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Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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For the first time in ages I have managed to find some time at home, well ive had plenty of time but not had the motivation after a days work.

Basically its an exercises looking into low > high poly work flows using max and zbrush then baking normals, AO etc. Doing racing games at work I rarely get a chance to work like this and have not done any in the past.

Hope to carry on working with this, learn some UDK + material editor and then get it in with a few lights or something.



Did some work on the conc texture

You're painting the concrete colors wrong. The "inside" bits when concrete crumbles is going to be lighter than the parts that have been exposed to the elements, not the other way around. Unless the concrete was painted, obviously, but even then the newly exposed concrete shouldn't be as dark as you have it. The bricks look too smooth as well, and need a finer layer of bump, but you've probably just not gotten to that point yet. Other than those things, looks good. The positioning of the bricks makes it really believable.

Sorry fella, been away.

Yea I agree with you. When I was throwing the texture together It did start off lighter but it came out looking a bit flat. Then tried it with the darker colour and just felt a little deeper and more interesting.

I'll try it light again and thow out another render when I get a chance tho, just to double check!
Done some more. Did have a go at making the inner concrete a lighter colour but wasn't feeling it to much.

Yeah, don't worry about it, it always takes me multiple iterations of a texture to actually get it to work. One other thing though, you've got that kind of "plastic-y" look going on. I think you just need to tighten up the spec on the shader. Maybe adding some fine noise into the spec map will help too.
Pretty much finished now, tweaked the spec maps some but going to start looking at something else now. Either udk or zbursh!

Rah, so after a fair bit of learning unreal over the last week decided it was finally time to get stuck into something and create a proper scene. For some reason the door to moria came to mind. I'm hoping to be able to have some fun with the material editor creating some nice shaders, esp doing the nice emissive texture glowing door and water.

Did some boxing out and reference hunting this morning and made a start on the cliffs this afternoon. Cant get enough of unreal, just wish I had found it sooner!

Cpl more pics...

Door with just normal and AO on for now, this is needs work, mesh has some errors and smoothing needs to be sorted too.

Second cliff face and door arch stones
Awesome looking good! Going to do the watcher too? :P
Tree/door is in :o

Really need to get some fillers in there, rocks/foliage/roots/reeds etc just to beef everything up more.


high poly
Starting to fill it out a tad now, few reeds and grassy bits in there as well as some tree roots

Looking great! UDK has Speedtree support as well if you want to populate your scene a little more with that.

Looks great honestly. I'm doing a small student project in UDK right now, if you want to release the meshes of those cliffs let me know :P
Thanks fell'a not sure about speed tree I know its a hell'a lot faster but then I don't learn anything and its turned out to be rather fun making whats there so far.

If you want the cliff's I'm all good with that. I dont know the best way to get it to you tho, you'd need the mesh's, textures and material files :o
Thanks fell'a not sure about speed tree I know its a hell'a lot faster but then I don't learn anything and its turned out to be rather fun making whats there so far.

If you want the cliff's I'm all good with that. I dont know the best way to get it to you tho, you'd need the mesh's, textures and material files :o

Cant you just export the package with all of those in it?
Thanks fell'a not sure about speed tree I know its a hell'a lot faster but then I don't learn anything and its turned out to be rather fun making whats there so far.

If you want the cliff's I'm all good with that. I dont know the best way to get it to you tho, you'd need the mesh's, textures and material files :o

Speedtree is basically "input a couple of values, generate random tree". They look pretty good and you can tweak to your heart's content but the sample textures for them are awful.

I think you should be able to export a package (.upk) with the mesh, textures and materials.
Will give it a go. I wasn't sure if the package was still referencing the files outside of the editor