Stupid Cops!

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I own a Mazda 636lx, payed $3000 grande for it, and pay my own insurance. You're the twat here, repiv, and you're a stupid twat at that. Don't like the law? Tough shit.

If I'm a "stupid twat", then prove it. Being an obnoxious, rude, insufferable **** doesn't mean you have a point. If you have nothing constructive to add, your posts aren't worth the mud off my boots. So grow the **** up or **** the hell off.
Oh, wow, I see you actually decided to make a point. An invalid point, but a point nonetheless.

Both avoided by, you guessed it, following the speed limit. You save about ten minutes speeding, and consume more gas.

So, wait a minute, I should follow the speed limit so government-endorsed hidden hazards don't kill me? I should fall asleep at 40mph on an empty three-lane road at 3 in the morning when 150 would be safe? I should sit in the blind spot of an articulated lorry instead of doing the sensible thing and getting past it as quickly as possible? Well that makes a whole load of ****ing sense - not.
Where did you pull your "ten minutes" figure from? I do the 200 mile journey from London to Exeter in two and a half hours, I'm sure you can figure out the maths. Also, I ride primarily for pleasure so I don't really give a shit about time saved or fuel consumed. I'll ride at the speed I feel is safe. And so long as I don't endanger any other road users - which I don't - other factors are completely irrelevant. My riding style is my decision.
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