Stupid answers on biology test's in high school.


Oct 30, 2006
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I remember when I had a stupid biology test in my freshmen year.It was something like"what kind of bond does this and that make"and one of the answers was a james bond.We had people cracking up the whole period.Or on this one qeustion it said "How do these things stick to these things?"And one of the answers was elmers glue-all.Any body else have one?Im just bored so I wanted to make something.
A James Bond is actually a unique molecular process that locks two properties together on an atomic level.
They wernt teaching that to us in freshmen biology on the third week.And they didnt teach us that whatsoever.
They wernt teaching that to us in freshmen biology on the third week.And they didnt teach us that whatsoever.

Where are you that they're teaching Biology Freshman year? That seems...backwards to me.
What does this translate to in Australian terms? Like... Grade 10?
I have Biology next year. I'm taking Physical Science now.
I remember one of my test answers was 8.
i remember at freshman year every question my ethics teacher asked me that i didn't know the answer i would go "because god is great and he wanted it like this and we should obey"...
never got less than 100% :laugh:
i remember at freshman year every question my ethics teacher asked me that i didn't know the answer i would go "because god is great and he wanted it like this and we should obey"...
never got less than 100% :laugh:

freakin awesome.
On one of the last days of my physics class, our awesome teacher (who was like 23) gave us this joke test that like covered all the inside jokes our class had, it was the best.

Senior year was great.
Ahaha, I know what you mean Vegeta.

This year in my senior physics class, we are spending all of October building a trebuchet with which to fling old PC towers across the parking lot.
Ahaha, I know what you mean Vegeta.

This year in my senior physics class, we are spending all of October building a trebuchet with which to fling old PC towers across the parking lot.
In my physics class we're building a hovercraft. :D
In my Physics, we celebrate Mol day by bringing in Xboxs and TVs and having an all day party. No, srsly, we do.
I don't take any 'smart' classes, I take autobody, welding, manufacturing, comm-tech (photography stuff), and physed.

All those other classes are fer bitchs! :)
In my Physics class we are learning about stationary waves and how to calculate the trajectory and speed of a satellite. Will building a trebuchet even teach you anything? I won't even ask if it's on the syllabus.
This year in my senior physics class, we are spending all of October building a trebuchet with which to fling old PC towers across the parking lot.

You'll be recording that, rite? :thumbs:
In my Physics class we are learning about stationary waves and how to calculate the trajectory and speed of a satellite. Will building a trebuchet even teach you anything? I won't even ask if it's on the syllabus.

projectile motion amongst other things... ? no?
In my physics class, the senior girl sitting next to me thinks weight affects gravity.

I asked if she was serious.

She provided the example of a feather and brick.

I facepalmed, and went even deeper into my palm when no one supported me and the teacher nearly reprimanded me for calling her stupid. (And he didn't even correct her, either!) :|
Will building a trebuchet even teach you anything? I won't even ask if it's on the syllabus.
It's hella fun I guess + you learn about projectile physics in close detail (e.g. 45? being the ideal angle for maximum distance)
In my Anatomy and Physiology class we just dissected cats and we're going to tour a med school. I doubt we'll get to see any cadavers though, stupid laws.
In my physics class, the senior girl sitting next to me thinks weight affects gravity.

I asked if she was serious.

She provided the example of a feather and brick.

I facepalmed, and went even deeper into my palm when no one supported me and the teacher nearly reprimanded me for calling her stupid. (And he didn't even correct her, either!) :|

Weight = gravity x mass last time I checked

Your teacher either wasn't paying attention to what she said or he is as stupid as she is.:sleep:

When she said that weight affects gravity she probably mistook weight for mass.
Well, I had a class last year called "Discrete Mathematics", and a good part of the exercises were correct only if the answer was 1. Me and some mates made good laughs out of that...sad but true
I remember when I had a stupid biology test in my freshmen year.It was something like"what kind of bond does this and that make"and one of the answers was a james bond.We had people cracking up the whole period.Or on this one qeustion it said "How do these things stick to these things?"And one of the answers was elmers glue-all.Any body else have one?Im just bored so I wanted to make something.

Mebeh pass your eighth grade bio?
The physics class bombed our english class with a trebuchet!

I think I've told this story before.
We got a really stupid question on our physics exam last year:
Given that the speed of light is 3x10^8 m/s and the populations of the world to be approx 5.6 billion evaluate the likelyhood of Santa Claus existing.
We got a really stupid question on our physics exam last year:
Given that the speed of light is 3x10^8 m/s and the populations of the world to be approx 5.6 billion evaluate the likelyhood of Santa Claus existing.



It's not stupid. Just your teacher asking you do a little physics and making it a little funny.