Studio Ghibli + Level 5 = Ninokuni (The Another World)

The environments wouldn't look too bad if there weren't these jarringly flat and poorly shaded animu characters walking around everywhere.
The environments wouldn't look too bad if there weren't these jarringly flat and poorly shaded animu characters walking around everywhere.

Just look at Tales of Vesperia or Eternal Sonata. Same simple cel-shaded character designs (though nowhere near as simple as this), but at least the backgrounds shared a similar style so as not to ruin the effect.

Speaking of those games, the combat looks essentially the same to me but with a Pokemon (kinda) twist. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but I don't see that it's anything to get excited over...
If you love Ghibli movies and/or Level-5 this is EASILY one of the most exciting things you have ever heard. The thought of essentially playing a Ghibli movie is unreal to me and this looks like it will be doing a pretty damn good job of getting that right. I mean, look just at Dark Cloud 2 from ages ago--it may not have been pushing the most polygons but it was one of the most beautiful and fun times I have had with a game and reminded me a lot of some of Ghibli material. This game seems to be continuing that vibe. I personally think it looks spellbinding. :E
Couple years ago I would've shat myself at the mention of Ghibli working on a game, but after their last few movies... yeeeeah, I'll judge it by it's merits and not by name value. Level 5 rarely do wrong though, so at the very least it should be a very capable RPG/adventure with some lovely cutscenes. Beyond that, not wowing me.

Anyone I'll stop grinching up the thread for now and let you guys squeal with glee some more. :P
I'll stop grinching up the thread for now and let you guys squeal with glee some more. :P
Geez! Finally!! GTFO!! Hahaha! :)

Seriously though, I understand your trepidation--Ponyo was definitely NOT up to their usual stuff. And White Knight Chronicles was not up to Level-5's usual stuff either, but the pairing of these two entertainment powerhouses should mean that each wants to thoroughly impress the other so they will constantly be looking for ways to outdo one another's vision for this game. Well, this is what I HOPE is going on at least. Guess we'll see.