

May 21, 2004
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I'm at Sand Traps. I reach this wall that's wooden and all messed up. I just shot up a bunch of Combine Soldiers. I have my Buggy, but can't get passed. What do I do? I've been trying and trying over the past hour. No luck.
There is a spinning fan nearby-up high. And an ocean to my right. Abandoned and destroyed cars are littered all around.

A little help here please.
you need to go into the building nearby and put 3 batteries in the machine on the desk. 2 of them are in the same room, the last one is in a nearby car, under the hood.
Ok! Thank you so much. I'll try just that.
There's another way up on a billboard where a combine was shooting down at you... :thumbs: there more than 3 batteries in that area?
Because I found mine in the building, one where the combine was, and the other in the bathtub.
I found one up top on the ledge on the windmill.
I've heard it is also possible to bypass the barrier by grav-gunning your buggy over it.