stupid gamestop any ideas?



tonight i bought the "collectors edition" of hl2 with the tshirt and whatnot,

yet it appears gamestop packed the five discs in small gamestop envelopes, and unless im blind, i dont see a cd key anywhere.

they gave me the five discs in the stupid orange envelopes, a "half life two quick reference guide", the shirts, and some dumb prima book.

am i just overlooking my cd key or did gamestop screw me over?

if they did im going to raise a huge fit and try to get the cd key and my money back, free hl2. :|

i tried the key on the sticker of the little envelope and it said invalid.

nope, all thats on these lame little orange envelopes is "gamestop blah blah blah we suck", i searched all five inside and out, and tried to enter every possible number i could find on or in anything that came with it, even the numbers on the CD, no CD Key anywhere
just return it and get ur money back, if the orange cases say gamestop then thats proof enough that they tampered with it, im adding this to my check-list of reasons why gamestop sucks.
oh, its about 11:45pm here, they open in the morning, im just going to not sleep and let my anger build up, and then be there first thing in the morning, and i wont leave that store until i have a full refund and a new, untampered copy of the game
damn, and i was hoping for a fix TONIGHT so i could play something other than the ****ing demo tonight
