted by the chopper after the first turn of the wheel. I'm stumped. No chance at all.......

Do I have to just keep trying and hope the chopper "goes away"? In the same area, there's a "sort of" ramp of logs that could get me over a different wall - but I cannot quite manage it - not enough speed. Any help appreciated. Thanx.

Kill the chopper first. If that is the area where he's launching TONS of mines in the open water area, you have to kill the chopper with your gun. This is near the Dam, right?
ir0nside said:
Kill the chopper first. If that is the area where he's launching TONS of mines in the open water area, you have to kill the chopper with your gun. This is near the Dam, right?

Aiee! Yes, got it. Didn't realise the boats gun was so powerful. Chopper is now toast.


tw33ter said:
ok, this is where i am, and i've made it without the use of the boat, cuz i have no clue where to get it from, can someone tell me where to get it?

You cannot pass this section without the boat. You have to jump the ramp to the other side. Either go back and get it (not much fun playing this level without it; not even possible to finish without it) or you can try to spawn an airboat wuth a console command that I remember seeing in another post. Something like "cl_spawnairboat" or something.

I would suggest restarting the level and getting the boat. You'll be in for an entirely different and more enjoyable level anyway.
tw33ter said:
ok, this is where i am, and i've made it without the use of the boat, cuz i have no clue where to get it from, can someone tell me where to get it?

You must be cheating, becauser you HAVE to get the boat so you can make it across a huge river of toxic waste without dieing. You get it at the end of the last chapter. I'm surprised you've had the patience to get that far without the boat, cheats or not.
Yeh thats crazy man, how did you even get to that point without the boat?! You better go get it cuz your gonna need it, like the previous poster said, you wont even finish this section of the game without it. You have a long way to go on water get a boat.
I was able to get "unstuck" by folling cyjborgs directions- it felt like deja vu but I ended up finishing the level.
I'm stuck well before that I think

Can't seem to figure this one out. I'm stuck on the airboat ride before you get to the point you guys are all talking about here. I just came to a place where you can go through one of two pipes, straight ahead are lock doors and as soon as you clear the pipes, the doors lock shut. To the right is a guard in a compound, you have to go right then left to dock at the compound and shoot the lock off the door...I've wandered around through the buildings and end up inside the compound with the stupid chopper shooting the crap out of me. If I continue through the compound I come out with no where to go but in the water with the chopper tearing me up good. I can't find a way out of this??? LOL, feel so stupid! Please help anyone? Thanks.
By the way, the console command I saw was "ch_creatairboat". Don't know if it works or not though.
Ok Sting, I did this last night -- you've cleared the warehouse of Combine and Manhacks, right? Now jump up the boxes to the balcony and enter the adjoining area. A few combine here, but not many to clear out. You eventually wind your way down a flight of stairs and ur at a doorway with a health machine and suit charge machine (kinda like payphones!) near the door. Most likely the chopper is lurking out the door salivating to shoot you!

Now, take a deep breath, and sprint through the door and around to your right. I missed it a few times, but there is a way out past the storage containers toward the right. It will lead to a post where you climb a ladder into an observation post with two combine waiting to shoot your head as you come up the ladder. After you kill them you can use one of the fixed guns to chase off the chopper. There is a switch in here to open the gate and continue on.

Hope this helps.
BTW, did the airboat level feel like it went on FOREVER to anyone else? Everytime I thought I'd be near the end of it there was something else! I can't imagine these poor saps who have gotten to the end without the boat! Don't know whether to laugh or cry for them! Also, where was the red barn? Was it possible to just blow by it, cause I would have!
Damn, many people got stuck on easy places. But I should shut up beacouse I got stuck on another place In Water Hazard for two hours, no plce that has been mentioned here, though. :p
stkman said:
BTW, did the airboat level feel like it went on FOREVER to anyone else? Everytime I thought I'd be near the end of it there was something else! I can't imagine these poor saps who have gotten to the end without the boat! Don't know whether to laugh or cry for them! Also, where was the red barn? Was it possible to just blow by it, cause I would have!

Yeah I was like- when is this going to end... this is so repetitive. Once you "upgrade" the air boat it's more fun, but still I wanted to be done...
stkman said:
BTW, did the airboat level feel like it went on FOREVER to anyone else? Everytime I thought I'd be near the end of it there was something else! I can't imagine these poor saps who have gotten to the end without the boat! Don't know whether to laugh or cry for them! Also, where was the red barn? Was it possible to just blow by it, cause I would have!

Yeah the barn is very near the start, and has a few supplies, a couple of zombies, and when you first see it, g-man. There was nothing really exciting in the supplies tbh. Think it was ammo and health.
I'm guessing that you've made a wrong turn. If there is a gate and it's ment to be opened there is always a lever or ladder/platform leading you to one very close by as I remember(I'm further on at buggy stage now!). Is it possible that this is just as it looks? A dead end!? You could always jump out of the boat and have a swim around/dive around to see where that gets you. But remember......don't leave your airboat behind at this stage as you still need it for quite some time.
You are going to have to back up a ways. What you are looking at is all dead end area. You made a wrong turn earlier.
help need help

iam stuck in water hazard in a place where the is a ramp and a big red boat next to it. i cant see to make the jump to the other side where there is a tunnel
Haha... talk about necromancy...

I'm going to assume you're talking about the place with the APCs that shoot rockets and the like at you. Having destroyed them, there's a large red container (the kind people build houses with). If you notice, there's a small hole in the side of it. If you shoot the explosive barrels on the other side, then the doors will "open". Follow that passage under the dock, around. You'll come to a ramp. Go up the ramp. Go into the tunnel. Voila. Game finished.

Oh, and Barney dies.

and yes barney dies from chell killing him.
it all makes sense.
