Stuck P 96?of Prima guide



Hi folks,

I am stuck in a area of 2 dam gates., a barge stranded on mudbank, a corner tower number 5, a pier no. 65, a chopper attack, combine forces up in the warehouse, and a crate on the dock. I shot the crate, been all through the buildings...
Now what? How do I get the dam gates open?

I can't see the 2 large smokestacks for the next destination.

Any ideas?

you cant have been through all of the buildings, because there is a switch in one of them that opens the gate..... unless you missed it the first time, go through it again, you'll find it ^^
The switch


Thanks for the reply.
This should be easier now that I know to look for a switch instead of some weird physics ramp creation.


If it is after the chopper dropped all those bombs, you have to go up to the platform above the dam and there will be a switch/valve to operate and it will open the floodgates vertically. Drive your airboat up the little ramp in the water just before the opening.

Out of the blockages I can remember in case this is not the one you are referring to, one of them you shoot a barrel to force some girders to crash open the door and then next one, you just need to drive the airboat on to the walk way and through the broken fence.


Hi. Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

I already shot that barrel with the swinging cable earlier.

Take care,

is this the one where just before you go back in the water theres a tower with mounted guns in that you use to take on the chopper then press the switch
Yes it is


Yes it is. I think it is a green button. There is one guard at a turret.

Thanks, Bill
Yeah, theres a button in the tower that opens the gates, also, use the tower guns to kill the helicopter if you havent yet.