Stuck on the last bit (Typical)


Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Playing Dark Energy I'm stuck here, Ive read Detailed walkthroughs
and that Visual one puts me here.

I get on the ramp but I can't work out where to get off, I've spent hours trying before I asked.
jsut keep looking. theres a way.

I found the way, I get up to the top and fire the orb, but as yet I can't do it, its to hectic, also I'm guessing shooting the shields require accurate shots.
Still cant do it, getting bored now, still 99% finish, is OK for me, but I do see why this is a top game, it was fun.
You are shooting the rotating bits around the glowing part, right, and not the big flaps around the sides? You don't actually need to shoot away all the shields, just enough to let you hit the core twice. :)
Shoot the middle, just keep chucking loads and loads of orbs there, like a crazy man. Grab one, shoot it, Grab one, shoot it. Keep going crazy. Your aim should be good now from playing through 99.9% of the game. This is the last thing you will need to do, and I beg you do just do it and finish it, so we don't have anymore 'I can't do it!' threads. One more and I'm going to crossbow myself to the wall D:
Why not crossbow him to the wall?
Shoot the middle, just keep chucking loads and loads of orbs there, like a crazy man. Grab one, shoot it, Grab one, shoot it. Keep going crazy. Your aim should be good now from playing through 99.9% of the game. This is the last thing you will need to do, and I beg you do just do it and finish it, so we don't have anymore 'I can't do it!' threads. One more and I'm going to crossbow myself to the wall D:

Often I hit the strut, in the middle and the orb bounces off, I guess I cock up earlier as well, often he escapes, no matter how many orbs I fire, the first orb is very critical.


Hectic Glen, I'm not pretending I have Ataxia, to press any key on my big keys keyboard is very hard, I have to look at each key in order to press it, so hectic moves are hard for me, I do have a carer who bales me out of tough spots, the car ramping the bridge, and the air boat, on the pipe and shooting the barrel when the Barnacle sucked it up near the others, needed his help. on the keyboard, even a simple save is hard.
You are shooting the rotating bits around the glowing part, right, and not the big flaps around the sides? You don't actually need to shoot away all the shields, just enough to let you hit the core twice. :)

If I'm quick enough I do shoot the middle not the flaps, but I often hit those by mistake.
I will say this though, Ive been bad for years now and gaming is the only thing left that I can do, playing other games had difficult moments as well, asking for help didn't get such a grumpy response as I get here, 15 years of going in Forums, like the game HL2, this is No1 for grumpiness.

even typing this needs checking first, theres a tool for that.

It would be very handy to pop a pill to control my hands but there isn't, sorry peoples.
Take it easy :). I, personally, am impressed by your dedication and effort in playing HL2, given your Ataxia condition.

But generally, at that last part, there's no reason you would need to even use the keyboard much. It's exclusively a two-step repetition - grab a ball, shoot it, grab, shoot it. No need to aim carefully - if you keep firing the balls, eventually you'll be able to hit the core itself, which is what you need to do.
Take it easy :). I, personally, am impressed by your dedication and effort in playing HL2, given your Ataxia condition.

But generally, at that last part, there's no reason you would need to even use the keyboard much. It's exclusively a two-step repetition - grab a ball, shoot it, grab, shoot it. No need to aim carefully - if you keep firing the balls, eventually you'll be able to hit the core itself, which is what you need to do.

I can't get it right, theres two ball thingys, i use the left one, but I over steer 4 times, with the mouse turning right, to face the reactor to shoot, then turning left to grab another ball and then up and down on both, I have to line it up, doing that with shit coordination is to hard for me, I've tried standing in different places and using either.
Precisely, stand behind one of the supports (to avoid the gunships) and just move the mouse to the orbs and then aim at the core, moving back and forth. That's literally all you need to do to complete this game. I'm sorry to hear about your condition, that's perfectly understandable how it makes this more difficult for you. Now go and finish the game! Just aim as best as you can.

So...going straight into Episode 1, or taking a break for a while?

Edit: If you can't move the mouse to aim well, go into the mouse options and turn the sensitivity right down low, so you can aim very precisely.
Precisely, stand behind one of the supports (to avoid the gunships) and just move the mouse to the orbs and then aim at the core, moving back and forth. That's literally all you need to do to complete this game. I'm sorry to hear about your condition, that's perfectly understandable how it makes this more difficult for you. Now go and finish the game! Just aim as best as you can.

So...going straight into Episode 1, or taking a break for a while?

Edit: If you can't move the mouse to aim well, go into the mouse options and turn the sensitivity right down low, so you can aim very precisely.

I tried all that, I bought a proper gaming mouse to help, but the speed is not the issue, its the starting and stopping and up and down movements, I can't control.
OK, well try and set your mouse at the right level to move left and right to grab the orb, then move left to fire it. You could use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the aim left and right without moving up and down. I think 'return' is shoot as well, but you need a secondary fire button binded,to 'backspace' perhaps, check it in the keyboard options. See if that works. :S
A separate question, does timing from the start play a part, or can I go round a few times, also the last up and down platform, the one that seems to trigger, Breen of, can I wait there and save the game.
I'd get to the top, where the orbs are on the left and right of you and you are facing Breen front on and quick-save as soon as possible then. Then you can keep loading from that point and keep trying.
I'd get to the top, where the orbs are on the left and right of you and you are facing Breen front on and quick-save as soon as possible then. Then you can keep loading from that point and keep trying.

Can I be to slow getting up, most times I'm to late, he gets away.
OK, well just cheat to get to that ledge then play normally.

Open the console (button under ESC), you may need to enable it in 'advanced' in the keyboard options. Once you've got the console open, type this:

sv_cheats 1

Now cheat mode is activated. Now we are going to put noclip mode on, where you can fly around through anything. So type:


A message will come up saying 'noclip mode on', exit the console, and press a movement key and you will be able to float anywhere. Move yourself to the ledge I spoke of with the orbs on either side facing Breen. Position yourself just above the ground, and open the console and type 'noclip' again to turn it off. You should fall onto the ledge nicely. Now save your game, so you have plenty of time to get Breen by shooting orbs, however you find it easiest.
I'd get to the top, where the orbs are on the left and right of you and you are facing Breen front on and quick-save as soon as possible then. Then you can keep loading from that point and keep trying.

If i saved now, it's ould be pointless, I'm to late.
OK, well just cheat to get to that ledge then play normally.

Open the console (button under ESC), you may need to enable it in 'advanced' in the keyboard options. Once you've got the console open, type this:

sv_cheats 1

Now cheat mode is activated. Now we are going to put noclip mode on, where you can fly around through anything. So type:


A message will come up saying 'noclip mode on', exit the console, and press a movement key and you will be able to float anywhere. Move yourself to the ledge I spoke of with the orbs on either side facing Breen. Position yourself just above the ground, and open the console and type 'noclip' again to turn it off. You should fall onto the ledge nicely. Now save your game, so you have plenty of time to get Breen by shooting orbs, however you find it easiest.

Ill do noclip later, can you fire from here.
Your screenshot before the last, I think that's not too late - isn't the reactor core just about to open up?

And I also think that low mouse sensitivity should help you overall. Since you can't control your hands well, low mouse sensitivity should have the effect of significantly lowering the in-game effects of any involuntary movements you make.

As a last resort, ask your carer to do that ball shooting part :).
OK, well just cheat to get to that ledge then play normally.

Open the console (button under ESC), you may need to enable it in 'advanced' in the keyboard options. Once you've got the console open, type this:

sv_cheats 1

Now cheat mode is activated. Now we are going to put noclip mode on, where you can fly around through anything. So type:


A message will come up saying 'noclip mode on', exit the console, and press a movement key and you will be able to float anywhere. Move yourself to the ledge I spoke of with the orbs on either side facing Breen. Position yourself just above the ground, and open the console and type 'noclip' again to turn it off. You should fall onto the ledge nicely. Now save your game, so you have plenty of time to get Breen by shooting orbs, however you find it easiest.

Great console, you can copy and paste, I can't fly using noclip, I'm doing something wrong, I'll look later, thanks.
Your screenshot before the last, I think that's not too late - isn't the reactor core just about to open up?

And I also think that low mouse sensitivity should help you overall. Since you can't control your hands well, low mouse sensitivity should have the effect of significantly lowering the in-game effects of any involuntary movements you make.

As a last resort, ask your carer to do that ball shooting part :).

It doesn't work frpm there.
Thanks Hectic Glenn, usinng the no clip gave me plenty of time, I even shot down those 2 annoying gunships.
Good to hear it. Hope you enjoyed the game, on the whole. Now episode 1 yeah?
Congratulations on completing the game :).

If you want to play Episode One, do wait a little bit first. I think Ep One plays better if you let HL2... sink in a bit.
You had ataxia? I had no idea. > >

Congratulations on completion! Did you enjoy the gman's... speech?
You had ataxia? I had no idea. > >

Congratulations on completion! Did you enjoy the gman's... speech?
I wish had was the word, have and getting worse each day is more like it, it does make hard moves impossible, at times.
Good to hear it. Hope you enjoyed the game, on the whole. Now episode 1 yeah?

Id love to play it, but I'll be posting stuck threads every 5 mins lol, actually in fact, ill use noclip, in tight spots, I'm allowed to cheat.

What is episode 1, an expansion pack or a separate game.
Episode One is an expansion. Well, you don't need to have HL2 for it, but it's a short game, and it starts right where HL2 finishes. Ep1 is 4-6 hours of gameplay, if regular HL2 is taken to be 16-20. You probably spent more time on it, though.

If you liked HL2 overall, you'll like Ep1. Although there are a couple of places/puzzles requiring pretty good movement coordination, which may cause problems for you. Using the god cheat might be better for you, though, it will just make you immortal and thus give you unlimited time to do whatever you have to. But of course, try to do as much as you can without cheating :).
Episode One is an expansion. Well, you don't need to have HL2 for it, but it's a short game, and it starts right where HL2 finishes. Ep1 is 4-6 hours of gameplay, if regular HL2 is taken to be 16-20. You probably spent more time on it, though.

If you liked HL2 overall, you'll like Ep1. Although there are a couple of places/puzzles requiring pretty good movement coordination, which may cause problems for you. Using the god cheat might be better for you, though, it will just make you immortal and thus give you unlimited time to do whatever you have to. But of course, try to do as much as you can without cheating :).

Because of my Ataxia I can't work, so all I do now is play games, HL2, took about 2 wks of nearly solid play, eBay are selling EP1's for about £12.00. is that good.
Don't buy the game from ebay, when you are getting these games from Valve you are paying for a cd-key to unlock the game on your steam account. The files for the game you can download for free from Steam, but the cd-key unlocks them and makes the game playable. If you buy a game with a cd-key that is already registered (as the other owner played it), you've just got the free files :( So I'd say, don't take the risk.

You can buy the game through steam, and download it to be completely safe and it will work absolutely fine. Valve actually told the community to buy this way to make sure we don't lose our cash. You might pay a tiny bit more, but you can't put a price on peace of mind. :)
Don't buy the game from Eba, when you are getting these games from Valve you are paying for a cd-key to unlock the game on your steam account. The files for the game you can download for free from Steam, but the cd-key unlocks them and makes the game playable. If you buy a game with a cd-key that is already registered (as the other owner played it), you've just got the free files :( So I'd say, don't take the risk.

You can buy the game through steam, and download it to be completely safe and it will work absolutely fine. Valve actually told the community to buy this way to make sure we don't lose our cash. You might pay a tiny bit more, but you can't put a price on peace of mind. :)

Blimey EP2 as well.
Playing Dark Energy I'm stuck here, Ive read Detailed walkthroughs
and that Visual one puts me here.

I get on the ramp but I can't work out where to get off, I've spent hours trying before I asked.

In the screen shot, you see how that bridge breaks off?

That hexagonical little platform rises and rotates. WHEN it stops (trust me, just sit tight on the platform) there will be a small wall infront of you... jump it, there is an HEV or combine suit charger use it and continue to (and yes, I forget) on to either another platform, or new combine troops to tear apart with your (as i call it) Polarized Gravity Gun (Yeah, I know what polarized means, but I'm not sure if polarizing zergo energy particles would boost them to a higher amount of energy... OK, I'm only in Gr.9, but the hell if I know what happened to the Gravity gun, I just like calling it polarized).