Students Civil Rights Violated by University Police


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score

Worth a full read, terrible.

Small part
After a few minutes, Rapoli came over, leaving the girl in the room. He then told Abdi he had to leave Fenwick Library. Abdi tried to understand why they had come to this conclusion, asking why he was getting kicked out, when he was there first. The officers did not answer his questions, replying only with a simple answer of, “You need to leave.” Abdi began to cry; he explained that the situation was not fair, stating that he, too, was a student here and that it seemed like just because she cried they took her side. He told the officers, “I don’t think this is right; you haven’t given me a chance to tell my side, and you rushed to this conclusion.” They were silent. Abdi then asked to be escorted back to the study room, to get his belongings. When he entered the room he addressed the girl saying, “You know what you did was wrong; stop making stuff up.” He also asked the girl never to do what she did to him, to anyone else. The girl remained silent.

Although he already searched Abdi inside the building, Officer Rapoli leaned Abdi up against the car, facing the back window and searched him again. While “searching” him, Rapoli tightened the cuffs, enough to cause pain and twisted Abdi’s left hand. Abdi let out a gasp, expressing the pain he was experiencing, but said nothing else. He felt as if Officer Rapoli was provoking him, trying to make him react and escalate the situation – perhaps then they’d have a real reason to arrest him. In the car, Abdi asked again, “Who did I abduct?” Rapoli replied, “From earlier today.” That was the extent of the conversation on the ride over to the Fairfax Adult Detention Center.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 was like any other weekday at George Mason University. One student’s quest for an empty study room was met after a long search in Fenwick Library. Little did he know picking that study room, that day would forever change his life.

Haha, seriously?

Sounds pretty terrible though, yeah.
Yeah, terrible is hardly an appropriate word. Its bullshit that cops can get away with such actions, no doubt, but cops making trouble for minorities isn't exactly unheard of, and this seems like a relatively minor example of it. Even as a white dude, I know not to press my luck with cops.
Yeah, I know several people at GMU who are all pretty upset by this. Pretty depressing that such blatantly illegal and wrong things just seem like the best idea to some people.
Obviously both the girl and the officers involved were at fault, of course, this is only his side of the story, so I'll reserve judgement until I see a court verdict.
That is the most poorly written article I have ever read, which honestly reflects on the truth behind the story a bit, don't you think?

Seriously, it reads like a shitty fan fiction. Why is there a narrator accessing the situation verbatim?
If this is true it's quite sad.

It's a real shame with these kinda cops since they drag down the entire profession, I've had run-ins with cops a few times when I was younger and had mostly good experiences but I've also seen cops that are real pigs(no pun intended) and seem to only be in it for the power-trip.

Like earlier this year, a guy over here was filming civil-dressed cops arresting a guy on the subway, they were being quite rough so he takes up his cellphone and films him, they then push him up against the wall and take his cellphone from him and threatens to have him arrested for "being on narcotics", now they've been sentenced for abusing their powers but apparently they still get to continue being cops despite such a show of incredibly bad judgement and behaviour.
This sounds like maybe 20% of the story.

At its core - why would you leave all of your stuff in a room where anyone could steal it for seven minutes to get a charger? I mean it's weird that someone would come along to a study room and just throw everything out to begin with, but it's even more strange to come back and expect someone who's ballsy enough to just throw your shit out to up and leave. He obviously made it far more dramatic than was necessary... finding a place to study isn't some kind of Indiana Jones shit. It's a ****ing library... sit on a couch and read until a room opens up.

I'm not trying to be anti-civil liberties or rights here, though I'm sure I'll be told I am and attacked for it, but you have to have some common sense both in the situation described and in reading this article. He's keeps reiterating that it's only fair to hear both sides, but he's presenting one side and asking you to believe him. And I'm sorry if I don't find a lot of credibility in a news site made with Joomla...
You think they should have tried to present the girl's side? The officers? The campus officials? How?

Anyway sure, it's not a massive injustice, but taken in context it's still pretty awful. The true story to me isn't about the study room, but the way the officers responded to him escalating the situation. He could have kept quiet about it, come back the next day (or a couple hours, whichever) and got on with his study, but saying that he should have is a pretty pathetic stance to take.
Yeah, reading that article almost made me vomit. It read like a Twilight fan fiction.

While “searching” him, Rapoli tightened the cuffs, enough to cause pain and twisted Abdi’s left hand. Abdi let out a gasp, expressing the pain he was experiencing, but said nothing else.

Well, I've read a few non-twilight fan fictions before and they're usually as poorly written as this piece. I only threw in Twilight because the person who wrote it is a girl. If I'm trying to offend someone, no reason to not stereotype.
You think they should have tried to present the girl's side? The officers? The campus officials? How?

Anyway sure, it's not a massive injustice, but taken in context it's still pretty awful. The true story to me isn't about the study room, but the way the officers responded to him escalating the situation. He could have kept quiet about it, come back the next day (or a couple hours, whichever) and got on with his study, but saying that he should have is a pretty pathetic stance to take.

Using decent journalism rather than a sensationalist whine-fest?

The true story to me is I have no ****ing idea because this thing was written by an angry 8-year-old. Does anyone have any other source for this, so that I can actually justify being upset by it?

stop reading there.
I didn't even read the article, I just felt like going with the flow of the thread.

On another note, this talk of Twilight fanfics makes me wonder if there's any hilarious Twilight Zone fanfics out there. This has to be investigated!
A minority has been inconvenienced maybe, time to start the disgust!!!!!
It's not really evident whether his race factors into it, but that doesn't change how inexcusable this is. To the extent it's true, that is.