Stuck on Point Insertion



I need help with this game.

Im stuck at the trainstation.
I cant figure what i am suppose to do.
I dont know were to go. Every door is locked.
The people in the trainstation cant seem to help me. No one tells me were to go.
The guards in the masks just push me away, and wont let me advance. I cant find any of the guns! And all the gates that lead ouside the station are locked.
The doors on the other trains arent reachable and are locked.
Does anyone know what to do?
hehe, go past the bit with the can in the bin, and the people lining up for food and turn left. Open the double doors on the right side with the use key (default e) and have a lovely glance around. You are not supposed to have any guns...yet :)
have you met Barney yet? if not then theres the problem..and if you have,well then just follow Hectic Glenn's advice..otherwise I don't know what to say...
Ok, after barny finishes his speach i start in a moveing train. I get out of the train and i look at the big plasma screen in the wall. and then i try to look for a way out. But i mamage to follow one of the people that gets his bags stolen. He is no help. he just sits down. he does not unlock the gates or move the guards from the way.
Okay its 'g man' that makes the speach. after you get off the train you go left through the turnstyle and carry on, push on the spiral thing. HL2 is very interactive, treat it differently to normal games :dozey:

If you are having issues on just walking around, i suggest you take some more practice on FPS games, you seem to be inexperienced to say the least, and the game will obviously get harder. Take some time to practice.
not the guy on the screens! thats Dr. Breen..Barney will introduce himself when you get to him..follow a Gaurd down a hallway to an interrogation room..go from there
Hectic Glenn said:
HL2 is very interactive, treat it differently to normal games
Yeah, I think the problem is that you're looking at the turnstyle and your experience of previous games is telling you "Oh, it's a solid object, it's not gonna budge". This is a mindset you need to cast aside for Half Life 2, since the whole game is based on an incredibly advanced physics engine which is heavily utilised as more than just a gimmick throughout. If you walk into the turnstyle, The force you exert on it will cause it to revolve, and you will move through it (by far one of the simpler applications of said physics engine that you will see). Good luck if you're stuck at the first room of the game, though :rolleyes:
Member17 said:
Ok, after barny finishes his speach i start in a moveing train. I get out of the train and i look at the big plasma screen in the wall. and then i try to look for a way out. But i mamage to follow one of the people that gets his bags stolen. He is no help. he just sits down. he does not unlock the gates or move the guards from the way.
ROFL that's a classic. Follow Hectic Glenn's advice and you should be fine.

Tip: Next time give us a screenshot so we know exactly where you are.
What a cracker of a thread! It's hilarious to see people become caught in something so simple.
You guys are bastards, not contributing to the thread and all...

I think the reason us newbies get stuck in the easy parts of this game is because we buy it expecting a challenge and when the opening scene is anything but.........well, it kinda throws u off....

Name one game that offers a challenge in the opening moments of the game :<
Pesmerga said:
Name one game that offers a challenge in the opening moments of the game :<

Rock Paper Scissors

I think what girlgamer was getting at was that there is a much more extended 'ambient' gameplay section at the start of HL2 (and HL for that matter) than other similar games.
pomegranate said:
I think what girlgamer was getting at was that there is a much more extended 'ambient' gameplay section at the start of HL2 (and HL for that matter) than other similar games.

Yeah like how in HL1 with the bug where Barney dies before the train opens - loads of people assumed it was an actual task, and they were missing something, because it's natural at the start of a game to expect to be posed certain challenges. The HL series is a lot more inventive.

All the same...SORT IT OUT! All you have to do is walk around :E If in doubt, press E, climb ladders, soak up the ambience while waiting for ideas, etc...
No way, I never heard of that before. I think that would've foxed me, back in the day.