Stuck on Follow Freeman

Feb 15, 2010
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Barney tells me to go into a room while he stays outside. Inside are a bunch ofblasers. When I trigger them, the doors lock and ceiling turrets activate and kill me. There does not seem to be another way through the level. Help?
Can you post a screenshot? I know roughly were you are in the game but I'm not sure about the exact room. Is there any cover you can take when the turrets activate? Can you backtrack a little to find a medkit?
I know exactly whet room you're in. What you have to do is try to get on top of the combine structure thingies in the room. That way you can just jump over the laser thingies and get to the button to the right of the exit door. When I first tried this I died like 10 times so don't get too mad if you die.
Oh yes I remember that room. It's a jumping puzzle. You just have to avoid tripping any of the lasers and get to the other side of the room and press a button. Just climb on things.
Why does the guy destroy the hoppers in that video? I always replant them so when the Combine soldiers enter they're destroyed by their own mines. OP, that's a much better tactic to use rather than picking them up and throwing them in an effort to destroy them. Much better to use them to aid you.
It's been a while since I played through, but depending on when you go through that room, there shouldn't be any Combine left until you make your way to the roof (returning to the main lobby).