Student suspended for talking to his mother in Iraq

kirovman said:
Aye, truely is power mad, not like in my day.

Back in my day if we so much as spoke we got a lash of the cat-o-nine tails from the Headmaster. But you see that's not power mad, because we were truely being taught manners.

He taught us about respect and discipline, not like today's schools, no wonder the youth of today are that way.

It makes me sick, I just want to walk into a school and start thrashing kids with a cane until they're black and blue.

"You can't hit innocent little kids, they're defenceless! Its not morally or politically correct."
Teh_Poet said:
Or later in the evening... they are 9 hours ahead of georgia, so he could have called her around 10 pm his time.
Myabe she couldn't use the phone then. Maybe that time was the only time she was able to use the phone.

Edit: Also, about the punishing thing, I agree. It'd be worth it just to see some of the asses (chavs?) at my school get hit.
bvasgm, why do you keep emphasizing that his mother is in Iraq?

My dad lives in Belgium, it doesn't mean I have to call him in the middle of a movie in the theatre.
SimonomiS said:
"You can't hit innocent little kids, they're defenceless! Its not morally or politically correct."

I bet the people that said that never suffered the thrashing of the cane.

If they did, they would know the endowment of respect it brought :O

Kids are evil cunning little blighters... read Lord of the Flies, it's exactly right.
Pesmerga said:
bvasgm, why do you keep emphasizing that his mother is in Iraq?
Because there's a chance [albeit a small one] that she won't be coming back. Also, it's probably been a while since he's seen/talked to yeah, I don't think it's a big deal him talking to her during lunch.
kirovman said:
I bet the people that said that never suffered the thrashing of the cane.

If they did, they would know the endowment of respect it brought :O

Kids are evil cunning little blighters... read Lord of the Flies, it's exactly right.

Yeah I've read it, kids brought up nowadays left alone on an THAT is a scary thought.
i sometimes agree about bringing back caning in schools.. because kids are going out of control..

but i am also afraid that if canes are brought back, teachers would go out control..
Ya's funny. He posts the thread and we don't even get an opinion. TDEeeee, what do you think? Is the school right? Yay or nay?
Rules like that are made to prevent cell phone interuptions during classes and whatnot. It was during lunch so it was hardly a distraction and they could have been a little more relaxed about it. And from what I understand, she called him. I know when my dad was over seas in Saudia Arabia, he was pretty limited as to the time of day and number of times that he was able to call home. For all we know she could be stationed with a unit that has very little opportunity to make such calls. You know, it's bad enough that we live in a society where wars and military duty like this limit, or take away, time from people we care about, but it wouldn't hurt for some people to show a little compassion for once and realize that some rules are all right to make exceptions for, just as long as they're not being abused.
ACLeroK212 said:
Rules like that are made to prevent cell phone interuptions during classes and whatnot. It was during lunch so it was hardly a distraction and they could have been a little more relaxed about it. And from what I understand, she called him. I know when my dad was over seas in Saudia Arabia, he was pretty limited as to the time of day and number of times that he was able to call home. For all we know she could be stationed with a unit that has very little opportunity to make such calls. You know, it's bad enough that we live in a society where wars and military duty like this limit, or take away, time from people we care about, but it wouldn't hurt for some people to show a little compassion for once and realize that some rules are all right to make exceptions for, just as long as they're not being abused.
I get the feeling that this kid was a real punk who smartmouthed the teacher and is now just using this as an excuse to get out of trouble, look cool by embarressing his teacher and the school, etc. If this is the case, I find using the fact that his mom's in Iraq in such a way really despicable.
spookymooky said:
I get the feeling that this kid was a real punk who smartmouthed the teacher and is now just using this as an excuse to get out of trouble, look cool by embarressing his teacher and the school, etc. If this is the case, I find using the fact that his mom's in Iraq in such a way really despicable.

An excuse eh? Alright put yourself in his situation, really please do, you'd handle it the same way, doubt he smartmouthed the teacher. I also guess you don't understand his mom is in Iraq, SHE CALLED HIM. I'm sorry but I would've picked up myself if my mom was there, you never know when it might be the last time to get to talk to her.
I understand the situation, I just know a ton of kids who behave in the manner i described, and I would be surprised if a ten day suspension was given only for the phone call. It's possible that he was only taking a phone call from his mom, and politely ended the conversation when asked, but based on what ive heard from the article, that doesnt seem to be the case. After all, I tend to give the faculty the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this, where everything is based on word of mouth.
Actually i think most people would've used foul language in that situation :/
I sure would.

But schools WOULD suspend a kid for 10 days for talking on a cell phone and refusing to get off (it's his mother in Iraq ffs).
If I were in his situation I'd have done the same thing..
The 10day suspension is justified I guess, he did break the school rules and used foul language.. but it's kind of unfair, them not being able to bend the rules a little for him, just once.. it's not his fault his mother chose that time to phone him, and he couldn't exactly just hang up on her, could he? The foul language.. well it depends how the teacher was acting towards him, if they were harsh i can see why he acted like he did
Wow, 10 day suspension is insane. In my school they just take the phone away for the day, 10 day suspension is like bringing a gun to school (well..that is a 2 day suspension).
KoreBolteR said:
wede be expelled if we brought a gun too school. probs
That is what I thought too, but the school probably didn't want it to get out to the media. "Gang violence in Osseo: Gangs arming up" or other such BS, even though the kid was a geeky depressed white guy and wouldn't even be able to get into a gang, we would have that kind of reputation. No one in the school really knows about it, and people who weren't there won't believe it.
Ha, bring back caning, if a teacher tried to hit me I'd hit them back except harder.
I'm sure the school would have understood if he said it was his mom in Iraq but still during lunch hour? who gives a shit. I'd hate to feel the wrath of that mother when she gets back from Iraq, she'd be all like *POW* *NECK SNAP* *FOOT TO GROIN* *NOSE INTO BRAIN* *PILE DRIVER* *COLT TO THE BRAIN* and the school staff would be all like oh noes we just got our ass handed to us :(

**1000th post!!!** :D :D :D
xLostx said:
Ha, bring back caning, if a teacher tried to hit me I'd hit them back except harder.
I'm sure the school would have understood if he said it was his mom in Iraq but still during lunch hour? who gives a shit. I'd hate to feel the wrath of that mother when she gets back from Iraq, she'd be all like *POW* *NECK SNAP* *FOOT TO GROIN* *NOSE INTO BRAIN* *PILE DRIVER* *COLT TO THE BRAIN* and the school staff would be all like oh noes we just got our ass handed to us :(

**1000th post!!!** :D :D :D
remember we get out statuses tomoro :D:D

SHIPPI said:
more like arrested :P

haha, yeh.. and theylle throw in some fines :(
xLostx said:
*NOSE INTO BRAIN* **1000th post!!!** :D :D :D
LMAOnade...nose into're right though..she's gonna be pissed when she gets back. It was a phone call during lunch..lunch for gods sake.

Edit: 500th Post!!!!!11!11!
Me = Halfway there.​
xLostx said:
Ha, bring back caning, if a teacher tried to hit me I'd hit them back except harder.

Yeah now-a-days if you hit someone, don't think just because you're a teacher someone won't defend themselves. Hell if a teacher hit me for a dumb reason, and I knock him flat out, whose fault is it? His obviously for punching me for a stupid reason.
Missingno. said:
I think that the school was wrong. He had a right to talk to his mother.
He had a right, but not to use his cell phone.
So what you're saying is that he should have hung up on her?
Just not have answered, or at least explained the situation to a teacher, first.
hell, i would have answered. if that was me and i hung up, and the worst thing happened to her, i wud never forgive myself for not answering.. and nuke the school
bvasgm said:
So what you're saying is that he should have hung up on her?
No, I am saying he broke a school rule by using a cell phone.
Yes, technically..but sometimes exceptions can be..well, need to be made. This is one of those times.
SimonomiS said:
Ah, the power of media attention.
Exactly. He broke the rules, he got suspended, too bad. The media attention shouldn't have changed that.
Obviously you wouldn't want to hang up on her, but... Oh whatever, I really don't care.
damn we used to pray for suspensions..the longer the better! more time away from that hellhole...

at my high school there were seniors who didn't know what "the ones and tens places" were,cocaine was snorted at back tables and sometimes desks were thrown at teachers/students..

and that was 12+ years ago!! its scary the attitudes these little bastards have nowadays..

more reasons than interrupting class for the "no cell" rule in school..drug deals for one

if the kid was being respectful,the school would have understood the situation and possibly bent the rules...

however if he was being a stereotypical high school punk,well maybe he should have been calm and cool instead of just "cool" and explained himself..

but hey I wasn't there so I don't know what really happened
Yeah this is bs, in my high school, even if it is in the middle of class, if you tell the teacher it is your parents then they will let you take the call outside. Come on, I would got suspended a hundred times to get to talk to my mom in Iraq because you never know, it might be the last time you get to.
T.H.C.138 said:
however if he was being a stereotypical high school punk,well maybe he should have been calm and cool instead of just "cool" and explained himself..but hey I wasn't there so I don't know what really happened
That's right, you don't know what really happened. How do you know he was being the "stereotypical high school punk"? I'm willing to bet that the school told the papers he swore at the teacher to discredit him. People see that and think, oh, he was just being some 17 year old punk who doesn't want to follow the rules. It makes him look bad and keeps people from thinking about the school suspending him because he was talking to his mom..who happens to be in Iraq.

But then again, what do I know...I wasn't there either. :rolleyes:
The teachers\principals are being pricks about the whole thing IMO. Come on, he can't talk to his mother in Iraq? Bs! Apparently the teachers and principals don't know what it is like to not have a loved one around or are complete jerks.

First off, it was the kids lunch period and even though he isn't supposed to bring a cell phone into class, lunch isn't a real class. And it's not disrupting anybody elses lunch time.

Second, yes I'd probably curse in that case too. Who wouldn't be pissed? If it was a few words then it's OK. I'm sure the teachers use it too...

Third, his suspension was WAY too long for saying a word. 10 days? At the most it should've been a Saturday detention.

Those teachers are messed in the head.
You people are acting like a cell phone is the only way to communicate, there are things called letters, I know a little too low tech for these days, but what are you going to do? He didn't even have to bring the cellphone to school in the first place.
A letter? Are you serious? That'll take weeks/months considering how far it is..Also, we don't know if he cursed or not..everyone just assumes that because the teacher said he did, he did.